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Aerabune - Aerabune is both the name of an island and the name of the people who inhabit it.  The island is home to both the least fertile and the most fertile land on the face of Nyra.  Its bottom half, as of an event preceeding 0 AT is infested with pan-dimensional daemons, its upper half, the previously referred to fertile land, is called the Zallkip, by the Aerabune people.

Ale Worm - Ale Worm is a living organism usually used to poison or murder others.  It is a small worm that is useless when fully matured, but when in its infancy may be placed inside Ale, which curiously increases the rate of its growth.  When ingested it tends to get stuck in the lower intestines, and from the absorbed alcohol, grows almost to full maturity within around 17 hours.  At maturity the Ale Worm sprouts spines from all sides of its body, which pierce whatever intestines or inner organs it is in contact with; killing the victim almost 100% of the time.

Archmage - The Archmages are the three political figureheads of the Society of Mages.  They are unique in that they receive no detriment from the ability to use magic, and some have taken to calling the type of magic-user they are, an archmage.  However, the three that exist, Tyriat, Belodin, and Gilmore, insist it is not a a ranking, it is a title, and that they are fundamentally physiologically different.


Baskerk Wallace - Baskerk Wallace was one of the only survivors of the destruction of Crane City, a genius tactician who saved the city from many former attacks from staggering forces.  He is also known throughout the world to be a fine duelist, and is dubbed one of the heroes of the Great War of Nyra.  He is still alive today, however is no longer serving, and lives in the town of Criff.  He is rarely seen and has become a shut-in and a hermit.

Berzerking Endorphin – The Berzerking Endorphin was a chemical found when gnomes did studies on Highlander specimens (Document found was called "Highelanders and Source of Possible Aggression in Society"..  It is present in only certain lines and lineages of the Highlander culture; especially those of the namesake Berzerka and even more specifically, the ‘Nak heritage.  It is always present in the bloodstream as a passive chemical, free-running through the white blood cells.  However, when the subject shows fear or anger, or major hostilities (Which vary between each carrier), the endorphin becomes active.  It has a different effect on each part of the body after soaking into the walls of major arteries and blood veins.  On the brain it blocks off many receptors, including those that inhibit friend and foe, and those that keep a person from over-exerting their muscles or speed.  Most physical thought is transferred into the nerve endings in the spine, which act also as differentiators between what may harm the subject and what may not.  (Such as, what is a weapon, what is not), however, many times they are indecisive or incomplete and tell the body to be afraid of objects which are not weapons.  This is a side affect of the simple differentiators on the lower brain and spine.  However, without fear, or too much thought to cloud the mind, the spine and lower brain makes split second decisions that make the fighter nearly invincible in battle because of his decisiveness and quick reflexes (Some have said to almost pre-empt the violent action towards the attacker itsEthakkra).  It is said, inconclusively, that the endorphin also thickens the skin, making it tauter and more resistant to damage, and in turn thickens the muscles, making them less likely to rip when the fighter overexerts themsEthakkra.  The subject loses almost all consciousness when going into Berzerker Fury.  One of the most major psychological side-affects studied in the subjects was the imprinting of actions to the lower brain and relative inhibitors.  So when a subject sees things similar to what may have happened in his actions during the Berzerking, they may come back as very vivid and terrifying hallucinations.  Full testing on the nature of this endorphin is still not conclusive however, because the subjects which the gnomes were studying broke free, killing most of the science lab in the process.  This study on the chemical has not been continued by any current species.

Blaire - Blaire is a coastal city, being the home of the richest nobles of three species.  The humans, the Kaze, and the Ethakkra.  It is a bustling seaport and is the main trade-city between the continents of Lazvar and Faydorn.

Boiling Blood – The Sea to the South of the unnamed continent.  It got its name from a story.  The story said: A Pirate of the Lazvar kingdom walked onto the shore of the west side of the dreadlands and looked out to the south sea and his words were “Aye, with this heat and the warm waters of our passing that south sea must be boiling blood.”


Char'Nak - The renowned war hero of the highlanders in the Great War of Nyra.  Char'Nak was one of few highlanders that contracted a function of the brain called the berzerking endorphin at birth.  When conscious, he was said to have been not only a brilliant tactician, but a warrior able to slay awe-inspiring amounts of men by himself, when berserk, he was said to be invincible.  Char'Nak had a long, complicated, and lore-filled past, and much of his actual history is argued, but it is known that he was responsible for the deaths of over three-hundred enemies, and that one of these was the cult leader of the Kaze , Dendeck.  He was killed in battle by Gideon.  According to the legend, Char'Nak had promised Gideon a fair battle, without letting himself become overtaken by the endorphin.  Whether this led to his loss or not is disputed, but he died at Gideon's hands in 296 AT.  He was born in 221 AT.

Clearrage – A treaty among Highlanders that says no man shall raise his hand again in anger or war at another man’s tribe.  Many Clearrages have been broken, as one may expect, relating to the Highlanders’ liking towards war.

Coasting Crests – The Ocean North of Lazvar and east of Kaem.  It is said to be very calm.

Crane City - Crane City was the home of many great warriors to come to prominence in recent ages, most notably the Age of Heroes.  The most famous of these warriors was Baskerk Wallace, who served as High-Tactician for King Koradin Creel in the last Great War of Nyra.  The city of Crane was formed by an enormous group of refugees, when the King Burillo Carthest destroyed their former home of Basmar.  However, Crane City was destroyed by a very well maneuvered sneak-attack in 291 AT by the underEthakkra forces and is now the site of a large field of ruins.

Creel, King Koradin - See subentry "King Koradin Creel" under King of Man

Cultists - The majority of cultists are the followers of THE, god of chaos, and can range between any emotion and mental illness imaginable.  There are entire sects of followers that believe that true unpredictability is found in the grasps of a thorough love for all things.  And inversely there are some groups that believe only in betrayal, deception, and sadness.  The cultists of chaos are just that; chaos.  However, there are some few that follow other ways, such as the Way of the Old Flame.


Darkisms/Dark Magickers - Darkisms as they are called, are dark magic users who have no allegiance and simply serve themself or are more bluntly unaligned with the Order of Mages.  Dark using magickers who are assosciated with the Order of Mages are called "Noxai".

Dragons (Elemental Dragonkin) – The enormous four-legged, winged, creatures of Fel.  Very little is known about the Dragonkin, except for their society; which is ruled by one King, but even much about that is unknown.  For reasons only speculated on, the Dragonkin have become aligned with certain elements, even from birth.  Some speculate it is because they are close to the gods, and are gifted with their inheritance at birth.  Other speculate it is because at one time, the Dragonkin were spread indefinitely upon Nyra in all the different regions, and at this time, adapted with unsurpassed efficiency, to their environments.  Some obscure sects of different speciess have adopted the Dragonkin as their gods, calling Fel the “Rakka-Thall”, translating to “The God Lands” (See Fel for public relations to the Dragon city).  Despite rumors, the dragons, serpents by nature, cannot breathe flames as the many myths make them out to do.  There is much speculation as to why this legend may have been developed, but no theory is conclusive on the history of the tale or where it began.  It is know however, that one of the three Dragon emissaries that was sent to the humans generations ago, was indeed of the element of fire.

Draethus Bracksteel - Draethus Bracksteel was the leader of the Under-Ethakkra, starting somewhere in the vicinity of 220 AT.  He was the progenitor and leader of the Under-Ethakkran movement called The Infested.  Little is known about his affect on the Under-Ethakkra.  But it is generally accepted that his ideals and actions were malicious in intent.  He was killed in the Great War of Nyra, presumably in the attack upon Farhaven.

Druid – See Solidus


Ethakkra – The race of merchants who populate the cities of Quein'Malanthas and Korrid'Malanthas.  They are well-known in current times for being the subject of a staggering amount of racism. They appear to be humanoids with the features of goats.  They all have the innate ability of mild shapeshifting which changes them between their goat-like appearance to one which they call their “avatar” and resembles what they call their ‘inner self.’  The Mords, as a group, are criticzed because they make their avatars resemble humans.

The Ethakkra tend upon two sects in two classes of the Ethakkran community:

The two sects inside the normal Ethakkra are the Giordi and the Malthuse.  The Giordi generally tend towards peaceful interaction and large sales with other large groups of Ethakkra and various species.  They are the main sect that are responsible for the first trade agreements with the city-state of Garth of the humans in 531 BT, and uphold most of the trade on the valuable and monopolized Koda Spore.  They are what sociologists would likely consider, the foremost progenitors of the stereotypes and archtypes of the Ethakkran merchant.

The Malthuse are actually the suppliers, harvesters, and workers of the lower Ethakkran community.  They harvest the Koda spore, they build houses, they function as the hands and feet of the Ethakkran community, and as is naturally assumed, are the largest body of the Ethakkra of Malanthas.  Few Malthuse ever leave the city of Quein'Malanthas, nor the Ethakkran community, opting for a simpler life among their brethren.

Of the high Ethakkra, there are two more sects, the highborn and the lowborn.  The highborn are those that are considered to have been born into the high Ethakkran community to a high Ethakkran family.  It is difficult to understand what the high Ethakkra judge this criteria on, as it is heavily pejorative to the way the Ethakkran society and its various interactions function.  The closest approximation of how an Ethakkra is judged highborn or not is whether they are highly connected, are proud, and have large amounts of money, preferably made from trade that facilitated large loss on the opposite side of said trade.  Lowborn by contrast, are those that have committed, likely through the Giordi sect, deeds which bring them to light in the elitest high Ethakkran community.  As such, by most highborn, (And it should be noted, a view that is not to be held among the Giordi), the Giordi are a sort of proving grounds to becoming lowborn.

These practices are quite recent however.  Shorter than 80 years previous, the sect of high Ethakkra were merely those who were directly associated with nobility or strongly related to high traders.  However, an event took place, called Rastranal, or more commonly, the Heightbringing, which alienated part of their society.

The Ethakkra as a whole, with a noticeable exception to the high Ethakkra in the noble community of the humans, are considered; swindlers, thieves, liars, cheats, backstabbers, murderers, and many other lower forms of violent society.  The racism could stem from a great many things, but when the common person in society is asked why, they will almost inevitably cite the Ethakkra’ mercantile ways.  However, among Human merchants, the Ethakkra have proven to be stable and reliable traders with which the huge spore trade takes place. (See Koda Spore)


Famulus – The Famulus are a race bred originally to be the servants and workhorses of the Ponderan.  This is a capacity they served for quite some time, convinced by the Ponderan that this was their birth-right.  In the beginning they were treated kindly, their name "Famulus," meaning "family."  However, as time went forth, it became the norm that Famulus were subjugated to do mostly a slave's work with little or no payment.  The Famulus, despite this, were given education and did serve in the Ponderan military as it stood.

But revolution stirred among the Famulus slaves, educated with knowledge of history, and some returning from bloody battles.  This instinct to rebel and to strike down their oppressors became heavy within their peoples.  Before the Ponderan could quell it, the Famulus rose up with a mighty swiftness and killed thousands of Ponderans in that one bloody night called 'Ferucia,' or 'Massacre.'  In the following months, the Ponderans were thrown from their home island and the Famulus ran free.  

However, as the years wore on, the Famulus realized that they had not been educated fully and that the society the Ponderan had built was one they were not equipped to usurp.  Famulus, being large in size and having just learned the apparent lesson that might wins, began to brew a culture that was more about violence and action.  About getting what one wants contrary to opponents.  This meant that piracy and raiding of various societies on Nyra became commonplace by the Famulus about one hundred years ago.  Those who did not decide to leave the island for a life of warfare and pillaging would stay back to tend to the land they fought so hard to claim.  This latter groups are sometimes called homers.

Today the Famulus have a society that is cloistered and plunged into a sort of Dark Ages.  However, at a young age, every Famulus is told the story of slavery, and reminded that they are much better off now.

Farhaven – Farhaven is by far the largest city on the face of Nyra, even after the recent civil war.  Once the capital of the humans, the center of trade in the world, and also the subject of some of the most unique lore and history of almost any city.  Farhaven is also where the King of Man held his throne, living in a tower that rose into the air above the city, called "Burilo's Reach".  This tower has now fallen however.

The city's architecture is notably odd for any race on Nyra.  Mostly to be noted, is the sheer size of its streets and archways, sometimes measuring over three-hundred to four-hundred feet tall, and streets wide enough to accommodate several trade caravans running simultaneously, even in the slums.  There is no current consensus on why.  The first beginnings of the city were built far before current stable history, but it began taking shape into what is currently seen and imagined under the leadership of the King Burilo Carthest.


Galar Min’Thrusad – Was a prominent High Ethakkra supporter, but was himself, not a High Ethakkra.  Galar lived during the High Ethakkran uprising, of which he was spared from any hateful attacks.  There is much controversy in Ethakkran society over Galar’s purpose, and what his true feelings towards the uprising were.  Many claim he was highly rebellious and that in order to stay untarnished and fight for his cause, he claimed the exact opposite of his true sentiments.  However, a majority more still believe that Galar was a man who realized the High Ethakkra place before his time, and was one of the first true supporters of the regime that was soon to become the strongest leadership of Ethakkran society.  His avatar was a golden tinged Ethakkra.

Guri'Cha - Guri'Cha is the name of the hero of the Kaze in the Great War of Nyra.  He was known to be a devastating leader with his battalion of specially trained warriors, and also to be an awe-inspiring warrior able to defeat over twenty men single-handedly in armed combat.  He was said to be the only warrior capable of defeating the highlander hero Char'Nak...and proved this rumor true, shortly after Char'Nak toppled the cult leader of the Kaze in 295 AT, killing Char'Nak on the recently used battleground just outside of the Valley of Stone in 296 AT.

Gnomes - The Gnomes are a now extinct race of very short humanoids, probably measuring around three to four feet on average.  They are known to have gone extinct in exactly 201 AT, due to an enormous magical disaster, which destroyed their entire race in one event.  Very little has been able to be recovered from their caves and cities, but of what has, one of the most important documents ever recovered, "A Study on Magick and Its Affects on the Universe As We Know It" was found...which was widely disregarded by all the species beside the highlanders and the Sarkin.  The gnomes were thought to have been enormously advanced both technologically, scientifically, and societally from the other species on Nyra, thousands of years before documented history.  But other than this, and a possible tenuous past with the Ponderans, nothing is known of the gnomes.

Goda Spore – Goda Spore is one of the three lifebloods of the world market; one cornered by the Ethakkra.  In the forest surrounding Quein'Malanthas floats the Goda Spore, a spore which when inhaled heightens the senses, the perceptions, the sight, the reflexes, and every identifiable human trait at almost little to no cost to the inhaler. (Refuted later in entry).  The spore has become such commonplace among most of society as a household item, that it has been mixed into most drinks and foods, and as the Ethakkra control it’s market, has also become a reliable form of universal currency.

However, Goda Spore is difficult to contain when not grounded or mixed with a substance, and is usually kept within jars or containers of some kind, which makes it an unstable substance, and therefore difficult to keep track of.

There are scientists who argue that the Goda Spore has negative health benefits, most chief of them, being mental or even physical addiction in large doses (Which almost every member of society is exposed to).  And when a user stops inhaling or consuming the Goda Spore for a period consisting of about three weeks, they may feel an enormous sense of lethargy, or in innumerous cases, a shockingly lowered immune system for a period of about four months following their deprivation.  This can cause many to die of common sickenesses that would have been fought off in any other situation by their body, and could quite easily kill someone.

However, the Goda Spore trade remains consistent, and seeing as it is a renewable resource, should remain that would for some time.

Great War of Nyra - The Great War of Nyra started, due to a disagreement between the humans and the Kaze in 283 AT, it lasted 22 years, ending in 301 AT, and shortly preceeded the end of the Age of Heroes in 302 AT.  For more information on the Great War and the Age of Heroes.

Greeminah – The finest delicacy of fish in the world.  Nobles pay extravagant amounts of money for a platter of Greeminah (Which is admittedly quite large).  And as is somewhat a custom of delicacies, many say it is an acquired taste.  The Greeminah is a large inland river fish and has whiskers that come from the side of its mouth, it ranges from teal to dark green in color and grows to almost four feet in length at some times of year and in certain places.  The city of Talisdeem are the only ones that know the secret hiding places of the Greeminah, and as such are somewhat safe from the Ethakkran mercantile forces.  It is a well kept secret.


Heightbringing, The – The Heightbringing is the common popularization of the word “Rastranal”, which Ethakkra use to refer to the enormous tipping point at which racism towards their people became a social epidemic.  When Ethakkra are asked why it translates in this manner, most will reply that it is colloquial, or more appropriately, an effect of the structure of the language.  However, expert Ethakkran/Human linguists argue it is but a simple offshoot of the fact that it was brought on by the “High” Ethakkra; so in effect, “Brought by the High”, instead of “The Heightbringing”.  However, none can be sure of its direct meaning, as it was claimed by a man who has passed away; Galar Min’Thrusad.  Galar being a prominent pro-High supporter, probably would not have claimed that the racism was “Brought by the High”, so it is often argued that “The Heightbringing” could imply that he was claiming one or the other of the involved races has gained/lost social Height.

Albeit, some argue Galar was not what he claimed to be, and there is much controversy over Min’Thrusad’s image; many might claim that his insertion of this word was his bravest testament to his true feelings of hate toward the High Ethakkra and that he truly harbored warm-feelings towards the rebellious uprisings when the High Ethakkra began claiming leadership.  However, there are no substantial arguments for this view, and Galar seemed to be an upstanding member of his party.  (More about Galar, above) 

Highlanders – Highlanders are the large, brawny people of the northern polar climate of the Faydorn area.  They are, on average, around one to two feet taller than the average human, and are also much wider, hairier, more muscular, and with a much stronger disposition towards the crafts of war, and cultural rites and traditions than the other species.  They also, despite being in constant civil war, have an actually singular functional government, called the Committee of G'ok, where the heads of all the tribes, clans, and cities meet to discuss worldly and racial matters.

It should be noted that using the term “barbarian” to one of such persuasion is considered an enormous and dire insult.  It not only denies their family heritage, but also depicts them as ruthless savages.  If one were to speak of or to a Highlander in a respectful manner, they would refer to them as “A ‘Min” or “A ‘Nak”, as per the tribe they hail from, or more respectfully “A Son of Char’Nak”, or “A Son of Tola’Min”.  

The more polite terminology to refer to those of such persuasion is “Highlander”and is not only the generally common usage, but also what their official name among the species is.

There have been several stories of treatise being taken on by those not gifted with the knowledge of statecraft, and calling one of the highlanders a barbarian.  All of these stories end in bloodshed and almost inevitably lead to a war where the highlanders emerge victorious.

There are several tribes to be noted in Highlander culture, most of which are at war with one or another.  The main tribes (As should be noted, are in constant trivial pursuits with each other over territory and ownership over various situations and items) consist of:

‘Min tribe – The ‘Min tribe are those of the scholars and aristocrats of the highlander society.  It is rare that they are involved with the wars of the other two large clans and the assorted smaller ones, unless they are there as supervisors and counselors.  Their traditions seem to be confined to a single right of passage ceremony, where they force a child to devote himself to a single craft and excel at it.  As such, there are many fine scholars that come from the “barbarian” society and are treated quite well among the Humans.

‘Nak tribe (Also known as the Berzerka) – The ‘Nak tribe is not known for a great many things…but one of them is war.  It is said that some of the finest and most frightening warriors in the world come from the ‘Nak tribe.  It is also somewhat known among the common denizens of the world, that the ‘Nak tribe have a tendency to develop a chemical in their body called “The Berzerking Endorphin”…gaining them the title, Berzerka.  (To read more about The Berzerking Endorphin, see entry under "Berzerking Endorphin").

McPherson clan – The McPherson clan are known as very fierce tacticians and warriors (The latter of which, still overshadowed by the ‘Nak clan), and are called upon as generals and tacticians in many large-scale wars.  The McPherson seem to have many small rituals which cannot be deciphered from family to family and range far too many in their society to isolate as a particular tendency of this tribe.  However, it is known that almost every McPherson clan child goes through a ritual, sometimes quite cruel, and other times euphoric, or involving hallucinogens.

There are many other smaller tribes of the Highlanders, however, these three are the most common and the most varied in their practices.  

Highlanders as a culture, regard war not as a folly, but instead, as a proving ground for their souls for the afterlife.  Hate is only a byproduct of the situations, and they willfully die for a cause that they perceive as good, as well as band together for certain situations.  It should be noted, a good deal of Highlanders are not accepted in society as equals…but somewhat sub-Human.  However, they are considered to be a good deal more accepted than the Ethakkra or the Mords and could possibly even make a life for themself as respectable members of human, Ethakkra, or even, despite past differences, Kaze society.  Despite this, it is rare to never that someone will meet a Highlander in any society besides their own.

High-Ethakkra – Ethakkra that claim to be the future of evolution in the Ethakkran society.  The High Ethakkra have taken governmental positions and have created and enforced a strict caste system to the society.  The High Ethakkra have entered several treaties with the King of Man, Doran.  Especially one that dictates that in trade for certain non-disclosable public information, the city of Farhaven, shall deliver any and all Mords found to the city of Malanthas for public execution and/or torture.

After the recent reign of the High Ethakkra, it is claimed that the high prejudice towards the Ethakkran society became much more prominent and made them into outcasts or unequals within a very short period of time.  This time is known to the Ethakkra as “Rastranal” or, as best as can be translated to common tongue “The Heightbringing”.  High Ethakkrans typically have a elegant avatar in appearnace and are very good at assuming their avatar form and keeping it.   

Humans - The humans are the dominant species of Nyra, also called 'Man' in such cases as 'Hero of Man' or 'King of Man'.  They are, by most comparisons, average in stature, height, and build.  The humans are a proud species, eschewing their race even at the expense of others.  In this way they are known to be very imperialist and often steal the lands of other races through military force.  Even the kingdom of Man is steeped in the blood of different sects of humans.

Recently a civil war has rocked the lands of Lazvar, home of the humans.  The Farhaven Alliance and the Secessionists of Leep fought an abrupt and violent series of battles, burning cities and villages to the grounds on both sides.  When the smoke cleared however, Farhaven had been sieged and the royalty of the sitting kingdom were slaughtered wholesale.  In place of the Farhaven Alliance has now arisen what is called the Leep Empire.  A new powerhouse for the humans, bent even more upon acquiring land and power than their predecessors.


Infernai - The Infernai are the controllers of the destructive phase of fires and plasmas.  They are second most well-known of the different mages, just behind the Orderists.  The reason for this however, is because they have been known to be the most dangerous to the well-being of the average individual.  In times past, before there was a Society of Mages, the Infernai were the wild fires in the country-side.  They were well known to follow the ways of the Old Flame, a belief that held that everything was destined to be consumed in flames.  However, in time, the ways of the Old Flame disappeared from the various ranks of the Infernai, and now they follow the way of the New Flame. (See Way of the Old Flame/Way of the Old Flame in appendix to learn more)  The Infernai are still looked at with wary eyes to most individuals, and may even be judged harshly by fellow mages.  What is true, however, is that they are devastatingly deadly.  The head Infernai is Kiren'Kiren, the Human.



Kaze – The Kaze are the rather tall, greytone-skinned sentient humanoids who dwell on the landmass of Kaem.  They are a species with a history of extreme discipline and focus, eschewing a lifestyle of simplicity.  They are known for the patient planning which goes into all their endeavors, making them the most valued record keepers, strategists, and scholars.  Their Ushi class warriors are known for their cunning method in combat, being not only very deadly but also wily and adaptive.  The Ushi have been the main contributing factor to why the continent of Kaem is still untouched by outside racial interests.  In the past, several races including the Humans, the Famulus, the Highlanders, and even the Ethakkra have attempted to use military force to impose upon the Kaze, but have failed in a very bloody manner.  Of those, the Highlanders provided the most casualty in response, still remembered by the Kaze as a sort of cultural memory; the War of the Hills was a strife-filled time in the Kaze history, and is depicted in much art.   

Keela Moss - Keela Moss is the narcotic moss grown in the swampy areas of mid-Lazvar.  The city notable for its growth and distribution is Quarc.  When Keela Moss is smoked or eaten it sets in quickly, calming the consumer, leading to what has been called a 'soothing pressure' on the joints and a freeness of movement and head-space, in time leading to an almost overwhelming pacification and apathy.  It has very few negative side-effects other than any difficulties one may accrue from the ingestion or inhaling of moss.  Of note is that those who distribute it tend to eat it, and those who merely buy it, tend to smoke it.

King of Man – There have been many, many King of Man; ranging from some of the most legendary, to those who have even gained Godhead in their immortality, to some who have been claimed as the most despicable men in history.  The following subentries will detail many who have taken the title of King at the throne of Humans; they are listed as the newest first, progressing further and further into the past.

King Amadeus Doran – To the poor he is despised and to the nobles, loved beyond repute.  He has quadrupled the poverty rate and has put thousands of workers out of their business in favor of newer noble-owned businesses; he keeps very little of Farhaven or his kingdom’s traditions, save those that make him money, such as his trade with the Ethakkra.  He is blamed to be the one who has reiterated the stereotype that Ethakkra are lower than Humans effectively, and in doing so has gained favor from those who have now dubbed themselves the “High Ethakkra”…Doran is the first King in the last era to have an effective rebellion against his power (Seeing as an effective one requires enough rebels to make a good attack on the throne), of which go by “The Third Eye” (For more information read The Third Eye).  He has named his knights The Knights of Doran, and they are also renowned for being the most corrupt police force in the world and in the recent history, taking place openly in criminal operations, without fear of retribution from their King.  King Amadeus was born in 265 AT and took the throne in 303 AT.  However, due to an successful assassination attempt by a red haired highlander, he is deceased.  In his wake lies an open throne and a turbulent civil war.

King Koradin Creel – Koradin Creel is quite possibly one of the most influential men in the history of the world; now being regarded with such blatant praise that he has actually gained Godhead among the people.  He effectively smashed the kingdom’s deficit, while decreasing crime, and giving rights back to the people, taken by the former –somewhat neutral standing- King Marhed.  He also led successful raids on enemy towns and traveled with his personal army called “The Gatrah” meaning literally “Truth, Justice, Love, Beauty, Knowledge, Life, and Death” in the Ancient Ethakkran language and fought on the battlefield.  King Creel was known for appealing to both noble and commoner in the same breath with his truthful and fair tactics, and also for personally walking among the people in town without fear of assassination.  When Koradin died, every country and nation on the planet came to Farhaven and wept for him, save the Dragons.  It is now commonly believed that “The Messiah” as outlined in the popular religion of the people, was Koradin Creel, and when he returns he will smash the problems of the world and bring light back to the people.  His name has become a fitting for popular phrases, such as “For the blood of Koradin!” and “Koradin above…”…He was born in 221 AT, took the throne in 243 AT and died of the Gainaki Plague in 302 AT.

King Fareid Marhed – Fareid Marhed was known for being a man who rose from poverty, through the ranks of the city of Farhaven, and achieving a status somewhat as a hero among the people, finally being appointed King when the former died of an unknown disease.  Many regard his story as a tragic tale, seeing as he came in with many optimistic and positive views, but slowly through a war with the Highlanders that he was required to continue on behalf of the former King, became a sour and bitter man.  He ended his days; known somewhat as a failure, putting many restrictions on the rights of the people and dropping deep into depression, he did however, end up winning the war against the McPherson tribe Highlanders by attacking a village of women and children as a scare tactic and finally ended it with finality when sending his entire personal army (“The Edgebearers”) into direct combat, in turn killing his best friend and brother who he had personally appointed to their ranks; he soon after committed suicide in his quarters.  He was born in 185 AT, took the throne in 221 AT, and committed suicide in the year 243 AT.

King Burilo Carthest - Burilo Carthest was King during an era of extreme civil strife among the humans, and was known for reiterating a brutal war against the highlander clan, McPherson and for also being the only King of Man to ever speak with the dragons.  King Carthest ordered the destruction of the ancient city of Basmar whose refugees later formed the city of Crane however, and broke the word of the dragons, a short time later. As he had intended, this ended the civil strife, but did not solve his problem with the highlanders, who ultimately sieged Burilo's newly constructed throne-tower Burilo's Reach.  They did not kill him, but soonafter he contracted a disease that was unable to be identified and ultimately took his life a year after. He was born in 135 AT, took the throne in 165 AT, and died in 221 AT.

Korrid'Malanthas - See Malanthas


Lazvar – Lazvar is the largest continent of the planet of Nyra, comprising

Lycanthropy - Lycanthropy is a fluid-transmitted disease to all known humanoid species.  Know colloquially as "The Lyca" among most people in society, it is considered an epidemic in some sections of the world; in places, entire cities have been turned Lyca positive.  Lycanthropy is a very rarely studied disease among scientists, as it is difficult to actually study those infected.  Lycanthropy is a progressive disease, starting with very subtle symptoms, escalating greatly over the course of the person's life.  The most dominant symptom is an overwhelming feral urge to fulfill the most basic instinctual needs...such as killing one who angers you, eating everything edible in sight...etc...and it is found the more that the user gives in to these urges, the faster his mental and physical symptoms tend to progress overall.  No effect of the disease can be undone, as it is a fundamental change to the physiological, chemical, and instinctual functions of the afflicted's body.  In the end, the user becomes something similar to a man and not quite a wolf.  The disease actually fundamentally alters the DNA of the individual that is affected, and causes the body to begin developing completely different characteristics.  His skull structure elongates, his teeth become sharp, his nails do as well.  He grows a thick lair of fur, and overall becomes very lupine in appearance.  

Lycanthropes tend affectionally towards familial counterparts.  However, this link is only noticed when a family member has become lyca positive.  Those that have become fully shifted, have no affection towards their human family, nor to any friends or partners they previously had until said parties have become like them.  Despite this however, lycanthropes tend toward strong pack mentalities and are strongly protective of eachother, their territory, and their instincts, good and bad.


Magic - Magic is the most widely translated force in the world of Nyra.  Every race has a unique translation of its existence and what it is and means.  However, according to documents recovered from the gnomish ruins, magic is "One of the core forces of the working universe.  The glue that holds them together, that which pushes the universe apart, which fuels the force of entropy, which pulls an apple in the air towards the earth.".  It is one of the major constants of the universe, and the gnomes, suspected of being devoid of any major magic usage, studied its use in other humanoids in great detail.  They are, along with the experimentalists and the archmages, considered still, to be the authorities on its research.  As the gnomes no longer exist, magic research is being carried on by the archmages and the elementalists, as well as the Society of Mages.  It has been determined that for a person to be able to cast magic, they must have a component of the brain dubbed the Eye of Arkhan, which focuses magic through a metaphysical link in the component, highlanders do not have the Eye of Arkhan, nor do the Sarkin.  Magic forms as residue on cell walls and in bloodstreams, and in time, becomes an active component in the makeup of the long-term user's blood.  This is called magicite, and is actually poisonous to the body of the user, as it is very like radiation. As such that magic is a force all its own, devoid of physical form to begin with, when it bonds with blood vessels, it becomes magicite.   It is unlike radiation and common sicknesses however, in that it is a completely stable degression of health, and the user may in fact rehabilitate their body so that it can handle larger concentrations of magicite in the blood.  However, most species have a limit on the physical as well as the metaphysical size of their Eye of Arkhan, that in time, along with the degradation of their bodily functions, makes them either too physically incapable of increasing their magicite counts, or simply kills them from over-poisoning.  The highlanders and the Sarkin, being the only species that are devoid of the physical component of the Eye of Arkhan, demonize it, because they have no regulator in which to keep their bodies from shutting down from the poison.  To the highlander and the Sark, magic residue builds up in the brain and causes massive and multiple system failure, starting first with their mental processes, such as sanity, vision, feeling, and others, and moving on, if they survive this period, to kidney, muscle, heart, and eventually complete brain failure.  This period usually takes a matter of weeks, depending on the magicite counts in their blood, and the physical fitness of their bodies.  Because it is at first a metaphysical force, highlanders and Sarkin also avoid anyone with large concentrations of magic in their blood, such as mages, and items which have been enchanted with magic, as with prolonged exposure it may reiterate and kill not only themself, but other exposed parties in their communities.

Among the most well-known communities, magic is feared and hated for its history of the Infernai and Noxai who have destroyed many lives.  To the trolls it is the outcome of the passion in their rituals, which tend to activate their Eye of Arkhan and link them with the magic flow.

Magic, as a force, is thought to actually fuel the primary functioning actions of the universe, such as entropy, electro-magnetic constants, and other various powers.  Because of magic's metaphysical nature and its theoretically endless resevoir of potential power, the universe, according to the gnomes, may never end.  But those who use it, the Mages, are considered abusers, adulterers of the order of the universe by those who do not understand, and are therefore despised.  Only few and far between tolerate the existence of them.

Magehunters - A rare group of hunters, hired mostly to take care of perceived mages (Usually humans that are the target of the collective paranoia of a town), or in some occasions to sweep country-sides or other various areas to kill and display their bodies.  Very few magehunter groups do so without being paid, although there does seem to be a deep hatred that holds true even in those inclined by money.  Magehunters have a similar, if not higher casualty rate than slayers, as many mages Sark the average dangerous creature in power and fighting one is not an easy situation.  Highlander societies, specifically the McPherson tribe, are solidly rooted in magehunting tradition, and may be found as the head planners or leaders of even Lazvarian magehunting groups.

Mala - Ethakkran for "Non-Town", indicating an Ethakkran run city which is not ordained to be a "True City".  It is therefore a place where all species may come and meet.  Unlike True Cities, Malas are good for traveling Ethakkra, in that they have free amenities.  But even though the cities may be open like traditional Lazvarian cities, other species may not take advantage of this offer.  Like in a True City, if an Ethakkra is insulted (As may be inverse to the rest of society), the insulted will be thrown from the city.  Unlike a True City, they are allowed back in if they beg for forgiveness.

Malanthas – Ethakkran for "True City", there are two of them on Nyra.  Quein'Malanthas and Korrid'Malanthas.  Malanthas', True Cities are notable to merchants for one very major reason; the only business allowed to be done in their walls, is by Ethakkra.  If one wishes to do business and is not of Ethakkran persuasion, they are asked to step into specially made buildings called 'Garunes', or "Necessity Huts".  Or more usually, outside of the city.  For this reason, Malanthas' are considered the only places the Ethakkra do not seem to be merchants at heart.  Perhaps as some ancient reprieve from their day to day lives outside of these places.  There is a well-known and very despised law by outsiders that any who insult an Ethakkra in either Malanthas, will be thrown from the city and denied all trade with anyone of Ethakkran persuasion, or that buys from anyone anywhere down the line from an Ethakkra.  This is stipulated in any contract signed with an Ethakkra that service can and will be cut off in these circumstances.

   Both Korrid and Quein are very alike in structure and purpose, meaning to host fully functional societies.  The first, the oldest, and certainly the largest is Quein, the homeland of the Ethakkra on Faydorn.  Korrid was a settlement that was placed on Lazvar so that Ethakkra could be at home when they needed, during their numerous and strident travels.  They are both notably dangerous in certain areas, dotted by crime and strife.  However, there are other parts, those populated by the High Ethakkra, which are stunningly beautiful, and kept so well as to seem meticulous.  For this reason, they have a dual-reputation for being both; cities to never go to for the poor and middle-class, and a paradise for the upper class.

Mords – The Mords are a group of the Ethakkran society who has chosen their avatar to resemble a human.  They are hunted rampantly by the Ethakkra and are delivered by Doran as a pact agreement.  The Mords are one of the protected groups of The Third Eye. (See entry below for more information)  

Humans typically dislike Mords because they feel they are being deceived.  The Mords are generally seen as everything that is wrong with Ethakkra.  They are perceived to be lowly, cheating, swindlers.  Humans with racist tendencies toward Mords typically express that they feel are trying to infiltrate their society to take it for their own.

Among the Ethakkra themselves, the Mords are considered traitors.  The concept of one’s ‘inner self’ is sacred and is usually meditated upon for a great deal of an Ethakkra’s life.  To assume the visual appearance of a human is insulting to their spiritual history of “avatarship.”


Noxai - Dark magick users that are usually associated with the Order of Mages.  However, as such that the Noxai were originally a separate faction all their own, there are many who call themselves Noxai that are not associated with the Order.  Dark users who are not associated with either the Noxai or the Order are called "Darkisms" or even more simply "Dark Magickers".  or "Messenger of THE".  Noxai are known to every being who knows their name as tricksters, beings of chaos and disorder.  They are not however, considered evil in all cases.  Their first and foremost priority is the causation of chaos, if this may come about by means considered unconventional or conventional, they do not care, they merely wish to tip the scales in one way or the other.  The Noxai have even gained somewhat reputable reputations in some factions for giving help to their side in struggle.  However, the majority of people are very wary of their presence, and watch themselves at all times for betrayal, knowing that the Noxai's only law is lawlessness. The leader of the Noxai, Head Mage, is Fah'Len Ha-Vwee the Gnarled Hand, a Human.  The previous was Loutborn The Unascended, or Finnigan.


Orderist - The Orderists are the of the force of light and the processors of order.  Orderists are known throughout society as the keepers of order.  Each city, depending on its size, has an Orderist in some capacity.  Even those that are homesteads have an Orderist who oversees all processes, but unlike perhaps larger places like Farhaven, there is only one.  The standing counsel of Orderists lives in Farhaven.

The Orderist philosophy is an adaptable one, as it posits the need of only one thing.  Order.  However this order may be attained is up to the Orderist himself, as their god, One, has stated that "One may only find true order by searching for what his sense of order is in his own life".  For this reason, some Orderists are considered evil by the common citizen, helping a tyrannous king suppress his people, or destroying a rebellion.  However, their ways of keeping order are as myriad as their personalities and heritage.  They are in constant and destructive conflict with the followers of THE, the chaos users, Noxai.  The Head Orderist is Neft, the Ponderan.


Ponderans – The Ponderans are one of the four Species of Pure Ascension.  They arose around the shores of the continent of Onus.  Over time they came to find that their island well-supported the endeavors of consciousness.  After many millenia of a semi-civilized state, an empire that would stand the test of time arose.  They called themselves the Ona Yuseti and they were mostly formed to deal with the issue of magic abuse in early Ponderan establishments.  However, over time the Ponderans would become one of the most magic-savvy cultures on the face of Nyra.  For this reason, mages are seen often in places of authority and great power in Ponderan society, ascending to a sort of privileged class.  Those of the physical persuasion are often seen as those doomed to toil in a temporal task, unable to use a deeper element to communicate with truth.  However, there is still a tendency toward non-magically-inclined Ponderans to taking Kingship because of The Problem of Ascension.

The Ponderans about 70 years ago, were all pushed from their home island due to an event called Ferrucia, which involved a massacre of most of the standing Ponderan power structures.  What survived fled to the shores of Lazvar, where they built settlements meant to brew warriors.  The Ponderan society quickly became one of 'about to boil over.'  

Porphyric Hemophilia - Porphyric Hemophilia is commonly referred to as 'vampirism', in which people who have contracted it are called 'vampires'. There are two major affects that become prevalent when contracting Porphyric hemophilia.  The first is that the body begins morphing the digestive tracts in order to also properly digest the blood that the vampire will be consuming more regularly. The second of which is explained properly in the following.

 Porphyric hemophilia necessitates a need for chemicals which the body is no longer producing or is lacking severely.  The reason for the body not producing these chemicals starts with the one of the symptoms that is associated with the disease.  When the disease is onset, it closes off parts of the brain which facilitate the production of these chemicals.  The subconscious then, usually discovers in healthy-minded individuals, that a flood of magicite to the brain will jump-start those parts of the brain.  However, this magicite can only be found in other people's blood.  The hunger specifically for the blood of a living creature becomes an overwhelming compulsion to the diseased, and in time they become severely dangerous.  When around one cubic ounce of magicite is consumed, the brain is jump-started, the hunger disappears, and for a period of around 36 hours, the afflicted body begins functioning almost normally once again.  However, the refractory period is only this long, and the disease after circulating back through the brain, reconstitutes the original onsets which caused the lack of chemical production.  After a particularly prolonged period of time, the user may become permanently insane, or may simply die from massive brain trauma.

.  Vampires are easy to notice as well, because of the radiation-like affects of the magicite that they consume regularly.  Their hair is usually falling out, their skin is pale and bluish in tint, their eyes are bloodshot and dilated and they look weak and desperate.  However, when the craving for blood comes, they will do anything to get it and it has been reported that people have been surprised at the agility and strength that the affected can display in order to get what they want.  According to the Lazvarian Bureau of Crime, Porphyric hemophilia is the number one cause of murder in social cases.  Because of how dangerous these people are to have in contemporary society, they are hunted ruthlessly.

Problem of Ascension – This is a philosophical problem proposed by those in Ponderan society as to why the very powerful mages cannot hold positions of leadership.  It has been found that sometimes very powerful mages will accidentally ascend.  This can take place through deep sleep, meditation, extreme focus, or even in one case sneezing.  This was found to cause extreme power vacuums due to the unforeseen nature of these ascensions.  


Quall River – A river that runs through the upper part of the Faydorn continent, it single-handedly supports the quaint society of Talisdeem with the ultra-rare delicacy fish Greeminah.

Quein'Malanthas - See Malanthas


Rastranal - See "Heightbringing, The"

Recollection Gems - These gems are a tool of the Orderist, created through a spell at whatever time the Orderist chose.  On the outside of a Recollection Gem typically a rune is carved and when spoken a life-size hologram is conjured in the area.  Every time the rune is spoken the scene plays and every time it is spoken again the scene desists.  Orderists sometimes ponder and pour over the scenes recorded in these gems for days, weeks at a time.  A story is told of Grand Orderist Gurath, who died of starvation while inspecting a very intricate Recollection Gem.


Sarkin - The Sarkin are a race that have very little to no interaction with the rest of the world.  They are bat-like humanoids, standing just shorter than the average human and possessing extremely heightened senses.  They long ago lost their ability to fly, their close evolutionary brothers The Yu, still retaining this trait.  The Sarkin are one of the four species of Pure Ascension.  

Little is known of their history by other peoples.  The only trade relations they have are to the highlanders, whom they are on amiable terms with, and supply a large amount of the weapons used by the active militia of the highlander unions.  The Sarkin society itself is completely united and, to the knowledge of Sarkin historians has experienced little to no inner conflict in their entire history.  They are a proud, articulate, and meticulous race however, known for being very specific about their informational and societal sources when dealing with things of importance.  Because of the traits listed, they have been, to a small degree, used in highlander society as consultants, record-keepers, and other various intellectual things.

A Sark is usually received with fear in mainstream human societies.  There is less racism against them, only because many humans are too fearful to enact it.  But this should not be said that there is none.  Sarkese racist attacks are still quite common in smaller cities.  

Slayers - Slayers are common among the ranks of most societies, because of the dire need of social balance against the several threatening diseased kinds and harmful creatures in the lands.  The two most commonly types of creatures hired for slayers to track down are vampires and lycas, mostly for their sheer numbers, and their immediate threat to contemporary civilized society.  However, it is not unheard of for slayers to be hired to any other various jobs to slay other various harmful creatures.

Slayers are met however, despite this service to society, with a sort of accepted importance.  Most do not have good things to say of the manners, look, or mindsets of slayers, nor are they welcome in most high-class quarters, and are considered widely, to be dirty and untamed.

Solidus – The Solidus are the mages of the phase of Solid.  They control all manifestations of their phase, including ice, metals, flesh, bone, muscles, minerals, diamonds, etc...  Because of this, they are particularly feared by those wielding weapons and using armors.  Not only because the Solidus may conjure frightening forces to strike them, but because the mage may alter his body to become nigh impenetrable.  The Solidus, however, to those that are their allies, are known as healers and caretakers.


Talisdeem – A city of Humans that is quite small, resting on the edge of the Quall river, somewhat high of the continent of Faydorn.  It is surrounded by a chill forest called “Frostleaf”, and is populated by a grand total of two hundred people.  Many in the city have Highlander heritage; specifically ‘Min tribe, and as such are very accustomed to the colds of this part of the continent.  The people of Talisdeem have for centuries kept the secret hiding place of the delicacy fish, greeminah, and as such have a healthy amount of money coming into the town.  Also, at certain parts of year when the forest of Frostleaf somewhat thaws, it is said that they go out and log from it, to sell the petrified icy trees as show pieces for nobles.

Third Eye, The – The Third Eye is a rebellious group who arose supposedly when they heard of King Doran’s plans to enter war with anyone who opposed his power.    It was announced shortly after by a note-boy that the words of this new organization’s leader, (who remained unnamed) said; “King Doran…it has been a great many years I have watched you destroy our country from the inside out.  And it has been a great many years I have been afraid to speak out of your tyranny…but now I see that you would welcome your enemies with a fool’s heart, expecting no one would rise against you.  You see…you have misjudged your people, Lord Doran…and now we have opened our third eye to your actions…and it will not close again until you are bloody upon the grounds of Sanctuary Square…you will get your wish…The Third Eye will oppose your power and you will lose this war you will start.  Prepare yoursEthakkra, Doran…with your words of arrogance, you have let loose the things which you may have held back with your silence…”   They are formed completely of the lower class of Farhaven, numbering a good deal many more (potentially) than Doran’s personal army “The Knights of Doran”.  They support every race, including the Ethakkra and the Mords.  However, they are known to suffer from poor training because they are populated by the commoners of an oppressed city.  The Third Eye is also known as a philanthropist organization, resting inside the gates of the very city they are seeking to rebel against, accepting thousands of estranged citizens into their gates in hope of one day finding the support to completely overthrow the throne.  


Undead - Undeath is a very uncommon situation in Nyra.  It is usually caused by, by way of some extenuating circumstances, such as a curse, or perhaps even biological steadfastness, a dead body, may still live physically, while perhaps not consciously (Depending on the amount of time the body spent dead).  The body replaces its incoming energy source of food, warmth, and water, with instead, the magic in the world around it.  Large fields or particularly powerful undead, for this reason tend to cause enormous deadzones of magic, where magic is being diverted into their ecosystems of consumption.  The undead are usually made by Noxai to do specific bidding, however, other magic users can sometimes have a hand in creating the undead as well.

Under-Ethakkra - They have a long history of warfare with Sarkin for under-dwelling territory and a strong dislike for the Ethakkran ways of petty persuasion and pacifism.  Although it is a widely held lie that Under-Ethakkra are evil or deceptive completely by nature, it is certainly true that their culture is one that would come off as abrasive to many others.  Their culture is not one where mutual benevolence is always assumed, but instead one must get what they want against the odds that others may be attempting to prevent them subtly.

The Under-Ethakkra and Ethakkra are very similar in physical appearance and biological anatomy.  However, they are shorter due to their time in the caves and their fur has generally been bred very pale in color.  This is mostly because through generations of pairing, they have selected in traits that make them easy to see to one another in the darkness of the underdwellings.  It has become culturally desired that mates have light-colored fur and this is generally considered beautiful.  Whereas dark fur of any color is considered ugly and lowly.


Vampires - See "Porphyric Hemophilia"

Ventusari - The Ventusari are the mages of the phase of gas.  They are known to be somewhat tricky in nature, following the pathways of drifting information and trade winds, of the belief that constant progress is the only way to truly find enlightenment as any race.  Their philosophy tends to be that the accumulation of knowledge is of the utmost importance, and the expedition of battle as the best way to deal with conflict.  Among the mages, and among those who are in-the-know, the Ventusari are the first person one goes to if they need to gather information.  The Head Ventusari is Lo'Rin, the Ethakkra.


Way of the Old Flame/Way of the New Flame - The Way of the Old and New Flame, are two philosophies that the Infernai have held in their lifetime.

The Way of the Old Flame posits that the universe's most important feature is that of the loss of heat.  In time, all things lose their heat, or are consumed so totally by heat that they expire gloriously.  The Infernai of the Old Flame were of the belief that the most appropriate way to go was by glorious means.  To expedite the frivolity of existence, the Infernai wandered the countryside, scorching all living and not living things to ashes, seeking to bring the universe closer to its inevitable demise.

The Way of the New Flame is the current belief structure most will find amongst the Infernai; prompted at about the exact time they joined the ranks of the Society of Mages.  The New Flame is the heat that creates life.  The New Flame posits that the Infernai is the defender and the creator of life.  They now embrace their opposites, the Aquamancers as part of the balance of this creation, and in turn have been warily accepted by them as well.

Most in society are unaware of this change however, as it was a silent change.  The Infernai did not want to announce to society their new beliefs and seem as if they were doing it to please them.  So they have chosen instead to follow this path and show the world their new outlook.

There still exists some of the Old Flame, which are categorized as a cult by Lazvarian authorities, and their destruction kept barely at bay by the Society of Mages.



Ying'Zu – The Ying'Zu are an underwater dwelling humanoid species, known for their crustacean appearance and thick outer shell.  They have yet been encountered by the rest of the sentient world.