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54a. Skills and Skill Perks

Below, for those who may be curious to the specific description of each skill is a brief coverage of its overview. Also, listed below are the perks that one gets from attaining certain ranks of the listed skill. These perks are not minor and add a great deal of usability for a character. GMs and players should pay close attention to these perks as they often represent developmental benchmarks.

Each skill below can only be purchased to the same level as the primary statistic that governs it. However, if a character has that skill as Favored, then they may exceed 10 to a maximum of 20, costs recorded in 54c.

Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.



The skill 'Swords' governs the knowledge, usage, and handling of swords. One may specialize further in this skill at 10.

Delay: Weapon dependent

Critical Success: Double damage.

Critical Failure: Deal 5 durability damage to your weapon.

Rank 5: -1 difficulty to all counters.

Rank 10: When the attacker strikes, if they have targeted a limb, roll a d6 and if it rolls 1 take that limb to 0 health. Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.

Rank 15: -2 difficulty to all counters.

Rank 20: When the attacker strikes, roll a d6 and if it rolls 1 or 2 take the location struck to 0 health. Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.


The skill 'Axes' governs the knowledge, usage, and handling of axes. One may specialize further in this skill at 10.

Delay: Weapon dependent

Critical Success: Double damage.

Critical Failure: Deal 5 durability damage to your weapon.

Rank 5: Every time this item strikes a character or is blocked, the piece of armor or shield takes 5 durability damage.

Rank 10: If a character successfully defends your attack, deal half damage to the wielding arm anyway. 

Rank 15: Every time this item strikes a character or is blocked, the piece of armor or shield takes 15 durability damage.

Rank 20: Shields no longer block any damage dealt by axes.


The skill 'Clubs' governs the knowledge, usage, and handling of clubs. One may specialize further in this skill at 10.

Delay: Weapon dependent

Critical Success: Double damage.

Critical Failure: Deal 5 durability damage to your weapon.

Rank 5: Any struck target rolling to stay conscious from a blow to the head now has +1 difficulty

Rank 10: When the attacker strikes, if they have targeted head, the target who is struck must roll a CON check to stay conscious. Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.

Rank 15: Any struck target rolling to stay conscious from a blow to the head now has +3 difficulty.

Rank 20: When the attacker strikes, if they have targeted head, the target who is struck must roll a difficult CON check to stay conscious. Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.


This skill as it is on most character sheets represents the ability Unarmed (Strikes) on a Brawler's sheet. It is the ability to strike the enemy physically to cause 1d8 + STR mod.

Delay: Default of 2. Weapon dependent.

Critical Success: Double damage.

Critical Failure: Do 5 durability damage to weapon, or if not using one,  Do 1d6 to player’s attacking appendage

Rank 5: If the Brawler's next ability (Punch, Kick, Disarm, Throw, Gouge, or Sweep) has not been used in this turn, it accrues a bonus by the following:

Second ability in chain: -1 delay

Rank 10: If the Brawler's next ability (Punch, Kick, Disarm, Throw, Gouge, or Sweep) has not been used in this turn, it accrues a bonus by the following:

Second ability in chain: -1 delay
Third ability in chain: Targets of the same size category’s armor is halved for this strike.

Rank 15: If the Brawler's next ability (Punch, Kick, Disarm, Throw, Gouge, or Sweep) has not been used in this turn, it accrues a bonus by the following:

Second ability in chain: -1 delay
Third ability in chain: Targets of the same size category’s armor is halved for this strike.
Fourth ability in chain: Critical strike

Rank 20: If the Brawler's next ability (Punch, Kick, Disarm, Throw, Gouge, or Sweep) has not been used in this turn, it accrues a bonus by the following:

Second ability in chain: -2 delay
Third ability in chain: Targets of the same size category or one larger’s armor is halved for this strike.
Fourth ability in chain: Critical strike


Gouge has different effects depending on location. Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.

Head: Blind for 1d4 turns.

Chest: Deducts 3 delay from the enemy turn.

Arm: Receives -2 penalty on all attacks. 

Leg: Takes 2 extra delay to move.

Delay: 2

Critical Success: Effects are doubled.

Critical Failure: Do 1d6 to player’s attacking appendage

Rank 5: All successful gouges now deal an additional 1d4 damage.

Rank 10: All successful gouges now deal an additional 2d4 damage.

Rank 15: Head: Blind for 2d4 turns.

Chest: Deducts 4 delay from the enemy turn.

Arms: Receives -3 penalty on all attacks. 

Legs: Takes 3 extra delay to move.

Rank 20: Head: Blind for 1d10 turns.

Chest: Deducts 5 delay from the enemy turn.

Arms: Receives -4 penalty on all attacks. 

Legs: Takes 4 extra delay to move.


This skill, if successful, affects the target with Knockdown. The target may make a Dodge check to see if they avoid the attack. Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.

Delay: 2

Critical Success: No saving rolls for opponent, double damage if applicable

Critical Failure: Player falls to the ground

Rank 5: Also deal 1d6 to both legs

Rank 10: Also deal 1d6 as the enemy impacts the ground to a random location.

Rank 15: The enemy must now make a difficult AGI roll to rise during their turn.

Rank 20: Can now specify two targets for every sweep.


This skill is used to remove an enemy's weapon from their grip. The enemy rolls against their dodge or block to evade. If they do not, the weapon is knocked to the ground. Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.

Delay: 3

Critical Success: No saving rolls for opponent.

Critical Failure: Double delay used

Rank 5: You can now choose to fling the weapon fifty feet away when you successfully disarm.

Rank 10: The delay of disarm is now 2.

Rank 15: You can now disarm the enemy's weapon into your hands and make strikes with it using the Unarmed (Strikes) skill for the duration of the disarming turn.

Rank 20: Effects which would prevent the enemy from being disarmed no longer apply.

Unarmed (Grapples)

It is the ability to enter a grapple test with an enemy where one of the abilities below this skill can be used upon an enemy if they are successful. The enemy rolls Dodge to not be grappled. If they are grappled, they may roll a Strength check on their turn to escape. Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.

Delay: 4

Critical Success: No saving rolls for opponent.

Critical Failure: The enemy gets a grapple on you instead.

Rank 5: Grappled enemies can no longer Dodge or Defend. 

Rank 10: The delay of a grapple is now only 3. 

Rank 15: All checks to escape the grapple are now at difficult check.

Rank 20: The player can now grapple targets a size category above their own.


This is the ability to launch a character under control in a Grapple within a 15ft radius. They are propelled to do 1d6 to a random location to themselves and whatever enemy they hit. This damage does not receive armor reduction. Both targets must then roll a Difficult AGI roll in order to stay standing, otherwise they are affected by Knockdown. The Brawler may also specify that they are throwing the target to the ground, in which case the target is automatically affected with Knockdown. In the event of any throw, this disengages the grapple. Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.

Delay: 4

Critical Success: Double damage.

Critical Failure: Enemy escapes your grapple.

Rank 5: Throw now does 2d6 on contact with the surface they hit 

Rank 10: Delay for Throw is now 3.

Rank 15: Throw now does 3d6 on contact with the surface they hit.

Rank 20: Delay for Throw is now 2.



The skill 'Polearms' governs the knowledge, usage, and handling of polearms (Spears, Halberds, Shovels, etc...). One may specialize further in this skill at 10.

Delay: Weapon dependent

Critical Success: Double damage.

Critical Failure: Deal 5 durability damage to your weapon.

Rank 5: The first attack someone makes on you per round, they lose one delay.

Rank 10: Every time someone attacks you in melee, they lose 1 delay.

Rank 15: If the striker missed their previous attack, their next strike is at +1 difficulty to hit.

Rank 20: Every time someone attacks you in melee, they lose 2 delay.

Small Blades

The skill 'Small Blades' governs the knowledge, usage, and handling of Small Blades (Knives, Dirks, Long-Knives, Daggers) as well as other assorted very small blades such as wrist-razors. One may specialize further in this skill at 10.

Delay: Weapon dependent

Critical Success: Double damage.

Critical Failure: Deal 5 durability damage to your weapon.

Rank 5: Reduce armor protection on aimed strikes by 3

Rank 10: Reduce armor protection on aimed strikes by 5

Rank 15: Reduce armor protection on aimed strikes by 7

Rank 20: Reduce armor protection on aimed strikes by 9


Archery governs the knowledge, usage, and handling of bows and crossbows. One may specialize further in this skill at 10.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: Double damage.

Critical Failure: Deal 5 durability damage to your weapon.

Rank 5: Extend the range of every ranged weapon by 50 ft.

Rank 10: Distances up to double the specified range of the weapon are now at a normal check.

Rank 15: The player may now specify they are moving while firing, traversing a distance equal to the appropriate delay for the attack.

Rank 20: The player may roll at one layer of increased difficulty and stay stealthed when they strike with an Archery weapon.


Firearms governs the knowledge, usage, and handling of blackpowder rifles, pistols, and other such implements. In order to fire a firearm, the character must roll once to load and once to fire. One may specialize further in this skill at 10.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: Double damage.

Critical Failure: Deal 10 durability damage to your weapon.

Rank 5: Extend the range of every ranged weapon by 100 ft.

Rank 10: The character may now specify that they will only roll once to load and fire the weapon.

Rank 15: Distances up to quadruple the specified range of the weapon are now at a normal check.

Rank 20: When you successfully strike a target location with Firearms, it pierces through the target location into one more target location in a straight line behind it.

Thrown Weapons

The skill 'Thrown Weapons' governs the knowledge, usage, and assorted hand propelled projectiles. One may specialize further in this skill at 10.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: Double damage.

Critical Failure: Deal 5 durability damage to your weapon.

Rank 5: Switching to any Thrown Weapon only costs 1 delay.

Rank 10: Switching to any Thrown Weapon costs no delay.

Rank 15: Distances up to double the specified range of the weapon are now at a Normal check.

Rank 20: All thrown weapons now deal an extra ½ damage.


Athletics is the skill governing a character’s ability to carry out physical feats. Its most common usage will be for sprinting. A character may roll a check against athletics instead of no-check movement laid out in AGI, to double the range of their movement (see: 54. Primary Statistics). Athletics can also be used to carry out feats of acrobatics, including vaulting over a high boundary, springing off a wall, etc… If a character wishes to strike, dodge, or defend while in mid-air, they must roll athletics first, then their weapon skill, dodge, or defense skill. Consider all acrobatic feats as costing 3 delay. Athletics is also a saving roll for any skill under AGI besides Polearms, Archery, Firearms, or Thrown Weapons.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: Double potential distance travelled

Critical Failure: Character trips and falls to the ground

Rank 5: If you lose hold of your weapon, you may save with a difficult athletics check to recover the weapon for one delay.

Rank 10: A successful sprint check now triples the range that a character may travel per delay.

Rank 15: A player may now re-orient themselves behind the enemy with a 0 delay athletics check.

Rank 20: A successful sprint check now quadruples the range that a character may travel per delay.


Lockpicking governs the character's ability to crack, pick, or evade locks. Must have a lockpick in order to use this skill. This skill can also be used to make makeshift lockpicks from viable items in the area at difficult check.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: Successfully opens the lock, and the Player can now be Stealthed if they choose

Critical Failure: Jam the lock. Unable to be opened without a key.

Rank 5: Can now remain Stealthed during the Lockpick attempt if Stealth is rolled successfully after

Rank 10: Can now attempt to open a lock without a lockpick, but if the player fails, they jam the lock. Additionally, will no remain Stealthed so long as the skill does not critically fail

Rank 15: May unjam a jammed lock without consequence on a successful lockpick roll.

Rank 20: May now craft and utilize a skeleton key that opens all non-magical locks.


The skill pickpocket governs how good a character may be at planting or stealing items from a person's body without their consent or knowledge. They must make one pickpocket check per item that is placed or removed.

Delay: 3

Critical Success: Player does not need to do subsequent checks to remove/place items in the target’s inventory so long as they do not do another action

Critical Failure: Player is spotted, and are put into a grapple by the target

Rank 5: The pickpocket can now steal or plant items on targets who are looking directly at them by leading their attention. The roll is made at difficult check.

Rank 10: If Pickpocket was used while Stealthed, and the attempt succeeded, the player can roll Stealth again to not break Stealth. 

 Rank 15: The pickpocket now only has to make a normal difficulty Pickpocket check to steal or plant items on targets who have their attention engaged on them.

Rank 20: Targets being pickpocketed no longer get a check to see if they detect the player.


Stealth encompasses all of the character's skills in hiding and sneaking. A character cannot stealth when another character is looking at them. When the stealthed character enters an area where they are in eyesight of other characters they are trying to evade, those characters are given a chance to spot the stealthed character, by rolling a difficult Observation check. Any character who makes their spot check, acts before the character they spotted when combat begins.

Delay: 3

Critical Success: All spot checks on you are at +2 difficulty.

Critical Failure: You believe you have successfully stealthed, but you have not.

Rank 5: Stealth is now 2 delay.

Rank 10: If spotted, the character may roll a Flee at an Impossible check and return to stealth away from the area.

Rank 15: All checks to spot the player must be an impossible Observation check to succeed.

Rank 20: The player may roll an impossible Stealth check when the enemy would get their Spot check. If they succeed, the enemy does not get to make their Spot check.


This skill may be used in order to avoid melee attacks upon the character. When using dodge, the character must roll further under the Dodge skill than the enemy rolls under their attacking skill in order to succeed.

Delay: N/A

Critical Success: You successfully dodge, even if the enemy got a critical success

Critical Failure: Your dodge fails, and you are hit by the enemy

Rank 5: On a successful dodge, if the player made a check that is one more layer difficult than their opponent, they are allowed a counter-attack with any melee skill. Roll the counter-attack against that melee skill. It is a wild strike.

Rank 10: May now dodge backstrikes at Difficult.

Rank 15: May now dodge backstrikes at normal.

Rank 20: May now dodge projectiles at Difficult.


When using this skill a character may escape from battle. After flee, they uninitiate combat unless the enemy or they re-engage.

Delay: 4

Critical Success: Player flees successfully

Critical Failure: Player trips and falls to the ground

Rank 5: Flee now only costs 3 delay.

Rank 10: Character may now re-enter combat in the same turn.

Rank 15: On a successful Flee, if you roll stealth as the next check, -2 difficulty.

Rank 20: On a successful Flee, automatically enter stealth.



Riding encompasses the ability to ride all animals and objects in a manageable and comfortable way. In order to traverse a distance while on the back of a mount, players must roll Riding. The player can then traverse a distance appropriate for their mount’s AGI instead of their own.

Delay: 4 to mount, variable to travel.

Critical Success: Player can do the next few Riding tasks without check

Critical Failure: Player is thrown off of mount, must calm it down before attempting another check

Rank 5: Now only costs 3 Delay to mount.

Rank 10: If the player rolled Riding immediately before a successful melee strike, add damage equal to two times the delay that was spent charging.

Rank 15: If the player rolled Riding immediately before a successful melee strike, apply a knockdown to any target that is of the same size category or lower than the player’s mount. 

Rank 20: -1 difficulty to all combat rolls while mounted.


Climbing encompasses not only the physical knowledge of how to climb, but as well, any techniques or the usage of any tools involved in the act.

Delay: 5 feet per delay

Critical Success: Travels 10 feet per delay

Critical Failure: You lose hold of the surface and begin plummeting to the ground.

Rank 5: May now climb double the listed amounts per delay.

Rank 10: The character now only receives one quarter damage from falling.

Rank 15: If a player falls while climbing, they may reroll to catch themselves on the adjacent surface once per delay they are falling.

Rank 20: If the character fell 100 feet or less, they receive no damage from falling.


Swimming is one's ability to swim and stay afloat in turbulent waters. The player may specify if they are floating at the top of the water or diving, but if they are underwater they must hold their breath and apply rules for suffocation.

Delay: Half of the distance specified on land per delay

Critical Success: Player can do the next few Swimming tasks without check

Critical Failure: Player starts Drowning

Rank 5: Can carry someone with them while swimming.

Rank 10: On a difficult check, the player may now travel the same distance per delay to swim as they travel on land.

Rank 15: No longer makes checks to stay afloat even in rough waters unless difficulties call for a check.

Rank 20: Player never goes under while floating in water unless they specify otherwise.


Willpower encompasses feats of extraordinary constitution. The ability to stay conscious after a blow in the head from an enormous hammer, the ability to stay in control after having ones arm severed, or the ability to keep information secret while being brutally tortured. 

Critical Success: For the duration of combat, the player has an extra free willpower success.

Critical Failure: 

Rank 5: If willpower is being used as a saving throw to stay conscious, -1 difficulty.

Rank 10: If willpower is being used as a saving throw to stay conscious, -2 difficulty.

Rank 15: Willpower may now be used as a save on any skill as long as you do not roll a critical failure.

Rank 20: Willpower may now save on a critical failure on any skill once per day.


Defense encompasses the usage of a shield and the techniques involved in it. When using this skill, a character must roll further under their Defense than the opponent gets under their attack skill in order to defend. Defense can block projectiles at Normal check.

A character with a shield may also roll Defense in order to raise their shield (pre-block). Once in pre-block, any attack which lands successfully on one of the defended areas specified by your shield receives both the reduction from the armor on the appropriate body part as well as the reduction from your shield.

Delay: 2 for pre-block, N/A otherwise

Critical Success when preparing pre-block: When enemies fail to strike you due to your pre-block, they must now roll difficult AGI or be disarmed.

Critical Success on block: set up an automatic pre-block during the enemy’s turn.

Rank 5: Deplete one delay from the striker every time you successfully block.

Rank 10: Can now execute a Shield Bash for 2d6+STR modifier that costs 3 delay and depletes 3 delay from the opponent. 

Rank 15: Deplete two delay from the striker every time you successfully block.

Rank 20:  On a successful defense, if the player made a check that is one more difficult than their opponent, they are allowed a counter-attack. Roll the counter-attack against weapon skill. It is a wild strike.



Observation is a character's realization and observation of the world around him; the ability to pick up fine details that would indicate other facts, the ability to hear a distant sound or to identify its nature. Observation is the fine tuning of the five senses.

Delay: 3

Critical Success:

Critical Failure: 

Rank 5: May assess a character’s primary statistics with a difficult Observation roll.

Rank 10: When a character uses a skill, the player may roll Observation to assess their rank.

Rank 15: +2 to rolls when using Observation to detect targets in stealth.

Rank 20: +5 to rolls when using Observation to detect targets in stealth.


Navigation encompasses the ability to know one's direction, to make a map of the area, to remember their path, and to follow maps in a comprehensive manner, as well as knowing ways of navigation on the sea and on land through way of stars or trade winds.

Delay: 1

Critical Success:

Critical Failure: 

Rank 5: Any Navigate roll that takes the player to a location they have previously traveled to is at normal difficulty.

Rank 10: The character now always knows which cardinal direction he or she is facing.

Rank 15: When the GM rolls for random encounters in nature, they must now tell this player the result and the player may ask for a reroll.

Rank 20: Player can now create an accurate map.


Tracking encompasses a character's understanding of the paths and signs left by traveling things. It is the recognition of footsteps, their gender, weight, height, and race, as well as the knowledge and tricks that allow them to hunt a certain target. Tracking primarily works in coordination with 99. Regions, Encounters, and Ecosystems, where the encounters for each region are listed. Tracking may be utilized in order to pick from one of these encounters on the list. First, declare which encounter you would like to find. Then, in order to see if you succeed in your Tracking, roll against your skill. If you succeed, note how far under you rolled. You may then roll on a d20. If the number you have rolled on the d20 is within plus or minus your roll-under from your desired encounter, you succeed in finding it. If it is not, then you must confront the encounter you rolled instead.

Delay: 4

Critical Success: Delay halved to do task, and the player is given all info on tracks

Critical Failure: Player is given completely wrong information regarding encounter/tracks

Rank 5: Can determine the size category and age of the tracks of any creature whose tracks are found.

Rank 10: Any failed Tracking roll can be saved with Observation.

Rank 15: Can roll against Tracking and choose to go to whatever encounter they desire from the encounter list.

Rank 20: Can determine if hostile targets are within 100 feet on a successful Tracking roll.


Operate encompasses a wide variety of actions, but they are all similar in nature; they require technical knowledge of how to operate an object. The following tasks will follow under Operate for example: turning on the valve of a machine, putting together a caravan, driving a carriage, manning a turret or ballista, using a complicated machine of any kind. Also, you may roll at a Difficult check in order to sabotage any object which would take Operate to use, making it non-functional. A sabotaged object can be returned to normal functioning with an Impossible Operate check.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: 

Critical Failure: Misuse the device, doing 5 durability damage to it

Rank 5: Now have access to the skill firearms. 

Rank 10: May now pilot vehicles without test.

Rank 15: Loading any 7 delay weapon now takes one less delay.

Rank 20: Loading any 8 delay or more weapon now takes one less delay.


Focus represents the character’s ability to concentrate their mind toward a task and maintain a fortified mental approach. For this reason, Focus determines how many items a character may create in a day. Each day, a character is allotted a number of Focus points per day equal to their skill rank and different items use a certain number of those daily Focus points. Once they have zero Focus points, they can no longer craft for the day. Focus is also a save for any skill that is under Intelligence. It can also be used as a saving roll against any unwanted attempt to use a Charisma skill on the player and is specified as a save on many magic spells. 

Delay: N/A

Critical Success: Immune to all further charisma checks for the duration of the interaction.

Critical Failure: 

Rank 5: Player is now aware that they are being manipulated by any charisma or mind control checks they are affected by, even if they have failed the check. 

Rank 10: Player is now aware that they are being manipulated by any charisma or mind control checks they are affected by, even if they have failed the check. 

Rank 15: Player now knows if they have missed an important feature in a room.

Rank 20: If this skill is being used as a save against a magic spell, -1 difficulty.


Literacy encompasses both the ability to read and to write. It is limited only by the languages learned. If one does not know how to speak a language, they may not know how to write or read it. The reader earns skill points that are only to be spent into the learned skill, equal to the INT modifier of the reader added to the quality ranking of the book (from +1-+5). These specific skill points can be combined and spent with General Skill point and Primary Skill points in order to purchase the desired ranks. Any points gained from reading expire if not spent.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: Gain double the number of skill points.

Critical Failure: Double delay spent on task

Rank 5: Can transcribe written pieces

Rank 10: The teacher may now also give the learner extra skill points equal to half the amount they exceeded the test when they rolled Instruction. 

Rank 15: May now use the skill in order to forge signatures and handwriting that they have seen.

Rank 20: Can now read 5 more times per day.


Instruction allows a character to teach one other character a skill. In order to teach another character, the teacher must have a higher rank in the pertinent skill than the person being taught. The person that is successfully taught earns skill points that are only to be spent into the taught skill, equal to the CHA modifier of the teacher. These specific skill points can be combined and spent with others in order to purchase the desired ranks. Any points gained from instruction expire if not spent.

Delay: N/A

Critical Success: Gain double the number of skill points.

Critical Failure: Double delay spent on task

Rank 5: The learner gains additional skill points equal to their INT modifier when being taught.

Rank 10: The teacher may now also give the learner extra skill points equal to half the amount they exceeded the test when they rolled Instruction. 

Rank 15: Instruction rolls now apply to everyone listening.

Rank 20: Can now roll 5 extra Instruct rolls per day.


This skill represents the broad ability of the character to understand their surroundings and to plan their response in light of what they have found. This includes the understanding of the finer points of tactics, battlefield maneuvering, warfare survival techniques, and various other concepts which are known only to those who have studied the ways of battle or have seen in its destructive wake their entire life. As well as the understanding of how people react and mal-react to certain stimuli.  It helps in understanding how a stranger may respond to certain acts of persuasion, or after knowing them for a considerable amount of time; how their brain functions, how their mind works, and why it works that way.

Delay: 1

Critical Success: Player perfectly understands the situation, they are given any relevant information to their roll

Critical Failure: They understand the situation perfectly wrong and must act on it

Rank 5: The character now gains access to Assess Psychology, Assess Tactics, and Assess Etiquette

Rank 10: When a character rolls Assess to determine if they have been lied to, it is now one difficulty level easier than specified.

Rank 15: May now reroll any failed Assess roll on the same level of difficulty one time

Rank 20:  A character may now roll Assess on an impossible check to determine what someone most desires in all of the world.



Disguise encompasses the knowledge of how to assemble believable disguises in order to conceal one's identity. Enemies must make a difficult Observation check to recognize the player is disguised. 

Delay: N/A

Critical Success: Disguise is foolproof, targets must roll at an additional difficulty to expose the player

Critical Failure: Player believes that they have successfully disguised themselves, but can be spotted without a check/materials regarding disguise are destroyed. 

Rank 5: Can now use disguises to imitate other creatures of their own size category.

Rank 10: Can now use disguises to imitate other creatures of one larger than their own size category as well.

Rank 15: Enemies must now make an impossible Observation check to recognize the player is disguised.

Rank 20: Enemies must roll a critical success on Observation to recognize the player is disguised.


Act/Bluff is quite simply, the understanding of how to lie or convey a false truth in a believable manner. Upon a successful Act/Bluff, the enemy may make a normal Assess check to see if they figure out they are being lied to. Each Act/Bluff roll only targets one person.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: Target is utterly convinced of the lie to the point where they will never believe any story that refutes it

Critical Failure: Target sees through the deception, and will never trust the player in matters regarding the lie again

Rank 5: The enemy must now save with a difficult  Assess roll to catch the lie.

Rank 10: May now reroll a failed Act/Bluff roll to try to save with another lie.

Rank 15: The enemy must now save with an impossible  Assess roll to catch the lie.

Rank 20: The enemy must now save with a critical success on  Assess to catch the lie.


Persuasion allows a character to have others do what they desire in domestic disputes by using charm and tact. Each Persuasion roll only targets one person.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: Target will be utterly convinced, may assist even more depending on context

Critical Failure: Discussion will utterly fail without any chance of succeeding in the future

Rank 5: The character may now roll a difficult check to convince targets with an INT of 5 or more that are engaged with them to cease combat and talk instead.

Rank 10: The character may now roll a normal check to convince targets with an INT of 4 or more that are engaged with them to cease combat and talk instead.

Rank 15: The character may now roll a normal check to convince targets with an INT of 3 or more that are engaged with them to cease combat and talk instead.

Rank 20: Every successful persuasion roll on the same target decreases the difficulty of the next persuasion check by an extra -1. max stack of -3


Intimidate is the knowledge of brute force and fear in order to get one's way. If the skill intimidate is used at all, persuasion cannot be used on the same person unless extenuating circumstances allow them to get over this. It may be used if persuasion has been used previously however. Each Intimidate roll only targets one person.

Delay: 3

Critical Success: Enemy cowers and follows your commands.

Critical Failure: Enemy initiates combat with you.

Rank 5: Can now specify up to two targets per Intimidation roll.

Rank 10: Critical failures no longer automatically initiate combat.

Rank 15: Can now specify up to five targets per Intimidation roll.

Rank 20: Can now specify up to ten targets per Intimidation roll.


Leadership is both the knowledge of how to properly lead, as well as the various ways of speaking which indicate an authority worthy of leading. All commands made to other characters in the air of authority require a leadership role unless the commanded desires to do the task anyway. Each Leadership roll only targets one person.

Delay: 2

Critical Success: Target will follow subsequent commands for some time

Critical Failure: Target(s) will refuse to follow the Player’s command for some time, and their opinion of the player is lessened

Rank 5: Can now specify up to two targets per Leadership roll.

Rank 10: Can now specify up to five targets per Leadership roll.

Rank 15: Every Fame that the player has adds an extra -1 difficulty to Leadership rolls.

Rank 20: Leadership rolls apply to everyone within earshot.


Bargain is the knowledge of how to negotiate prices and values to the desire of the character. It is used to haggle with traders, get better contract deals for jobs, and may also be used to take the place or reinforce situations in which persuasion would be used if means of money or trade are introduced.

Delay: Turn

Critical Success: Target will bargain at huge losses to themselves.

Critical Failure: Target refuses to bargain with the player.

Rank 5: Once a deal has been settled, the player may roll an impossible check to double their benefit.

Rank 10: Once a deal has been settled, the player may roll a difficult check to double their benefit.

Rank 15: May now reroll on a critical failure to re-offer the same deal, but if they fail, the critical failure stands.

Rank 20: Every successful bargain roll on the same target decreases the difficulty of the next bargain check by an extra -1.



Lore represents one's knowledge in an area of Nyra, usually gained from experience or intense study and sometimes provide useful insight into situations or events.

Delay: 1

Critical Success: Player’s knowledge of Lore is very extensive to the precise detail

Critical Failure: Player’s knowledge of Lore is disastrously wrong

Rank 5: Player gets a reroll every time they non-critically fail when rolling Lore.

Rank 10: Player gets two rerolls every time they non-critically fail when rolling Lore.

Rank 15: Player gets three rerolls every time they non-critically fail when rolling Lore.

Rank 20: Player gets four rerolls every time they non-critically fail when rolling Lore.


Language is the ability for one to speak a given language. All races automatically learn their native language at fluent levels.

Delay: Variable upon length of speech

Critical Success: Player conveys themselves perfectly.

Critical Failure: Player says exact opposite of their intention.

Rank 5: Player gets a reroll every time they non-critically fail when rolling Language.

Rank 10: Player gets two rerolls every time they non-critically fail when rolling Language.

Rank 15: You do not need to roll to speak this language any longer.

Rank 20: Even on a critical failure, the player cannot fail to convey their intention, even if it is clumsy.


Professions are the more specialized knowledge of a character that they are assumedly making money, or a living from; although the character may merely have this specialization for more practical purposes.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: Use less materials for crafting, halve delay spent doing task, context dependent

Critical Failure: Destruction of materials used to craft an item, double delay spent doing task, context dependent

Rank 5: All goods created by your profession are valued at plus one half of their market value.

Rank 10: You may retest once on this Profession roll every time the GM calls for it.

Rank 15: You can now roll a difficult saving check on Profession to salvage the parts in a critical failure when crafting.

Rank 20: Your Fame multiplies the value of all items you create with your profession.



Foreboding is a skill that uses every being's Eye of Arkhan in order to tap into the ebb and flow of the magic stream. It allows those that use it to sense future events in a very elementary manner, such as a tingle down the spine or hair standing up on one's neck. It may be indicative of a good or a bad event, and is GM controlled.

Delay: 1

Critical Success: Player has an understanding of what is likely to occur in the future

Critical Failure: Player has the wrong understanding of the future


Luck is the effect of the magic stream on the world in reaction to the character, and manifests as events that have extremely low probability. Can be used as a saving roll for ANY task that is not Swords, Axes, Clubs, Unarmed (Strikes), Unarmed (Grapple), Small Blades, Polearms, Archery, Firearms, Thrown Weapons,  Dodge, or Defense.

Delay: 1

Critical Success: Do the task as a critical success

Critical Failure: Fails as if they rolled a critical failure


Magic is a skill only available to mages. The 6 disciplines are Order, Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma, and Chaos.

Delay: Variable

Critical Success: Double damage

Critical Failure: Spell fizzles


Attunement is the knowledge of the spells, mythology, background, philosophy, and effect of an element on the world of Nyra. Using this skill, players can commune with their God or other beings related to their element.

Delay: 1

Critical Success: Player is given a direct communication on some form from their intended target

Critical Failure: Player has no connection to their element, may feel dejected