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Known as: Ventusari, Galecaster

Tier 1

Sense Ventusari

Spell Type: Innate

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100

This spell, upon a successful observation check, allows the caster to sense the presence of someone of their own element.

1: Can sense when in contact.

3: Can sense when perceived.

Sense Gas

Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the caster has the ability to perceive all gases around them within a certain range. This includes the ability to hear sounds being emitted within those gases. But, like all other senses, the caster must make an observation check to notice particular features in their range of perception.

1:  The caster may sense gases for 50 feet surrounding them.

3:  The caster may sense gases for 100 feet surrounding them.  

5:  The caster may sense gases for 200 feet surrounding them. 

7:  The caster may sense gases for 400 feet surrounding them.  

9:  The caster may sense gases for 800 feet surrounding them.

11:  The caster may sense gases for 1200 feet surrounding them.

13:  The caster may sense gases for 2400 feet surrounding them.

15:  The caster may sense gases for 4800 feet surrounding them.

17:  The caster may sense gases for 10,000 feet surrounding them.

20:  The caster may sense gases for 20,000 feet surrounding them.

Refreshing Breeze

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 2(2 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

A refreshing breeze passes through a 10 foot by 5 foot lane, restoring delay on all targets in the area each turn it is sustained.

1: Restores 1 used delay to each target in the lane on their turn.

3: The lane can now be specified to be up to 15 feet long and 10 feet wide.

5: Restores 2 used delay to each target in the lane on their turn.

7: The lane can now be specified to be up to 15 feet long and 10 feet wide.

9: Restores 3 used delay to each target in the lane on their turn.

11: The lane can now be specified to be up to 20 feet long and 15 feet wide.

13: The lane can now be specified to be up to 40 feet long and 25 feet wide.

15: Restores 4 used delay to each target in the lane on their turn.

17: Restores 5 used delay to each target in the lane on their turn.

20: Restores 10 used delay to each target in the lane on their turn.

Tier 2

Exhausting Gale

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 2(2 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

An extremely inhospitable wind passes through a 10 foot by 5 foot lane, making it more difficult to act. All targets may roll a difficult INT check on their turn, to realize they are in the effect of the spell and move out of it.

2: All actions by targets within the radius of the spell are at +1 difficulty.

4: The lane can now be specified to be up to 15 feet long and 10 feet wide.

6: Movement from one location to another costs 1 extra delay.

8: All actions by targets within the radius of the spell are at +2 difficulty.

10: The lane can now be specified to be up to 20 feet long and 15 feet wide.

12: Movement from one location to another costs 2 extra delay.

14: All actions by targets within the radius of the spell are at +3 difficulty. 

16: The lane can now be specified to be up to 40 feet long and 25 feet wide.

18: Movement from one location to another costs 3 extra delay.

20: All actions by targets within the radius of the spell are at +5 difficulty. 


Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100

The caster originates a gust of gas from any location in their perception, facing any direction, and at any dimension allowed by the spell. 

2: Gust is 1 foot wide and 1 foot long and can move creatures of Tiny category and objects up to 10 lbs. by 10 feet.

4: Gust is 2 feet wide and 2 feet long and can move creatures of Small category and objects up to 20 lbs. by 20 feet.

6: Gust is 3 feet wide and 3 feet long and can move creatures of Medium category and objects up to 40 lbs. by 30 feet.

8: Gust is 3 feet wide and 3 feet long and can move creatures of Medium category and objects up to 80 lbs. by 30 feet.

10: Gust is 4 feet wide and 4 feet long and can move creatures of Large category and objects up to 160 lbs. by 30 feet.

12: Gust is 8 feet wide and 8 feet long and can move creatures of Large category and objects up to 320 lbs. by 60 feet.

14: Gust is 16 feet wide and 16 feet long and can move creatures of Large category and objects up to 640 lbs. by 120 feet.

16: Gust is 32 feet wide and 32 feet long and can move creatures of Giant category and objects up to 1280 lbs. by 30 feet.

18: Gust is 64 feet wide and 64 feet long and can move creatures of Giant category and objects up to 2560 lbs. by 60 feet.

20: Gust is 128 feet wide and 128 feet long and can move creatures of Giant category and objects up to 5120 lbs. by 120 feet.

Tier 3


Spell Type: Innate/Channeling

Delay: 3(2)

Casting Range: 100

The caster manifests an aura of silence where no sound emitted inside the spell radius can be heard outside of the spell radius and no sound emitted outside the spell radius can be heard inside the spell radius. Checks to spot targets within the radius while in Stealth are at +2 difficulty to all those outside the radius and checks to spot others outside the radius in Stealth are at +2 difficulty for those inside.

3: Spell is innate, but only affects the caster. The caster does not emit sound, but also cannot hear anything but their own body. Delay: 3

5: Muffle is now Channeling. The caster emits an aura with a radius of 5 feet.  Delay: 3(2)

7: The caster emits an aura with a radius of 10 feet.  Delay: 3(2)

9: The caster emits an aura with a radius of 15 feet.  Delay: 3(2)

11: The caster emits an aura with a radius of 30 feet.  Delay: 3(1)

13: The caster emits an aura with a radius of 60 feet.  Delay: 3(1)

15: The caster may now choose to place the spell with any previously specified radius anywhere within 100 feet of the caster. Delay: 3(3)

17: The caster may now choose to place the spell with any previously specified radius anywhere within 100 feet of the caster. Delay: 3(2)

20: The caster may now choose to place the spell with any previously specified radius anywhere within 100 feet of the caster. Delay: 3(1)

Compression Blast

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100

The caster launches a blast of compressed air toward the target dealing damage and striking a body party randomly. May be aimed at a difficult check.

3: Compression Blast deals 4d4 Bludgeoning.

5: Compression Blast deals 5d4 Bludgeoning.

7: Compression Blast deals 6d4 Bludgeoning.

9: Compression Blast deals 7d4 Bludgeoning.

11: Compression Blast deals 7d4 Bludgeoning and does a Knockdown unless the target makes an AGI check. Now targets two body parts when the target is hit with Compression Blast. Roll location twice.

13: Compression Blast deals 7d4 Bludgeoning and does a Knockdown unless the target makes a difficult AGI check. Now targets three body parts when the target is hit with Compression Blast. Roll location three times. Delay: 4

15: Compression Blast deals 8d4 Bludgeoning and does a Knockdown unless the target makes a difficult AGI check. Now targets four body parts when the target is hit with Compression Blast. Roll location four times. Delay: 4. 

17: Compression Blast deals 9d4 Bludgeoning and does a Knockdown unless the target makes a difficult AGI check. Delay: 4. 

20: Compression Blast deals 10d4 Bludgeoning and does a Knockdown unless the target makes an impossible AGI check. Now targets six body parts when the target is hit with Compression Blast. Roll location five times. Delay: 4

Purify Air

Spell Type: Channeling 

Delay: 3(1 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

When this spell is cast, gaseous toxins fade from the air in a radius.

3: Can now purify air in a 100 foot radius.

5: Can now purify air in a 200 foot radius.

7: Can now specify a target for Purify Air, keeping only the air they breathe safe.

9: Can now specify two targets for Purify Air, keeping only the air they breathe safe.

11: Can now specify three targets for Purify Air, keeping only the air they breathe safe.

13: Can now specify four targets for Purify Air, keeping only the air they breathe safe.

15: Can now specify five targets for Purify Air, keeping only the air they breathe safe.

17: Can now specify any number of individual targets for Purify Air, keeping only the air they breathe safe.

Wind Whisper

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100

The caster can now cast their voice upon the wind, communicating over long distances.

3: The caster can now send their voice to the ears of any individual target within the caster’s perception. 

5: The caster can now send their voice to the ears of any individual target within two times the caster’s perception. 

7: The caster can now send their voice to the ears of any individual target within three times the caster’s perception. 

9: The caster can now specify that their voice is delivered to a location up to three times their perception and said where up to two targets in the area can hear it.

11: The caster can now specify that their voice is delivered to a location up to three times their perception and said where up to three targets in the area can hear it.

13: The caster can now specify that their voice is delivered to a location up to three times their perception and said where up to four targets in the area can hear it.

15: The caster can now specify that their voice is delivered to a location up to three times their perception and said where up to five targets in the area can hear it.

17: The caster can now specify that their voice is delivered to a location up to ten times their perception and said where up to five targets in the area can hear it.

20: The caster can now specify that their voice is delivered to any number of locations that are within up to twenty times their perception and said where any number of targets in the area can hear it.

Wall of Wind

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 3(1 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

The caster may manifest a wall up to two feet long and one foot wide of roiling wind which penalizes all attacks that pass through it.

3: Any attack which passes through the wall to hit the target deals -1 damage.

5: Any attack which passes through the wall to hit the target deals -2 damage.

7: Any attack which passes through the wall to hit the target deals -3 damage.

9: The wall may now be specified to be up to five feet long and up to two feet wide.

11: Any attack which passes through the wall to hit the target deals -4 damage. All targets now have to roll against AGI when they pass through the wall or they are affected by a Knockdown.

13: Any attack which passes through the wall to hit the target deals -8 damage. All targets now have to roll a difficult check against AGI when they pass through the wall or they are affected by a Knockdown. All projectile attacks are also at +1 difficulty to hit. 

15: Any attack which passes through the wall to hit the target deals -16 damage. All projectile attacks are also at +3 difficulty to hit. 

17: The wall may now be specified to be up to ten feet long and up to five feet wide. All targets now have to roll an impossible check against AGI when they pass through the wall or they are affected by a Knockdown. 

20: Any attack which passes through the wall to hit the target deals -32 damage. All projectile attacks are also at +5 difficulty to hit. 

Tier 4


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 1(1 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

A hazy and lingering gas fills the area, impeding sight. All targets may roll an INT check on their turn, to realize they are in the effect of the spell and move out of it. 

4: +1 difficulty to all visual checks within up to a 5 foot radius.

6: +2 difficulty to all visual checks within up to a 10 foot radius.

8: +3 difficulty to all visual checks within up to a 15 foot radius.

10: +4 difficulty to all visual checks within up to a 20 foot radius.

12: +5 difficulty to all visual checks within up to a 25 foot radius.

14: +6 difficulty to all visual checks within up to  a 30 foot radius.

16: +7 difficulty to all visual checks within up to a 35 foot radius.

18: +8 difficulty to all visual checks within up to a 40 foot radius.

20: +9 difficulty to all visual checks within up to a 50 foot radius.

Choking Gas

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 4(3 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

The caster summons a gas that immediately begins suffocating the targets in a 10 foot radius. All targets in the radius may make a difficult Focus check to hold their breath. They can hold their breath for half as many turns as their CON. At the beginning of every turn that the target inhales the gas, they have a coughing fit. The player rolls 2d4 and the target takes that much damage to their Chest. Every time you roll a 4, roll an additional d4. However many 4s you roll on these dice, deduct that much delay from the target’s following turn.

4: Roll 2d4 to determine the damage to the target’s chest.

6: The radius of Choking Gas is now 15 feet.

8: Delay is now 3(3 per turn).

10: The radius of Choking Gas is now 20 feet.

12: Roll 3d4 to determine the damage to the target’s chest.

14: The radius of Choking Gas is now 25 feet.

16: Delay is now 3(2 per turn).

18: The radius of Choking Gas is now 30 feet.

20: Roll 5d4 to determine the damage to the target’s chest. The radius of Choking Gas is now 50 feet. 

Concussive Blast

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100

The caster unleashes a concussive wave into the area around them, dealing internal damage to those who are within the radius and knocking them back.

4: 2d4 Bludgeoning damage is dealt to all those in a 15 foot radius surrounding the caster.

6: All targets hit by the blast make an AGI check. If they fail, they are moved to the edge of the spell’s radius and must make a second AGI check or be affected with Knockdown.

8: 2d6 Bludgeoning damage is dealt to all those in a 20 foot radius surrounding the caster.

10: All targets hit by the blast make a difficult AGI check. If they fail, they are moved to the edge of the spell’s radius and must make a second difficult AGI check or be affected with Knockdown.

12: 2d8 Bludgeoning damage is dealt to all those in a 25 foot radius surrounding the caster.

14: All targets hit by the blast make a difficult AGI check. If they fail, they are moved to the edge of the spell’s radius and must make a second impossible AGI check or be affected with Knockdown.

16: 2d10 Bludgeoning damage is dealt to all those in a 30 foot radius surrounding the caster.

18: All targets hit by the blast make an impossible AGI check. If they fail, they are moved to the edge of the spell’s radius and must make a second impossible AGI check or be affected with Knockdown.

20: 2d20 Bludgeoning damage is dealt to all those in a 50 foot radius surrounding the caster. 

Eviscerating Disc

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100

The caster creates a spinning disc of wind that deals slashing damage to the target. The spell targets a random body party, but, upon impact, also affects one neighboring body part, decided by the caster after the spell has struck.

4: 1d8 Slashing damage is dealt to two body parts on the target.

6: 2d8 Slashing damage is dealt to two body parts on the target.

8: 3d8 Slashing damage is dealt to two body parts on the target. Delay: 3

10: 4d8 Slashing damage is dealt to two body parts on the target. Delay: 3

12: 5d8 Slashing damage is dealt to two body parts on the target. Delay: 4

14: 6d8 Slashing damage is dealt to two body parts on the target. Delay: 4

16: 7d8 Slashing damage is dealt to two body parts on the target. Delay: 4

18: 8d8 Slashing damage is dealt to two body parts on the target. Delay: 4

20: 10d8 Slashing damage is dealt to two body parts on the target. Delay: 6

Tier 5

Superheated Current

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100

The Ventusari summons forth an influx of superheated gas in a column from beneath the targets.

5: 1d20 Heat Damage to all targets within a column 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide. 

7: 1d20 Heat Damage to all targets within a column 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide.   

9: 2d20 Heat Damage to all targets within a column 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide. 

11: 2d20 Heat Damage to all targets within a column 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Delay: 4 

13: 3d20 Heat Damage to all targets within a column 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Delay: 4  

15: 3d20 Heat Damage to all targets within a column 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide. Delay: 5  

17: 4d20 Heat Damage to all targets within a column 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide. Delay: 5  

20: 4d20 Heat Damage to all targets within a column 40 feet tall and 30 feet wide. Delay: 5  


Spell Type: Innate

Delay: 4(4 per turn)

Casting Range: Self

With this spell, the caster may now use the gases surrounding them to fly through the air. If there are no gases, they are unable to propel themselves. To find your speed, refer to the chart for AGI and use double your MAG primary instead (may need to refer to 98b. Creatures at the top of the document). Traveling using this spell spends your physical delay. 

5: Delay is now 4(4 per turn).

7: Delay is now 4(3 per turn).

9: Delay is now 3(3 per turn).

11: Delay is now 3(2 per turn).

13: Delay is now 2(2 per turn).

15: Delay is now 2(1 per turn).

17: Delay is now 1(1 per turn).

20: May now fly without check.


Spell Type: Innate

Casting Range: 100

The Ventusari may bring others along with them when using the spell Zephyr.

5: If up to one target makes physical contact with the caster, they travel with the caster without check.

7: If up to two targets make physical contact with the caster, they travel with the caster without check.

9: If up to four targets make physical contact with the caster, they travel with the caster without check.

11: If up to eight targets make physical contact with the caster, they travel with the caster without check.

13: The caster may specify that one target within visual range may be moved by the caster with Zephyr without making physical contact. If up to sixteen targets makes physical contact with the caster, they travel with the caster without check.

15: The caster may specify that two targets within visual range may be moved by the caster with Zephyr without making physical contact. 

17: The caster may specify that four targets within visual range may be moved by the caster with Zephyr without making physical contact.  If up to thirty two targets make physical contact with the caster, they travel with the caster without check.

20: The caster may specify that eight targets within visual range may be moved by the caster with Zephyr without making physical contact. If up to sixty four targets make physical contact with the caster, they travel with the caster without check.

Wind Armor

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 3

Casting Range: Self

The caster shrouds themself in a roiling torrent of wind, casting aside projectiles and throwing weapons from strikers’ hands. When a strike is declared on the caster, they roll a d10. If the result is a 10 and it is a melee strike, cancel the attack and disarm the opponent. If the result is a 10 and it is a ranged attack, deflect the projectile. If not a 10, deduct that much damage from the strike. 

5: When a strike is declared on the caster, they roll a d8. If the result is an 8 and it is a melee strike, cancel the attack and disarm the opponent. If the result is an 8 and it is a ranged attack, deflect the projectile. If not an 8, deduct that much damage from the strike. 

7: When a strike is declared on the caster, they roll a d6. If the result is a 6 and it is a melee strike, cancel the attack and disarm the opponent. If the result is a 6 and it is a ranged attack, deflect the projectile. If not a 6, deduct that much damage from the strike. 

9: When a strike is declared on the caster, they roll a d4. If the result is a 4 and it is a melee strike, cancel the attack and disarm the opponent. If the result is a 4 and it is a ranged attack, deflect the projectile. If not a 4, deduct that much damage from the strike. 

11: When a strike is declared on the caster, they roll a d4. If the result is a 4 and it is a melee strike, cancel the attack and disarm the opponent. If the result is a 4 and it is a ranged attack, deflect the projectile. If not a 4, deduct two times that much damage from the strike. 

13: When a strike is declared on the caster, they roll a d4. If the result is a 4 and it is a melee strike, cancel the attack and disarm the opponent. If the result is a 4 and it is a ranged attack, deflect the projectile. If not a 4, deduct three times that much damage from the strike.   

15: When a strike is declared on the caster, they roll a d4. If the result is a 4 and it is a melee strike, cancel the attack and disarm the opponent. If the result is a 4 and it is a ranged attack, deflect the projectile. If not a 4, deduct four times that much damage from the strike.   

17: When a strike is declared on the caster, they roll a d4. If the result is a 4 and it is a melee strike, cancel the attack and disarm the opponent. If the result is a 4 and it is a ranged attack, deflect the projectile. If not a 4, deduct eight times that much damage from the strike.   

20: When a strike is declared on the caster, they roll a d4. If the result is a 4 and it is a melee strike, cancel the attack and disarm the opponent. If the result is a 4 and it is a ranged attack, deflect the projectile. If not a 4, deduct sixteen times that much damage from the strike.   


Spell Type: Sustained

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the caster imbues the target with an increase in their WIS statistic and all skills underneath it for the duration that the spell is sustained on them. May exceed cap.

5: +1 to WIS and all skills under it.

7: +2 to WIS and all skills under it.

9: +3 to WIS and all skills under it.

11: +4 to WIS and all skills under it. 

13: +5 to WIS and all skills under it.

Tier 6

Control Gas

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 1(1 per turn) for every change

Casting Range: 100

Every incidence of this spell may specify a change in any listed value or dimension (except for delay) listed on any other spell used by the caster. When altering damage or dimension, use stated limitations.

6: Can change 5 feet of dimension or add/remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage. May not change the type of dice which define that spell's damage.

8: Can change 10 feet of dimension or add/remove 1 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage. May not change the type of dice which define that spell's damage.

10: Can change 15 feet of dimension or add/remove 2 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage. May not change the type of dice which define that spell's damage.

12: Can change 20 feet of dimension or add/remove 2 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage. May not change the type of dice which define that spell's damage.

14: Can change 25 feet of dimension or add/remove 3 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage. May not change the type of dice which define that spell's damage.

16: Can change 30 feet of dimension or add/remove 3 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage. May not change the type of dice which define that spell's damage.

18: Can change 35 feet of dimension or add/remove 4 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage. May not change the type of dice which define that spell's damage.

20: Can change 50 feet of dimension or add/remove 5 of the damage dice which define that spell’s damage. The caster may now change the type of dice which define that spell's damage.

Poisonous Mist

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 1

Casting Range: 100

The Gas user may lace the Composite Mist spell with a poison that he knows from his alchemy skill. All targets may roll an impossible INT check on their turn, to realize they are in the effect of the spell and move out of it.









Vacuum Wave

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 5(5 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the caster sucks the air out of the area in front of them in a 10 foot long and 5 foot wide column. If the length or the width of the column is the same as any dimension of the room that the caster uses the spell in, that room is vacuumed of all air.

Turn 1: The targets’ chest damage go straight to serious.

Turn 2: The targets get to make a difficult willpower check. If they do not succeed, chest goes to critical and head goes to serious. The targets also make a normal CON check to stay conscious.

Turn 3: The target gets to make an impossible willpower check. If they do not succeed, chest and head both go to critical. The targets also make a difficult CON check to stay conscious.

Turn 4: The target gets to make an impossible willpower check. If they do not succeed, chest and head both go to critical plus five. The targets also make an impossible CON check to stay conscious.

6: The delay for Vacuum Wave is now 5(4 per turn).

8: The delay for Vacuum Wave is now 4(4 per turn).

10: The delay for Vacuum Wave is now 4(3 per turn).

12: The delay for Vacuum Wave is now 3(3 per turn).

14: Vacuum Wave now starts at the turn 2 effect.

16: Vacuum Wave now starts at the turn 3 effect.

18: The delay for Vacuum Wave is now 3(2 per turn).

20: Vacuum Wave now starts at the turn 4 effect.

Tier 7


Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 4(2 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

A whirling vortex is summoned at a location within 450 feet, lifting the targets within it into the air. When Whirlwind ceases, the targets fall. The targets receive 1d10 damage for every ten feet they fall, to two random locations. Refer to 17. Damage, Wounding, and Death and see section labeled Falling Damage to learn more.

7: Whirlwind may lift any creature within a 15 foot radius, of Medium category or below, 10 feet into the air for every turn they are in Whirlwind. 

9: Whirlwind may lift any creature within a 20 foot radius, of Medium category or below, 10 feet into the air for every turn they are in Whirlwind. 

11: Whirlwind may lift any creature within a 25 foot radius, of Large category or below, 15 feet into the air for every turn they are in Whirlwind. 

13: Whirlwind may lift any creature within a 30 foot radius, of Large category or below, 15 feet into the air for every turn they are in Whirlwind. 

15: Whirlwind may lift any creature within a 35 foot radius, of Large category or below, 15 feet into the air for every turn they are in Whirlwind. 

17: Whirlwind may lift any creature within a 40 foot radius, of Giant category or below, 20 feet into the air for every turn they are in Whirlwind. 

20: Whirlwind may lift any creature within a 50 foot radius, of Giant category or below, 25 feet into the air for every turn they are in Whirlwind. 

Nerve Gas

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100

The caster summons forth a noxious cloud of gas within 400 feet which serves to exterminate all living things who must breathe it. All targets may roll an impossible INT check on their turn, to realize they are in the effect of the spell and move out of it. Exterminates all creatures of size category Small or below. Can stack.

7: All targets who inhale Nerve Gas recieve a +1 difficulty to all checks for the duration of combat. The radius of the gas is 5 feet.

9:  All targets who inhale Nerve Gas recieve a +3 difficulty to all checks for the duration of combat. Every turn a character inhales Nerve Gas this way permanently deduct 1 Constitution. If their Constitution reaches zero they die. The radius of the gas is 10 feet.

11: All targets who inhale Nerve Gas recieve a +5 difficulty to all checks for the duration of combat. Every turn a character inhales Nerve Gas this way permanently deduct 2 Constitution. If their Constitution reaches zero they die. The radius of the gas is 15 feet.

13: All targets who inhale Nerve Gas recieve a +7 difficulty to all checks for the duration of combat. Every turn a character inhales Nerve Gas this way permanently deduct 3 Constitution. If their Constitution reaches zero they die. The radius of the gas is 20 feet.

15:  All targets who inhale Nerve Gas recieve a +9 difficulty to all checks for the duration of combat. Every turn a character inhales Nerve Gas this way permanently deduct 3 Constitution. If their Constitution reaches zero they die. The radius of the gas is 25 feet.

17: All targets who inhale Nerve Gas recieve a +11 difficulty to all checks for the duration of combat. Every turn a character inhales Nerve Gas this way permanently deduct 4 Constitution. If their Constitution reaches zero they die. The radius of the gas is 30 feet.

20: All targets who inhale Nerve Gas recieve a +15 difficulty to all checks for the duration of combat. Every turn a character inhales Nerve Gas this way permanently deduct 5 Constitution. If their Constitution reaches zero they die. The radius of the gas is 45 feet.

Tier 8 

Tornadic Blast

Spell Type: Instant

Delay: 2

Casting Range: 100

With this spell, the caster may summon a tornadic column originating from anywhere within 50 feet and aimed in any direction. The caster may specify the width of the column that is summoned. At a width of 5 feet the column deals 10d10, and for each 5 feet the column’s width is increased -1d10 from the damage. Cannot be reduced to deal 0 damage. The column’s length is twice its width. Any target struck by the column is carried to its furthest extent and is affected by a Knockdown.

8: The column may now originate from anywhere within 50 feet and aimed in any direction.

10: The column may now originate from anywhere within 100 feet and aimed in any direction.

12: The column may now originate from anywhere within 200 feet and aimed in any direction.

14: The column may now originate from anywhere within 400 feet and aimed in any direction.

16: The column may now originate from anywhere within 600 feet and aimed in any direction.

18: The column may now originate from anywhere within 800 feet and aimed in any direction.

20: The column may now originate from anywhere within 1000 feet and aimed in any direction.

Cryogenic Cloud

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 5(4 per turn)

Casting Range: 100

The caster conjures a cloud of frigid gas which causes the things in its midst to freeze solid, dealing damage and deducting delay. If the target’s delay goes to zero, they are frozen solid and go straight to Serious on all body parts. The cloud has a 30 foot radius.

8: The target receives Xd4 Cold Damage and X delay is deducted each turn, where X is the number of turns they have been inside the cloud.

10: The cloud has a 40 foot radius.

12: The cloud has a 45 foot radius.

14: Now only costs 4(4 per turn) to cast.

16: The cloud has a 50 foot radius.

18: Now only costs 4(3 per turn) to cast.

20: Now only costs 3(2 per turn) to cast.

Tier 9

Summon Gas

Spell Type: 

Casting Range: 100

Delay: 5








Spell Type: 

Delay: 3

Casting Range: 100

[Sends target flying land-spanning distances]







Tier 10

Null Gas

Spell Type: Channeling

Delay: 2(1 per turn)

Casting Range: Self

The caster receives less damage from any source of damage that originates from gas.

10: -5 to all damage taken from gases. 

12: -10 to all damage taken from gases.  

14: -20 to all damage taken from gases.  

16: -40 to all damage taken from gases. Delay: 2(2 per turn)

18: -80 to all damage taken from gases. Delay: 3(2 per turn)

20: -160 to all damage taken from gases. Delay: 4(2 per turn)

Ascension (Gas)

Spell Type: Sustained

Delay: 4

The caster ascends into a pure manifestation of their element, able to wield their phase with a newly found power. Their element cannot affect them in any harmful way. Every turn the caster must roll a check against their Magic skill to see if their mortal mind is destroyed by their ascended form and their character dies. The caster is impervious to physical damage while Ascended.

While ascended, the Ventusari may cast spells at double range.

10: The character must roll a Normal check for the first turn, a Difficult check for the second turn, an Impossible check for the third turn, and 1 on all turns after.

12: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third turn, an Impossible check for the fourth turn, and 1 on all turns after.

14: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth turn, and 1 on all turns after.

16: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth and sixth turns, and 1 on all turns after.

18: The character must roll a Normal check for the first three turns, a Difficult check for the fourth and fifth turns, an Impossible check for the sixth and and seventh turns, and 1 on all turns after.

20: The character must roll a Normal check for the first four turns, a Difficult check for the fifth and sixth turns, an Impossible check for the seventh and and eighth turns, and 1 on all turns after.