Attracted By: Extraordinary acts of destruction by plasma.
Avarkus is the result of a mass sacrifice when the element was ruled by the previous godhead and the Order of the Old Flame reigned supreme. Avarkus acts as an intermediary for the force of destruction in the world of Nyra, both seeking out existing acts and encouraging acts which are being planned, especially if these acts involve immolation or explosion. Nonetheless, Avarkus can sometimes be found involved in mass slaughters, if they involve significant bodily mutilation or demolition of standing structures, but they must be on a grand scale to catch his interest.
Appearance: A towering white body of arcing plasma which erupts with flames in its wake. May at times manifest into a towering humanoid form to speak, but rarely.
Focus: 30
Willpower: 40
Sequence: 20
Magic Skill: 35
The daemon may choose to consume the souls of dying beings around them. Souls may make a check against their MAG primary statistic to resist being consumed.
May strike any target within 500 feet for 10d20 Plasma damage and deal half as much to all targets within a 45 foot radius, as well as inflicting Inflamed.
Incinerating Emanation
Emits a shockwave which inflicts Inflamed on any target in a 5 foot radius, also inflicting Knockdown.
Can be harmed by any spell which is predicated on a vacuum.
Touching this Daemon will inflict Inflamed on the target. Can be harmed by any spell which deals Cold damage.
Health: 6000
P: Invulnerable
C: Invulnerable
S: Invulnerable
B: Invulnerable
Radiation: Invulnerable
Fire: Invulnerable
Plasma: Invulnerable
Heat: Invulnerable
Cold: N/A
Corrosion: Invulnerable
Magic: N/A
Magic: 40
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 20
Attracted By: The single-minded pursuit of knowledge
Borias is an ancient gas daemon, with records of his existence extending back to the Ponderan. Borias has been worshipped by many scholars and seekers of knowledge throughout history, some even emblazoning their clothing and their belongings with symbols representing him. Borias is heavily associated with brilliance, eureka moments, discovery of new knowledge, and rediscovery of lost knowledge. To Borias, no knowledge is forbidden and he has acted at various points in history to spread knowledge which would otherwise have been held in secret, but which bore on the ability of intellectuals and regular people alike to make decisions about the world around them. Despite this, Borias is not a revolutionary. It is instead that he is indifferent to the outcomes of knowledge being spread, seeing the spread itself as good.
Borias has not been seen now for over a thousand years and most cultures, save for the Ponderan, think that he is just an old myth made up by primitive peoples.
Appearance: Borias most often manifests as a breeze or a wind. However there are stories told of Borias manifesting as a tornado or a hurricane or a gale wind.
Focus: 40
Willpower: 40
Sequence: 20
Magic Skill: 40
Multiversal Scrying
Borias can summon knowledge which has been gathered from not only anywhere on Nyra, but anywhere within the multiverse.
Knowledge Injection
Borias can give knowledge to targets directly. They will experience this as a sensation that they already "know" what Borias is imputing to them.
Wind Whispering
Borias can speak to any target that he knows of so long as there is gas which can carry his message.
Can be harmed by any spell which is predicated on a vacuum.
Borias can use gases to move and lift objects up to one trillion pounds.
Health: 10,000
P: Invulnerable
C: Invulnerable
S: Invulnerable
B: Invulnerable
Radiation: Invulnerable
Fire: N/A
Plasma: Invulnerable
Heat: Invulnerable
Cold: N/A
Corrosion: Invulnerable
Magic: N/A
Magic: 40
Charisma: 30
Intelligence: 40
Wisdom: 40
Element: Chaos
Attracted By: Massacres and active genocides
Drethian is a daemon who consumes the negative emotions of living beings. For this reason, Drethian is a highly malevolent force, desiring most often to see all happiness and stability stolen from conscious life. Although Drethian is constantly feeding passively upon the suffering of beings within active cities and across the multiverse, extreme concentrations of violence sometimes attract Drethian to physical form. When he arrives, it is difficult to determine how he will act. Although Drethian delights in death, it is not clear that he favors the death dealers, sometimes choosing them as targets upon his arrival. For this reason, tyrants throughout history have made sure to include Orderists when undergoing such despicable acts of mass violence. Drethian’s reliable appearance makes their anti-magic warding necessary to help prevent his arrival. One can be sure, however, that the victims will not escape unharmed either. If some massacre was taking place, Drethian will make certain it is finished.
Appearance: Drethian’s most common appearance is an enormous hooved beast. His face is a vertical maw of incredibly sharp fangs, shifting and moving with every breath, and to each side of this maw, are two coal black eyes, beady and psychotic. Inside the maw, when opened, appears whatever he likes; it shifts and changes to his will, ranging from a human face which he may use to speak Nyrian languages, to the true underlying material, which is a wall of twisting organs. His head is adorned with symmetrical horns of varying length, some as short as the length of a human finger, others reaching for several feet, meeting at vorpal points. His body is a hulking mass of twining, veiny muscles, covered in a leathery black skin. Drethian's stature is hunched over from his mass, his legs, significant in size, are dwarfed by his upper body mass, creating a heavy gait with each step on his hooved feet. Many tales of Drethian go into great detail however, about one specific trait; his wings, batlike and of a sheer enormity which is staggering. When stretched out completely, they stretch for some 40 feet.
Focus: 20
Willpower: 20
Sequence: 16
Devastating Swipe
Drethian swipes his arm and a turbulent shock of prismatic, chaotic energy comes behind it, striking all targets in a 125 foot radius half circle in front of him, dealing 20d20+150 Magic damage.
Horrifying Visage
Any character that looks upon Drethian must make an impossible Focus check. If they fail, they are overcome with an uncontrollable terror, sending most fleeing into corners where they reproach into fetal positions. They are affected by the terror until the following day, when they may make another impossible Focus check to banish it.
If a character has ever been affected by Horrifying Visage, any time they see an object or symbol that has a resemblance to Drethian’s form, repeat the effects of Horrifying Visage.
The daemon may choose to consume the souls of dying beings around them. Souls may make a check against their MAG primary statistic to resist being consumed.
The Spice of Madness
Any time a character dies around Drethian who has been affected by Horrifying Visage, he consumes their soul and permanently gains another 25 health.
Health: 10,000
P: Invulnerable
C: Invulnerable
S: Invulnerable
B: Invulnerable
Radiation: N/A
Fire: Invulnerable
Plasma: Invulnerable
Heat: Invulnerable
Cold: Invulnerable
Corrosion: Invulnerable
Magic: N/A
Magic: 35
Charisma: 1
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 15
Elkor, the Impartial Mirror
Element: Order
Attracted By: Self-deceitful grandiosity, falsehood
Background: Elkor was, in life, a mage named Almos Biriff, who was a vigilante Orderist forsaken by One. Elkor was all-consumed with justice and his conception of justice was that people should receive the treatment they have exacted upon others. This led him to a life of turmoil, which he found peace in through meditation and discipline.
Appearance: Elkor is like a metaphysical mirror that shows the true essence of a thing. To humanoids he will appear as the self that they think they are, then slowly become the self that they truly are. This process can be mind shattering for some, especially the delusional, and can be enlightening for many.
Skill: Description.
Element: Chaos
Attracted By: Events which are important in determining whether chaos or order prevail in the power structures of conscious beings.
Background: Fallen-Have-We is a being who seeks his own path of chaos. He often begins following beings because they have just begun their journey into Chaos, having read the Chao or started becoming a Noxai, or even just connected with highly chaotic events. He is not the most powerful of the Transcended Ones, but he does not seek power. Fallen-Have-We seeks to create chaos through manipulation and is obsessed with political chaos. He uses the naturally occurring events of the world to exaggerate chaotic events, to lead to rebellion, civil war, upheaval, and societal discord. It is said that he has purposely tormented the leaders of many successful kingdoms so that they would become callous, cruel, and insane. Nonetheless, he has also whispered in the ear of many a great hero. To maintain perpetual societal chaos, there must always be opposition
Appearance: He usually takes a form which is in accordance with the species that he is manipulating. However, all things being equal Fallen-Have-We likes to choose a human form, often dressed in shabby commoner’s clothes. His face is sunken and pale with long, dirty hair that drapes over his face.
Focus: 30
Willpower: 40
Sequence: 20
Magic Skill: 35
Consume: The daemon may choose to consume the souls of dying beings around them. Souls may make a check against their MAG primary statistic to resist being consumed.
Veil of False Remembrance: Fallen-Have-We may implant false memories in any living being that he encounters.
Formless: Fallen-Have-We may appear as whatever it pleases.
Health: 6000
P: Invulnerable
C: Invulnerable
S: Invulnerable
B: Invulnerable
Radiation: Invulnerable
Fire: Invulnerable
Plasma: Invulnerable
Heat: Invulnerable
Cold: N/A
Corrosion: Invulnerable
Magic: N/A
Magic: 40
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 25
Wisdom: 20
Element: Plasma
Attracted By: When the Rites of the New Presidium are invoked, Gondr comes to oversee the proceedings of the court.
Background: Gondr was once the highlander named Glieson. Glieson, when he was a young child, was the sexual escort of very powerful men in the human kingdom who abused him and filled him with trauma, rage, and resentment. When he was discarded for having grown too old in the city of Quarc. Growing more and more involved with the human uprising, Glieson became an extraordinarily powerful Infernai and wielded his great gifts with fierce devotion, achieving vengeance against the human nobility alongside Kid and the Third Eye. Presiding under Kid, Glieson traveled the new kingdom and held court in cities, sentencing evildoers in the name of the New Flame. Many courthouses were erected for his need and after his death, to his memory. After ascending, he assumed the named Gondr and can still be called to preside over court hearings when the Rites of the New Presidium are carried out dutifully. When Gondr is called to preside over the court, it is a serious affair. If the death penalty is sought, Gondr will incinerate the one who is sentenced upon being found guilty. But if they are falsely accused, the accuser is who shall be incinerated instead.
Appearance: A 15 foot tall plasmatic humanoid dressed in burning raiment, holding a great tome of fire and wielding a flaming gavel.
Focus: 30
Willpower: 40
Sequence: 20
Magic Skill: 30
Consume: The daemon may choose to consume the souls of dying beings around them. Souls may make a check against their MAG primary statistic to resist being consumed.
Rites of the New Presidium: Gondr can be summoned if these rites are carried out faithfully. First, the summoner must make an explicit plea for Gondr to preside in judgment over oncoming court proceedings in front of an open fire. Following this, the accuser and the accused must be brought into the room that shall serve as the court. After this, the rules of the courts from the New Presidium must be recounted and Gondr must be rejoined to preside. If these rites are carried out by someone other than the accuser or the accused, Gondr will become judge and all ensuing judgment shall be his.
Reckoning: Gondr can read the minds and memories of any target in the courtroom.
Judgment: Gondr will not only pass judgment on the accused, but also anyone who is present who was part of the crime involved. Gondr’s fundamental precept of justice is an eye for an eye.
Health: 3500
P: Invulnerable
C: Invulnerable
S: Invulnerable
B: Invulnerable
Radiation: Invulnerable
Fire: Invulnerable
Plasma: Invulnerable
Heat: Invulnerable
Cold: N/A
Corrosion: Invulnerable
Magic: N/A
Magic: 40
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 25
Wisdom: 25
Heracyclus, Hand of THE, Herald of Chaos
Element: Chaos
Attracted By: A people who are questioning their foundations
Background: The Hand of THE is a phenomena. They are an actual embodiment of the element of chaos, a random, unexpected occurrence where the magic stream has pierced into reality and taken form. It is assumed by those that have sufficient knowledge of the creature that a small rip in reality was created by an enormous cataclysmic deep-space event, which allowed the magic stream to reach out and take hold of the most prevailing element around it. Because of this situation, the prevailing element was assumably Chaos, and sentience, the gift of life, was given to this raw material. When THE became aware of this being's presence, he gave it sentience, so that it would be aware of its actions and could further sow the seed of chaos upon the universe. This being is called many names. But the most common of which is "Hand of THE", as it has been theorized that it is at the side of the throne of THE. For something so powerful and important, they are scarcely known of, however. Only those who have delved deep into the legends and mythos of THE know one of this Chaos Incarnate’s names, as it is referred to only in sparse tales in distant situations. Of those who do know it, however, it has proven to become a point of obsession; causing many to go further into the insanity of THE, searching for more information on it and its whereabouts largely in vain, the avenues which are found most often being the discovery of some other lost soul searching for similar answers. If the person has any knowledge of this creature, it is assumed he has a mild obsession about it. Its mysterious nature seems to transcend sanity. The more research is done, the further the obsession spirals, for some, finally consuming their lives.
Although Heracyclus is a very active soul harvester, they are a connoisseur, and thus wish to see the souls driven to depravity first. How Heracyclus chooses the targets of his cursed presence is unknown, but none live who have been chosen. When she comes into some area, she appears to choose a few targets that she believes are especially susceptible to his influence, then she brings upon them nightmares and a descent into waking hysteria. Suicide is the end Heracyclus seems to prefer for his targets, but he will often use circumstance and treachery to drive the process of death and thus soul harvesting forward. Its actions can result in the summoning of Drethian, and
Appearance: The Hand of THE has been seen very few times. But when it has, it has been described as "a gibbering mass of changing forms", "a thoroughly deceiving mirage. Malicious and terrifying, as if it were not even tied to our dimension". When looked upon from even the merest change of angle, it may appear to be something completely different; from a person, to a stack of skulls, to a rock. It is even of indeterminate origin, as if it were coming at or away from the viewer, sometimes appearing as if it were a hole shaped like the object, and sometimes jumping forth as if it were a tumor upon the fabric of reality.
Focus: 40
Willpower: 40
Sequence: 20
Consume: The daemon may choose to consume the souls of dying beings around them. Souls may make a check against their MAG primary statistic to resist being consumed.
Radiating Madness: When a character enters a 2000ft radius of Heracyclus, they roll an Easy Focus check. If they fail the check, they must roll a d20 to assign a psychosis.
If a character enters a 40ft radius of Heracyclus, they roll an Impossible Focus check. If they fail the check, they must roll a d20 to assign a psychosis.
When under the effects of Radiating Madness, every turn the target rolls a d20. If they roll a 20, they are affected permanently with the psychosis they received, even after leaving the radius. GMs may roll these d20s at their discretion when out of combat.
1: Apathy - The inflicted is unconcerned with the struggles of the world.
2: Greed - The character becomes overly wanting for material possessions.
3: Joy - The character feels a general sense of well-being and happiness
4: Bravery - The inflicted, inflated with his own sense of power, is willing to attempt to overcome great odds.
5: Lust - The character begins feeling overly sexual and attracted to people or a person.
6: Sadness - The character is overcome with a mild malcontent.
7: Anger - The inflicted begins feeling very upset about things and situations happening to him.
8: Generosity - The character, optimistic of the future of humanoids, feels the compulsion to give away his material possessions.
9: Fear - The inflicted runs scared, unsure of his own potency against the odds.
10: Paranoia - The character begins suspecting everyone and everything of devious plans against him and the world around him.
11: Sloth - The inflicted cares nothing for the world around him or anything in it and is unwilling to do anything that requires effort.
12: Obsession - The character is smitten with an object or thing, beyond control of his faculties.
13: Euphoria - The character is overcome with an intense bliss, leaving all conceptions of reality behind.
14: Recklessness - The inflicted looks at his odds, and considers them pretty good, overcome completely with the urge to defeat everything he sees, even to the detriment of himself or friends.
15: Love - The character casts aside all concern for himself or anything but the object of his love. He will climb any mountain to give happiness to the object of affection.
16: Depression - Sadness, like a tidal wave, wipes through the character's life; the cold icy hand of depression grips his heart and he feels helpless.
17: Hatred - The inflicted cannot control himself at all, boiling rage seething from inside, pouring out onto all around him consumes his mind. It is all he can do not to rip everything around him to shreds.
18: Altruism - The character, begotten with perhaps a pity, but more of a kindness, begins giving away everything he has conceivably and literally, until he has no longer.
19: Hysteria - An uncontrollable terror, unable to be even touched with logic, sweeps through the character's mind, sending most fleeing into corners where they reproach into fetal positions.
20: Utter Insanity - The character's mind cracks completely; a split personality may form, enormous and uncontrollable swings of emotion begin, and the character suspects everyone and everything around him of plotting terrible malevolent things. He has complete hallucinations often, sometimes seizures.
Health: 7500
P: Invulnerable
C: Invulnerable
S: Invulnerable
B: Invulnerable
Radiation: N/A
Fire: Invulnerable
Plasma: Invulnerable
Heat: Invulnerable
Cold: Invulnerable
Corrosion: Invulnerable
Magic: N/A
Magic: 40
Charisma: 30
Intelligence: 30
Wisdom: 30
Element: Liquid
Attracted By: Revolutionary sympathies in individuals and among collectives of people
Background: Long ago, when the First Empire of the Ponderan was in its embryonic form, the first kingship came to demand subservience from agrarian Ponderan society. Although many capitulated to this demand, there was a renegade cult of liquid mages called The Third Eye. This group refused to be subsumed and demanded its own autonomy. A conflict ensued in which the Third Eye succeeded in resisting encroachment by the First Empire. However, the time would come when the First Empire
Igris was sealed away long ago by the Daemon Courts for revolutionary tendencies. He was released just before the Revolutionary Age.
Appearance: A general description of the daemon’s appearance.
Skill: Description.
Element: Solid
Attracted By: Events which bear upon the eternal traditions and universal knowledge of conscious existence.
Background: As soon as the first conscious being ever carried out the first ritual, Niktera was born in embryonic form. Over the many aeons, Niktera has grown stronger and weaker as traditions, religions, and philosophies have reigned.
Appearance: Niktera typically manifests as a matte of vines which can grow and shrink in width, length, consistency, and overall morphology.
Skill: Description (Delay: X. Skill: X)
Prism, the Blissmaker
Element: Chaos
Attracted By: Misery, poverty, deprivation
Background: Prism is a somewhat well known anomaly to those on Nyra. The first thing anyone learns about Prism is that its title "Blissmaker" is very literal. When it approaches any general area, an intense, almost debilitating happiness and bliss comes over every sentient creature. The closer one approaches to it or that it approaches, the more intense the bliss becomes, until finally, when it is in arm's length, the euphoria is so intense that few can even function. It is actually not dangerous aside from this however. It emits a wondrous bouquet of pleasurable fragrances.
Appearance: Prism appears quite conventionally as a very large butterfly, measuring about a foot across. It is, however, pulsating at all times with a rainbow of colors. Its light actually pulsates in every spectrum as well, even if viewed in Ultraviolet, Thermal, or Infrared. It has been noted to be extremely pleasing to the eye by all who have seen it.
Focus: 40
Willpower: 40
Sequence: 1
Pleasure Conduction: If physical contact is made with Bliss, the being in contact must roll an Impossible Focus check or else they lose consciousness for 1d20 minutes. They must make an additional Impossible Focus check in order to not receive 3d20 Magic damage to their entire body.
Love Field: Any being that witnesses Prism is overcome with the desire to protect it. They must roll an Impossible Focus check to even muster the willingness to attack it.
Magic Disruption: If a spell is cast on Prism, the GM must roll a d6. The effect will be determined as follows:
1: The spell lands.
2: The spell has no effect. Magical delay is used.
3: The spell targets the caster themselves instead. They cannot cancel the spell.
4: The spell has no effect. Two times magical delay is used.
5: The spell has no effect. The caster loses their turn.
6: Caster fizzles their spell and must roll Impossible Focus or else they are also inclined to spend their entire turn approaching Prism so they can touch it.
Magic: 30
Charisma: 100
Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 3
Trespen, Poet of Keyholes
Species: Cacodemon
Type: Shapeshifter
Habitat: Impossibly Rare in all Dimensions and Universes
On successful Lore (THE) roll:
Trespen is a creature that even those of his own species are wary of. He is known first and foremost as a deceiver, and that deception is not only the means, but the end itself. Being a cacodemon, he is steadfastly rooted in the traditions of chaos, and is of the variety that believes the most chaos can come from the negation of facts and truth. In actuality, most that know anything of him, have decided he does not even believe in the word 'fact'. He twists and weaves words and ideas in such a way that few are safe from his influence. It is said that THE will not even allow him an audience.
The cacodemon known as Trespen's true form is completely unknown. Of the various cacodemons who have given their names as Trespen throughout the various stories in the mythos of chaos, he has been in a different form almost every time. The only reliability to his shape is that he, without variance, represents whatever species he is speaking to, except so blindingly handsome and charming, that people of either sex of any species can barely say no to his requests.
Dodge: Yes (7)
Initiative: 4
Special: If Trespen makes a successful charisma roll, he convinces any attackers to reconsider their attack unless he's attacking back.
Attack Rate: 1
Agility: 6
Strength: 4
Constitution: 8
Magic: 10
Charisma: 59
Intelligence: 35
Wisdom: 1
Element: Liquid
Attracted By: Worship
Vilbekt is the guardian daemon of Onwa. Vilbekt was once the Utwesh named Vulin, a very powerful liquid mage with preoccupations on the sacred nature of blood. The desert dwelling tribes which practice Onwa, valuing liquid mages above all else, nearly worshiped Vulin during his life, leading to the creation of the first followers of Onwa, his early disciples. After his death, ascending to daemonhood, he renamed himself Vilbekt and entered into the Pact of the Oases. Vilbekt demanded that the people of the oases sacrifice blood, the more the better, into the oasis water, empowering him. In exchange, when anyone drank of the water, they slowly had their strength rechanneled into his living disciples, even though their thirst is thoroughly quenched.
Appearance: Vilbekt typically appears as a mass of entangled veins in the form of a humanoid body, seated upon an enormous, unfolded red flower.
Focus: 20
Willpower: 25
Sequence: 18
The Pact of the Oases: Members of the cult of Onwa enter into a pact with Vilbekt. In order to enter into the pact, the members of must sacrifice victims in the oases in order to gain counters which reflect half the damage dealt to the cultist back to the attacker. Each time they are struck, one of these counters are exhausted. These counters regenerate each day. The number of counters that any cultist has is determined by how many victims they have sacrificed. They must do progressively larger rituals of sacrifice each time gain an additional counter.
To get the first counter, they must undergo a ritual wherein they sacrifice one victim in the oasis. Then to get the second counter, they must undergo a ritual wherein they sacrifice two victims at once in the oasis. This trend continues indefinitely: to get the X counter, they must undergo a ritual wherein they sacrifice X victims in the oasis.
Health: 2000
P: Invulnerable
C: Invulnerable
S: Invulnerable
B: Invulnerable
Radiation: Invulnerable
Fire: N/A
Plasma: Invulnerable
Heat: Invulnerable
Cold: Invulnerable
Corrosion: Invulnerable
Magic: N/A
Magic: 25
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 20