Species: Kalnis
Class: Warrior
Role: War hero, weapons master
Description: Char'Nak is sometimes thought to have been the greatest warrior ever born to the Kalnis. Hailing from the 'Nak clan and having accumulated his considerable acclaim during the War of Gok, Char'Nak remained a hero in the empire of Gok and a known legendary figure among the other Kalnis kingdoms well after. Char'Nak was known for his capability to wield nearly any weapon in combat and his extreme adaptability in dangerous circumstances. In late age, Char'Nak set himself to tasks in the Valley War which are thought to have won the war against the Braggos in favor of Gok and the Peridar.
Location: Northern Faydorn, Kalnis Highlands
Species: Utwesh
Class: Savant
Role: Pirate, liberation fighter, merchant-warrior
Description: Jadesh was always a clever Utwesh and was well-liked by those close to him, but preferred travel over spending a great deal of time with his tribe. Jadesh was known to be very charming, able to negotiate difficult bargains with considerate ease and navigate tense situations with levity and sincerity. Eventually he came to settle in Foda and then several years later, the dock-town nearby. Here he developed a deep hatred for the Ethakkran empire. In time, Jadesh came about a very advanced steam-vessel. This began a long campaign of piracy and revolt against Ethakkran control. The crews that came under Jadesh's control were said to vote on almost all their decisions, seeing themselves as free people controlled by no one but their word.
Location: Faydorn
Kid the Slayer
Species: Human
Class: Warrior
Role: Revolutionary figure, legendary slayer, interim king
Description: Born into Quarc, never knowing his parents, he was quickly taken in by criminal enterprises, who utilized his quick wits and natural acrobatic aptitude. Disliking this life, he hitched a ride with a band of slayers who taught him to fight and educated him on the dynamics of the natural world. However, in time he made his own way in the world and became a renowned slayer, bounty hunter, and mercenary. His entire trajectory changed after he took a job to kill a noble for the Third Eye, an anti-noble rebellion, and became a key figure in the revolt which overthrew King Doran. The intended figurehead Ule, having died in the conflict, Kid took the throne, but immediately abolished the monarchy and gave power to a wide-scale federation of parliamentary bodies.
Location: Lazvar
Species: Sarkin
Class: Warrior
Role: Explorer, paradigm shifter, legendary warrior
Description: Born into the Brak, Kin'Dor was always interested in the outside world. At a young age, he discovered that the outside world was quite vicious and became worried for the Brak's future. As a result, Kin'Dor was sent out to explore the outside world, gather information about each of the species on the planet, and then bring it back to be considered by his people. Upon this journey, Kin'Dor became a legendary fighter, wielding many weapons, and leading a party of Nyrans to many victories. When he returned, Kin'Dor introduced the idea that the Sarkin had to begin opening themselves up to the outside world, which brought about new traditions and a major cultural shift.
Location: Lazvar and Faydorn
Species: Ponderan
Class: Brawler
Role: Monk, wanderer, truth-seeker
Description: Rakosh was a blind monk who was born without sight. At a young age, he was abandoned by society for not being a mage and was confined to a convent of non-mages. Here he was taught martial arts and a deep veneration of the spiritual ongoings of the world. After a revelatory dream wherein Rakosh encountered a god-being that he had no familiarity with, he began a search to know the truth of the universe. This also left him with a peculiar power wherein he could ask a conscious being any question and they would be compelled to answer truthfully to the best of their knowledge. Rakosh encountered more and more elaborate beings, mages, daemons, and even gods, for which this capability worked without fail (even much to their dismay), until he finally found the truth he had been seeking.
Location: Onus, Lazvar, Faydorn
Species: Famulus
Class: Mage (Infernai)
Location: Onus
Ethakkran Paladin
Species: Ethakkra
Class: Mage
Role: Rebel, iconoclast, paladin
Description: She was originally a devoted Orderist serving in the temple in Quein'Malanthas, but was shipwrecked, thought to have died by drowning. She was recovered by Jadesh, who saved her life and then taught her the indigenous ideology of the Utwesh and ignited a heretical Orderist ideology within her. This new ideology compelled her to serve the order of the people, not the order of tyrants and set her onto a path to overthrow the hierarchical powers within Ethakkran society.
Location: Faydorn