Ponderans have an innate communion with the magic stream. They get + 1 MAG at character creation.
The Ponderan gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and failures in Intelligence.
Arkhan's Meditation:Meditation
When a Ponderan rolls any test of magic, the amount they roll under the skill in that layer, is added as raw damage on top of the spell. So if a Ponderan had a skill of Concentration: 8 and Magic Skill: 5 and rolled 3 on the first and 4 on the second, they would add 5 and 1 damage to their spell.
Astonishing Insight:Insight
All skill points except those gained from Instruct are general skill points.
Ponderans are the, until recently, unknown race of Nyra. They are, as a race, notably weak, and frail in comparison to the others, and do not grow hair on their bodies. They resemble the average human however, despite these differences, with a more whitish pallor. The Ponderans are also the most technologically advanced race on Nyra, with technology allowing their entire society to function in a comfortable manner, thousands of years ahead of the rest of society. This technology is commonly fueled by magicite, drawn from various sources, sometimes even the blood of magic users. However, they no longer live in this utopia, foisted out of their homelands by their once slaves, the Famulus.
They are, notably mysterious, despite these known facts however, as they do not allow people into their cities. Their entire home island was taken in an elaborate coup by the Famulus recently and they live upon the shores of Lazvar. The majority of their technology and infrastructure were left behind on their home island, where it lays in disuse among the Famulus who now stay there.
The Ponderan are the oldest race of Pure Ascension, being the patriarchs of a number of prolific species that were bred from them long ago. These species include: Humans, Kalnis, and Famulus.
Lifespan: 75-320 years
Height: 5'-7'
Homeland: Ona
Language: Pondera
Statistic Minimum:
STR: 3
AGI: 3
CON: 3
INT: 6
WIS: 4
CHA: 6
WIS: 4
CHA: 6
MAG: 1
Health Calculations:
HealthHead: Calculations:
Head - CON - 2 for slight. (CON * 2) - 4 for serious. Add 1 for critical.
ChestChest: - (CON + STR) * 2 - 2 for slight. (CON + STR) * 4 - 4 for serious. Add 1 for critical.
Limbs -Limbs: CON + STR - 2 for slight. (CON + STR) * 2 - 4 for serious. Add 1 for critical.