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Known as: Darkism, Noxai, Harbinger


Tier 1




Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the Noxai may see, unhindered, in any darkness.

1: When Eyes of Night is active, the Noxai may see through any darkness.

3: Eyes of Night is now Innate and may be activated or deactivated at his will.


Sense Noxai

Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: 100

Taking this ability allows the caster to sense other Noxai.

1: Caster can sense other Noxai when he is in physical contact with them

3: Caster can sense other Noxai when they are perceived


Sense Chaos

Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the Noxai may sense the presence of their element in the surrounding area. This includes any item or mage that is emanating that element, but it also includes the presence of chaotic phenomena (a battle, a confused argument, an artistic rendering, etc…).

1: The caster may sense chaos for 20 feet surrounding them.

3: The caster may sense chaos for 40 feet surrounding them. 

5: The caster may sense chaos for 80 feet surrounding them. 

7: The caster may sense chaos for 160 feet surrounding them. 

9: The caster may sense chaos for 320 feet surrounding them.

11: The caster may sense chaos for 640 feet surrounding them.

13: The caster may sense chaos for 1280 feet surrounding them.

15: The caster may sense chaos for 2560 feet surrounding them.

17: The caster may sense chaos for 5120 feet surrounding them.



Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100

A caster may use this ability on any target. When it becomes active, the target’s form gains a more amorphous and flitting appearance, obscuring them and making them harder to detect.

1: +1

3: +2

5: +3

7: +4

9: +5

11: +6

13: +7

15: +8

17: +9

20: +10



Tier 2


Create Darkness

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100

The Noxai may summon forth shadows into the room, growing in their depth and darkness as the spell progresses. To those in the room, all light sources will look as if they are dimming and more darkly lit things will fade out first while more brightly lit things the very last.

2: All visual checks within a 20 foot radius of the Noxai are made at a +1 difficulty.

4: All visual checks within a 30 foot radius of the Noxai are made at a +2 difficulty.

6: All visual checks within a 40 foot radius of the Noxai are made at a +3 difficulty.

8: All visual checks within a 50 foot radius of the Noxai are made at a +4 difficulty.

10: All visual checks within a 60 foot radius of the Noxai are made at a +5 difficulty.

12: All visual checks within a 70 foot radius of the Noxai are made at a +6 difficulty.

14: All visual checks within a 80 foot radius of the Noxai are made at a +7 difficulty.

16: All visual checks within a 90 foot radius of the Noxai are made at a +8 difficulty.

18: All visual checks within a 100 foot radius of the Noxai are made at a +9 difficulty.

20: All visual checks within a 200 foot radius of the Noxai are made at a +10 difficulty.


Gather Soul

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 4

Casting Range: 100

Not all souls escape to the overblanket. Some, anchored to the physical world by some extreme emotion which defined their life, are trapped in between consciousness and oblivion. The Noxai may attract and capture lost souls who inhabit the areas around them. The intensity and number of souls in the presence of the characters is at the discretion of the GM. In order to be kept in the possession of the Noxai, each soul must have a distinct physical vessel to possess. 

2: The Noxai may gather an un-embodied soul of intensity 1. 

4: The Noxai may gather an un-embodied soul of intensity 2. 

6: The Noxai may gather an un-embodied soul of intensity 3.

8: The Noxai may gather an un-embodied soul of intensity 4. 

10: The Noxai may gather an un-embodied soul of intensity 5.


Soul Strike

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 5

Casting Range: 100


A soul may be partially vented from its phylactery, unleashing a portion of its energy as damage upon a target. Each usage depletes one intensity from the soul and once a soul reaches zero intensity, it departs to the overblanket forever.

Intensity 1: 2d6 Magic Damage + MAG mod

Intensity 2: 2d8 Magic Damage + MAG mod

Intensity 3: 2d10 Magic Damage + MAG mod

Intensity 4: 2d12 Magic Damage + MAG mod

Intensity 5: 2d20 Magic Damage + MAG mod



Soul Speak

Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: 100


The Noxai may now converse with the souls latent in the area or stored in their phylacteries. The souls do not, however, become more tolerable or cooperative in this process. They still exhibit the emotions that define them.



Tier 3



Empower Magic

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 3(3 per turn)

Casting Range: 100


With this spell the Noxai make casting easier for the target.

3: -2 difficulty to cast.

5: -3 difficulty to cast.

7: -4 difficulty to cast.

9: -5 difficulty to cast.

11: -6 difficulty to cast.

13: -7 difficulty to cast.

15: -8 difficulty to cast.

17: -10 difficulty to cast.

20: -12 difficulty to cast.





Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 3(3 per turn)

Casting Range: Self


With this spell, the Noxai’s form slowly merges with surrounding shadows, becoming immaterial and unable to be touched. The Noxai may travel freely and rapidly between all connected shadows after merging. If the area becomes brightly lit and the shadow that the Noxai is in vanishes, the Noxai re-materializes. The shadows that the Noxai becomes can have a radius from anywhere between 1 foot to 10 feet.

All casting is at a difficult check while in this form. To find your speed, refer to the chart for AGI and use your MAG primary instead. Traveling using this spell spends your physical delay. Any damage taken in this form is taken to the caster’s entire body. 

3: Delay of Shadowmeld is now 3(2 per turn).

5: The shadows that the Noxai becomes can have a radius from anywhere between 1 foot to 20 feet.

7: Delay of Shadowmeld is now 2(2 per turn).

9: Delay of Shadowmeld is now 2(1 per turn).

11: The shadows that the Noxai becomes can have a radius from anywhere between 1 foot to 40 feet.

13: The shadows that the Noxai becomes can have a radius from anywhere between 1 foot to 80 feet.

15: Delay of Shadowmeld is now 1(1 per turn). The visual checks of anyone that the Noxai chooses who are inside the radius of his shadow body are at Difficult.

17: Shadowmeld is now a Sustained spell that costs 2 delay.

20: Shadowmeld is now Innate.





Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 1(2 per turn)

Casting Range: 100


This spell allows the Noxai to temporarily alter the luck skill of the target. This spell can exceed the skill cap of the target. Only the Noxai may activate these counters and they can be activated at any time.

3: + 1 luck counter to the target





Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 1(2 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

The caster places a counter on the enemy. For every counter on the enemy, the caster may chose to make a given roll one difficulty threshold higher. The caster may chose to spend one of these counters at any. If the caster chooses to stop channeling mana for these tokens, they dissapear.



3:to luck system requires this spell to be rewritten]



Tier 4



Shadow's Voice

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100


Shadow’s Voice allows the Noxai to speak from any shadows that are connected with his own. The message still travels at the speed of sound however.

4: When the shadow reaches the intended location, it speaks the message.

6: The Noxai may also listen to anything within proximity of the shadows connected to his own.

8: The Noxai may also see anything viewing distance of the shadows connected to his own.

10: Shadow’s Voice now costs 1 delay.



Mind Control

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 4(2 per turn)

Casting Range: 100


With this spell, the Noxai is able to enact a temporary mind control. Every turn, the the target gets to make a competitive focus check against the Noxai’s original roll to escape. While under the effects of mind-control, the target is forced to carry out any action commanded by the Noxai.

4: Creatures with INT less than 3 may be mind-controlled for one turn. Normal focus check.

6: Creatures with INT less than 4 may be mind-controlled for one turn. Normal focus check.

8: Creatures with INT less than 5 may be mind-controlled for two turns. Difficult focus check.

10: Creatures with INT less than 6 may be mind-controlled for two turns. Difficult focus check.

12: Creatures with INT less than 7 may be mind-controlled for three turns. Difficult focus check.

14: Creatures with INT less than 8 may be mind-controlled for three turns. Impossible focus check.

16: Creatures with INT less than 9 may be mind-controlled for four turns. Impossible focus check.

18: Creatures with INT less than 10 may be mind-controlled for four turns. Impossible focus check.

20: Creatures with INT less than 11 may be mind-controlled for four turns. Impossible focus check.



Entropic Deterioration

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 7

Casting Range: 100


Choose a target and then roll a d4. The target may roll a focus check to resist Entropic Deterioration after chosen. If they do not succeed, deal that much damage to the target’s entire body. Every turn thereafter, you may roll a d4 for damage again.

4: If you roll a 4, you may roll an extra d4 of damage for that turn. If you roll a 1, you deal no damage that turn and the spell ceases.

6: Delay for Entropic Deterioration is now 6.

8: Delay for Entropic Deterioration is now 5.

10: Delay for Entropic Deterioration is now 4.

12: When you choose a target, now roll a d6 for damage each turn. Reroll on 6s, cancel on 1s.



Tier 5



Chaotic Embodiment

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 4(1 per turn per embodiment)

Casting Range: 100


Every time the Noxai casts this spell, they may choose to embody a stored soul or one latent in the area into a temporary corporeal form and enlist them to their aid. The embodiments appear as shifting, chaotic shadows. They have stats equal to their intensity + 2 and deal magical damage once per turn equal to 1d6 per their intensity. If the embodiment is more than fifty feet from the Noxai, they un-embody and return to where they came from.

5: May sustain one soul as an chaotic embodiments in the Noxai’s service.

7: May sustain two souls as chaotic embodiments in the Noxai’s service.

9: May sustain three souls as chaotic embodiments in the Noxai’s service.

11: May sustain four souls as chaotic embodiments in the Noxai’s service.

13: May sustain five souls as chaotic embodiments in the Noxai’s service.

15: May sustain six souls as chaotic embodiments in the Noxai’s service.

17: May sustain seven souls as chaotic embodiments in the Noxai’s service.

20: May sustain ten souls as chaotic embodiments in the Noxai’s service.



Unruly Phylactery

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 10

Casting Range: 100


The Noxai may choose to make any phylactery into an enchanted object which conveys the emotion of the stored soul onto whomever it comes in contact with.




Spell Type: Sustained

Casting Range: 100


With this spell, the caster imbues the target with an increase in their CHA statistic and all skills underneath it for the duration that the spell is sustained on them. May exceed cap.

5: +1 to CHA and all skills under it.

7: +2 to CHA and all skills under it.

9: +3 to CHA and all skills under it.

11: +4 to CHA and all skills under it. 

13: +5 to CHA and all skills under it.

15: +6 to CHA and all skills under it.

17: +7 to CHA and all skills under it. 

20: +8 to CHA and all skills under it.



Tier 6




Spell Type: Sustained

Casting Range: 100


The Noxai now manipulates the shadows at their will and can control their shapes, intensities, and pitch. The shadows return to their original qualities after the Noxai stops manipulating them.

6: The ability to twist shadows into shapes which are not quite what they seem.

8: The ability to shift the shadows at his whim, moving them across walls and floors.

10: The ability to cause glimpsed shadows in one's peripheral vision that seem to be in the three dimensional world.

12: The ability to conjure three dimensional shadows into the world which look to to represent the pitch black illusion of whatever the Noxai desires.
14: The Noxai may now recall the imprinted memories of the shadows cast upon whatever surface he desires. When the Noxai desires he may see whatever shadow has been in the area he is in.



Puzzling Mishap

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 3 to stack

Casting Range: 100


When this spell is cast, the Noxai attains a charge which can be used at their whim in order to force any roll taking place in their perception to become a 10 instead, at no delay cost to the Noxai. It functions like a critical failure, except that characters do not learn from it. When the charge is used, it disappears. The Noxai can stack two charges at a time, maximum. 




Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 3 to stack

Casting Range: 100


When this spell is cast, the Noxai attains a charge which can be used at their whim in order to force any roll taking place in their perception to become a 1 instead, at no delay cost to the Noxai. It functions like a critical success, except that characters do not learn from it. When the charge is used, it disappears. The Noxai can stack three charges at a time, maximum.



Obscure Arkhan

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100


In a radius around the Noxai, all magical occurrences become hidden from the magical sensing of other mages.

6: The veil is 5 feet around caster.

8: The veil is 10 feet around caster.

10: The veil is 20 feet around caster.

12: The veil is 40 feet around caster.

14: The veil is 80 feet around caster.



Tier 7



Soul Frenzy

Spell Type: Instant

Casting Range: 100


When the Noxai casts Soul Frenzy, all phylacteries are exorcised, banishing the souls within them back to the overblanket. In their frenzy, they scream through reality, doing damage to anything they come in contact with. This includes buildings and any physical object in the path of the soul. The Noxai can choose which rank of the spell they wish to cast upon declaration.

7: Each soul released deals 1d4 damage to everything within 50 feet.

9: Each soul released deals 1d6 damage to everything within 100 feet.

11: Each soul released deals 1d8 damage to everything within 200 feet.

13: Each soul released deals 1d10 damage to everything within 300 feet.

15: Each soul released deals 1d12 damage to everything within 350 feet.

17: Each soul released deals 1d20 damage to everything within 100 feet.

20: Each soul released deals 2d20 damage to everything within 100 feet.



Devastation Wave

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 5

Casting Range: 100


The caster chooses a target and rolls a d4. The results of that d4 are how many more enemies become the target of the spell. The number of enemies that were ultimately targeted by the spell is how much damage every target takes to all body parts. Each time the spell jumps to new targets, they must be within five feet. If there are no targets to jump to within five feet, the spell concludes with no further cascades. Only those with a Luck of 5 or more cannot be targeted by this spell.

7: If the Noxai rolls a 4 on the d4, they get to roll another d4.

9: Every time the Noxai would roll one d4, they roll two d4 instead.

11: The delay of Devastation Wave is now 5.

13: The delay of Devastation Wave is now 4.

15: Every time the Noxai would roll a d4, roll a d8 instead. Instead of rolling another dice on 4s, roll another dice on 7s and 8s.

17: Every time the Noxai would roll a d8, roll a d10 instead. Instead of rolling another dice on 7s and 8s, roll another dice on 8s, 9s, and 10s.

20: Every time the Noxai would roll a d10, roll a d20 instead. Instead of rolling another dice on 8s, 9s and 10s, roll another dice on 16s, 17s, 18s, 19s and 20s.



Magic Wave

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100


This debuff imposes the penalties as if the target had increased their MAG statistic, even if that would exceed their cap in MAG or take STR, AGI, or CON to zero. If STR, AGI, or CON are taken to zero, the character becomes comatose until that statistic is returned to a value of 1 or greater.



Tier 8 




Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 3

Casting Range: Aura


The Noxi sends out a chaotic aura around their body which causes anyone inside to roll a new dice for their sequence at the beginning of every combat stack.


8: The aura extends to 40 feet around the caster and those effected must roll on a d4.

10: The aura extends to 50 feet around the caster and the caster may choose between a d4 and a d6 for those effected by the aura to roll on.

12: The aura extends to 60 feet around the caster and those effected must roll on a ^

14: The aura extends to 70 feet around the caster and the caster may choose between a d4, d6, or d8 for those effected by the aura to roll on.

16: The aura extends to 80 feet around the caster and the caster may choose between a d4, d6, d8, or d10 for those effected by the aura to roll on.

18:The aura extends to 90 feet around the caster and the caster may choose between a d4, d6, d8, d10, or d12 for those effected by the aura to roll on.

20:The aura extends to 100 feet around the caster and the caster may choose between a d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, or d20 for those effected by the aura to roll on.



Create Undead

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 10

Casting Range: 100


The caster may choose any corpse in the area, regardless of physical degradation or damage and ensoul it with one of the souls in a phylactery they own. That creature will function with half of all stats, skills, and other associated values and is bound to follow the first pact offered by the Noxai upon its resurrection. The creature must function within the bounds of its damage and therefore, if it is missing a head it cannot make sense checks, if it is missing a limb, it cannot utilize that limb in combat or in the process of walking, etc... That corpse will last until its new health pool reaches 0, after which the soul occupying the body returns to the area surrounding it.




Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 4(2 per turn)

Casting Range: 100


With this spell, the Noxai may choose to curse any skill or primary statistic of the target. The threshold for a critical failure on that skill or primary statistic is dropped by 1 every time this curse is stacked on that target. Note: if any primary statistic is dropped, all skills under that statistic operate at the lowered cap.

8: Curse can only be stacked once on a target.

10: Curse now only costs 3(2 per turn).

12: Curse can be stacked twice on a target.

14: Curse now only costs 2(2 per turn).

16: Curse can be stacked three times on a target.

18: Curse now only costs 2(1 per turn).

20: Curse now only costs 1(1 per turn).



Tier 9



Psychic Corrosion

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 4

Casting Range: 100


When a target is chosen for this spell, they may make a focus check to resist Psychic Corrosion. If they fail, they roll a dice. Once per turn they get to reroll that dice again. Until they roll the same number as the first time, they are afflicted with a status effect.

9: The target rolls a d4. Until they reroll that number, they receive -3 delay every turn.

11: The target rolls a d8. Until they reroll that number, they receive -4 delay every turn.

13: The target rolls a d10. Until they reroll that number, they receive -5 delay every turn.

15: The target rolls a d12. Until they reroll that number, they receive -6 delay every turn.

17: The target rolls a d20. Until they reroll that number, they receive -7 delay every turn.

20: The target rolls a d20. Until they reroll that number, they receive -10 delay every turn.



Create Psychosis

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100


The Noxai may now inflict chaos even upon the mind itself, muddying the waters of the brain in such a way that the inflicted believes he has the chosen mental state. In order to inflict the chosen mental state upon another, they must first have them in sight, and secondly, must sacrifice a phylactery with a soul of the chosen mental state inside it. After this is done, the phylactery turns to dust instantly, and the soul returns to the blanket, leaving behind its emotional imprint in the inflicted mind. The target must make a successful INT check to resist. If they fail, the person must make an impossible CON check to get out.

1: Apathy - The inflicted has a mild unconcern for the world.

2: Greed - The character becomes overly wanting for material possessions.

3: Joy - The character feels a general sense of well-being and happiness

4: Bravery - The inflicted, inflated with his own sense of power, is willing to attempt to overcome great odds.
5: Lust - The character begins feeling overly sexual and attracted to people or a person.

6: Sadness - The character is overcome with a mild malcontent.

7: Anger - The inflicted begins feeling very upset about things and situations happening to him.
8: Generosity - The character, optimistic of the future of humanoids, feels the compulsion to give away his material possessions. 

9: Fear - The inflicted runs scared, unsure of his own potency against the odds.

10: Paranoia - The character begins suspecting everyone and everything of devious plans against him and the world around him.

11: Sloth - The inflicted cares nothing for the world around him or anything in it and is unwilling to do anything that requires effort.

12: Obsession - The character is smitten with an object or thing, beyond control of his faculties.

13: Euphoria - The character is overcome with an intense bliss, leaving all conceptions of reality behind.

14: Recklessness - The inflicted looks at his odds, and considers them pretty good, overcome completely with the urge to defeat everything he sees, even to the detriment of himself or friends.

15: Love - The character casts aside all concern for himself or anything but the object of his love. He will climb any mountain to give happiness to the object of affection.

16: Depression - Sadness, like a tidal wave, wipes through the character's life; the cold icy hand of depression grips his heart and he feels helpless.

17: Hatred - The inflicted cannot control himself at all, boiling rage seething from inside, pouring out onto all around him consumes his mind. It is all he can do not to rip everything around him to shreds.

18: Altruism - The character, begotten with perhaps a pity, but more of a kindness, begins giving away everything he has conceivably and literally, until he has no longer.

19: Hysteria - An uncontrollable terror, unable to be even touched with logic, sweeps through the character's mind, sending most fleeing into corners where they reproach into fetal positions.

20: Utter Insanity - The character's mind cracks completely; a split personality may form, enormous and uncontrollable swings of emotion begin, and the character suspects everyone and everything around him of plotting terrible malevolent things. He has complete hallucinations often, sometimes seizures.

Note: Anybody that dies while this spell is in effect does not become a soul of the type of the emotion they have gained. They are still the same person as before.



Tier 10



Null (Chaos)

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 2(1 per turn)

Casting Range: 100


The caster receives less damage from any source of damage that originates from Chaos.

10: -5 to all damage taken from Chaos. 

12: -10 to all damage taken from Chaos.  

14: -20 to all damage taken from Chaos.  

16: -40 to all damage taken from Chaos. Delay: 2(2 per turn)

18: -80 to all damage taken from Chaos. Delay: 3(2 per turn)

20: -160 to all damage taken from Chaos. Delay: 4(2 per turn)


Ascension (Chaos)

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 4


The caster ascends into a pure manifestation of their element, able to wield their phase with a newly found power. Their element cannot affect them in any harmful way. Every turn the caster must roll a check against their Magic skill to see if their mortal mind is destroyed by their ascended form and their character dies. The caster is impervious to physical damage while Ascended.

While ascended, the Noxai gains five counters per turn which they may place on any target they like. Each counter allows the target the ability to re-roll any roll they see once.

10: The character must roll a Normal check for the first turn, a Difficult check for the second turn, an Impossible check for the third turn, and 1 on all turns after.

12: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third turn, an Impossible check for the fourth turn, and 1 on all turns after.

14: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth turn, and 1 on all turns after.

16: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth and sixth turns, and 1 on all turns after.

18: The character must roll a Normal check for the first three turns, a Difficult check for the fourth and fifth turns, an Impossible check for the sixth and and seventh turns, and 1 on all turns after.


20: The character must roll a Normal check for the first four turns, a Difficult check for the fifth and sixth turns, an Impossible check for the seventh and and eighth turns, and 1 on all turns after.