Step 1. Choose a Class
The character should first determine his or her class. To see the classes available, see 51. Classes. After the player has decided, the GM should print the appropriate character sheet. In Nyra, all classes have premade character sheets.
See subsections 50a-f for aforementioned sheets.
Step 2. Choose a Species
A character should then choose his Species from the Species list, see 53. Species Please see Species List to see what available options the player has. Once this is done, add his Species's language into one of the language slots on his character sheet, and put a star or asterisk in the place of the skill, representing that he is fluent. Don’t forget to write down the particular feats that the character gets for choosing their species.
Step 3. Choose a Sub-Class
Character should now choose their sub-class, see 52. Sub-Classes. Keep in mind that the bonuses given should not be figured in as if they were ranks of the skill. They should be considered modifiers and therefore notated as + 1, + 2, etc... beside the real skill rank.
Step 4. Write down your Gender, Weight, Height, and Name
Now that they know their Species and Sub-Class, the player should choose their character’s gender, weight, height, and name.
Step 5. Determine your Sequence
Sequence should be rolled on different dice depending on either the GM's desire for effectiveness in the characters or the point in the campaign.
Campaign Beginning: 1d6
Campaign Middle: 1d8
Campaign End: 1d10
Alternatively, the GM may desire to simply take the caps off once they are reached. Regardless, if the character is a combat class (Ranger, Rogue, Brawler, Warrior, or Diplomat), they re-roll on any Sequence that is less than half of the maximum. Everyone else should write down their sequence appropriately.
Step 6. Determine your Prime Statistics
The player should roll a d10, 6 times and write down the numbers. They may now take these numbers and place them into the prime statistics of their desire. To see prime statistic minimums see Species List. It should be noted, if a number placed into the prime statistic is lower than the minimum, it is raised to the minimum. In this way players may attempt to maximize their lower numbers rolled by placing them in advantageous statistics.
Also, explain modifiers and calculate them appropriately at this stage.
1-3: +1 modifier
4-5: +2 modifier
6-7: +3 modifier
8-9: +4 modifier
10: +5 modifier
Step 7. Calculate your Health
One should refer to the Species list and locate the proper damage calculation for their Species. On could also refer to the 52a. Health Calculator
Step 8. Purchase your Skills
The character is now given skill points to distribute to their character in whatever skills, prime statistics, or initiative they desire. Like primary statistics and sequence, the GM may choose to limit the maximum rank a character can attain at character creation. To see skill cost values see 54c. Skill Cost Tables. The following are recommended skill point allotments for character creation at different parts of a campaign.
Early Early Game: 300 skill points
Mid Early Game: 450 skill points
Late Early Game: 600 skill points
Early Mid Game: 900 skill points
Mid Mid Game: 1200 skill points
Late Mid Game: 1500 skill points
Early Late Game: 2200 skill points
Middle Late Game: 3000 skill points
Late Late Game: 3800 skill points
Step 9. Determine your Fame
The GM should flip a coin at character creation. If heads, the character receives 1 fame, if tails, 2. For Savant roll a d4.
Step 10. Determine your Equipment
Character now requests his or her equipment, decided at GM discretion. Magic items in this world are almost completely unheard of, and it should be noted that plate mail is quite expensive to those that are not of noble class.
To generate the players' starting wealth(denar), multiply their Fame by their Charisma rating by 50. (Fame x Charisma * 50) And for a Savant: Fame*Charisma*100.