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All Qe'sis can communicate psychically with other Qe'sis through pheromones. This makes Assess checks of other Qe'sis mental state one difficulty threshold easier.


Rapid adaptation


The humans are the dominant race of Nyra. Their lifespans are short in comparison to some species on Nyra. They are highly dominant however because of this and tend to be more ambitious in their endeavors. Greedy nobles have caused an enormous class rift and those in middle income are nearly non-existent and the culture of the Humans has spread across the continent of Lazvar. The human cities of Leep, Moenia, Blaire, and Quarc are currently flying Separatist colors, and have declared that they plan to secede from the Farhaven Alliance. After the recent death of King Doran, war has broken out among the two sides.

The Humans are not one of the species of Pure Ascension, having come from the offspring of the Famulus and the Ponderan breeding with each other. The half-breeds were originally called Hyoo, a word that meant 'half-breed,' and implied a sort of accident. At some point in their distant history, a large armada of humans were loaded up by the Ponderans and sent to the main continent where it was hoped they would die, although it was accepted they would likely thrive. However, the Ponderan had no conceivable idea to what extent the humans would thrive in such a small amount of time.

Lifespan: 25-110 years

Height: 5'1"-7'8"

Homeland: Farhaven, Crane City, Criff, Blaire

Language: Lazvarian (Common)

Statistic Minimums:

STR: 5

AGI: 5

CON: 5

INT: 4

WIS: 1

CHA: 5

MAG: 1

Health Calculation:

Head: CON for slight. CON * 2 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.

Chest: CON * 2 + STR for slight. CON * 4 + STR for serious. Add CON mod for critical.

Limbs: CON + STR for slight. (CON + STR) * 2 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.