Transfigurist, Geomancer, Shapeshifter, Druid
Tier 1
Sense Transfigurist
Spell Type: Innate
Casting Range: 100
This spell, upon a successful observation check, allows the caster to sense the presence of someone of their own element.
1: Can sense when in contact.
3: Can sense when perceived.
Sense Solid
Spell Type: Innate
Casting Range: 100
With this spell, the caster has the ability to perceive all solids around them within a certain range. But, like all other senses, the caster must make an observation check to notice particular features in their range of perception.
1: The caster may sense solids for 10 feet surrounding him.
3: The caster may sense solids for 20 feet surrounding him.
5: The caster may sense solids for 40 feet surrounding him.
7: The caster may sense solids for 80 feet surrounding him.
9: The caster may sense solids for 160 feet surrounding him.
11: The caster may sense solids for 320 feet surrounding him.
13: The caster may sense solids for 640 feet surrounding him.
15: The caster may sense solids for 1280 feet surrounding him.
17: The caster may sense solids for 2560 feet surrounding him.
20: The caster may sense solids for 5120 feet surrounding him.
Tier 2
Clinging Palms
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 1
Casting Range: 100
This spell enhances the climbing ability of the caster. Lasts until canceled by the will of the user.
2: -1 difficulty to Climbing checks. The hands are barely chalky and dry.
4: -2 difficulty to Climbing checks. It is as if a powder where on the hands made just for keeping fingers in the grooves of rocks.
6: -3 difficulty to Climbing checks. The hands take on a surface like leather, with a rough and clingy hide.
8: -4 difficulty to Climbing checks. This is the threshold at which the Geomancer's hands are becoming gecko-like. Exhibiting interlacing hair-like structure on the palms. This means that their Climbing check will now let them crawl upon walls and ceilings.
10: -5 difficulty to Climbing checks.
12: -6 difficulty to Climbing checks.
14: -7 difficulty to Climbing checks.
16: -8 difficulty to Climbing checks.
20: -9 difficulty to Climbing checks.
Plant Growth
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 2(1 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
The caster may now call upon the vegetation in the area to grow more quickly and sprout abundant harvests. Spell must progress through each level of growth, if there is not growth of a particular stage present in the area. The effects of growth upon existing flora are permanent, even after channeling has ended.
2: Small plants and weeds begin flourishing, growing tenuously upon their surroundings.
4: Large plants, such as bushes and small trees begin growing larger and more bountiful.
6: Small trees and vines begin sprouting and living their life cycle. Plants begin appearing where none were before.
8: Medium trees and vines begin sprouting and living their life cycle, entangling the environment. Plants begin appearing where none were before.
10: Large trees and vines begin sprouting and living their life cycle, entangling the environment and enshrouding everything in their extent. Plants begin appearing where none were before. Stealth checks are now at a -2 difficulty and the area is now considered outdoors.
12: Massive trees boom from the ground and vines wrap around all that surrounds them, entangling the environment and enshrouding everything in their extent. Plants begin appearing where none were before. Stealth checks are now at a -3 difficulty and the area is now considered outdoors. Housing structures in the area where the growth is taking place begin breaking apart and will take sustained damage the longer the spell continues.
Tier 3
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 1 per physical delay spent to move object
Casting Range: 100
This spell allows the caster to physically maneuver a solid object in their presence. Any conscious being under the effects of this spell may roll a Focus check in order to resist the influence of the mage. If they succeed, Telekinesis fails to affect them. Refer to section 80a. Damage, Wounding, Status Effects, and Death to see crushing damage for heavy objects. To find the speed you relocate the object, refer to the chart for AGI and use your MAG primary instead. Moving an object using this spell spends your physical delay.
3: Objects up to 5 lbs may be moved.
5: Objects up to 20 lbs may be moved.
7: Objects up to 50 lbs may be moved.
9: Objects up to 150 lbs may be moved.
11: Objects up to 300 lbs may be moved.
13: Objects up to 650 lbs may be moved.
15: Objects up to 2000 lbs may be moved. Willpower rolls are now at difficult check. Delay: 2(3 per turn)
20: Objects up to 10,000 lbs may be moved. Delay: 4(3 per turn)
Eviscerating Claws
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 3(1 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
With this spell, the caster can now grow large claws from their hands which are lethal weapons, able to dispatch enemies more subtly than most other spells. Agility checks involving intricate movement with the hands are done at impossible check. The caster rolls against their magic skill in attempting to strike with their claws. When they swing, they spend delay from their physical turn, not their magical one.
3: Claws grow forth roughly 2 inches in length, dealing 1d6 (1-6) + AGI modifier in slashing damage. Delay: 2
5: Claws grow forth roughly 3 inches in length, dealing 2d6 (2-12) + AGI modifier in slashing damage. Delay: 3
7: This spell is now innate.
Fists of Rock
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 3(1 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
With this spell, the caster hands’ now turn to stone, growing in size, become like articulable boulders. Agility checks involving intricate movement with the hands are done at impossible check. The caster rolls against their magic skill in attempting to strike with rock fists. When they swing, they spend delay from their physical turn, not their magical one.
3: Your hands are now encased in rock, dealing 1d6 (1-6) + STR modifier in bludgeoning damage. Delay: 2
5: A thick boulder has grown over the hands, dealing 2d6 (2-12) + STR modifier in bludgeoning damage. Delay: 3
7: This spell is now innate.
Spell Type: Instant Cast
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 100
The caster summons forth a shard of solid material, which they then launch forth at the enemy.
3: 1d4+2 (3-6) Piercing
5: 1d4+3 (4-7) Piercing
7: 1d4+4 (5-8) Piercing
9: 1d4+5 (6-9) Piercing
11: 1d4+6 (7-10) Piercing
13: 1d4+7 (8-11) Piercing
15: 1d4+8 (9-12) Piercing
17: 1d4+9 (10-13) Piercing
Entangling Vines
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 3(2 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
This spell allows the caster to summon vines up from the ground which then wrap around their opponent, entangling them and disabling them from moving affected body parts. The target gets a Dodge check to avoid being entangled on the caster’s turn. A target which is entangled, must roll a Difficult STR check on their turn in order to escape. A small cutting blade reduces the STR checks to a level below.
3: Vines entangle up to three targets, disallowing them from moving.
5: They must now make a Difficult Dodge check to avoid being entangled.
7: The target’s STR check to escape after being entangled is now at Impossible.
9: Vines now do 1d4 Slashing to the legs.
11: Vines now do 3d4 Slashing to the legs. Delay: 4(3 per turn)
13: Vines now do 4d4 Slashing to the target’s entire body. Delay: 4(4 per turn)
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 3
Casting Range: 100
With this spell now understood, the caster may now touch an object in the Flower, Grass, or Vine category and temporarily become a golem of its form. While in this form, casting Entangling Vines costs one less delay per turn to sustain. Damage taken in this form will be sustained upon your character when you change forms. If that damage exceeds critical threshold of the next transformation, your character will die.
STR - 4
CON - 3
AGI - 16
Bludgeoning: -4
Piercing: -6
Cleaving: +5
Slashing: +3
Health calculations:
Head: 15
Chest: 35
Left Arm: 21
Right Arm: 21
Left Leg: 21
Right Leg: 21
Damage done unarmed in this form is: Bludgeoning
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 3
Casting Range: 100
With this spell now understood, the caster may now touch an object in the Flint or Slate category and become a golem of its form. Attacks made while in this form, use physical delay, not magical delay. When in this form, when dealing damage with Eviscerating Claws, add your Magic modifier.
STR - 8
CON - 13
AGI - 3
Bludgeoning: +3
Piercing: -3
Cleaving: +3
Slashing: -2
New health calculations:
Head: 65
Chest: 105
Left Arm: 63
Right Arm: 63
Left Leg: 63
Right Leg: 63
Damage done unarmed in this form is: Slashing
Tier 4
Repair Wounds
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 4
Casting Range: 100
With this spell, the caster is able to repair the wounds of their allies. This does not remove any status effects upon the target. Every location on a character's body may only receive one heal at a time. This resets after it has been damaged once again.
4: The caster may heal 2 points of wounds from two target body parts of anyone within 10 feet.
6: The caster may heal 3 points of wounds from two target body parts of anyone within 15 feet.
8: The caster may heal 4 points of wounds from two target body parts of anyone within 20 feet.
10: The caster may heal 5 points of wounds from two target body parts of anyone within 25 feet.
12: The caster may heal 6 points of wounds from two target body parts of anyone within 30 feet.
14: The caster may heal 7 points of wounds from two target body parts of anyone within 10 feet.
16: The caster may heal 8 points of wounds from two target body parts of anyone within 10 feet.
18: The caster may heal 9 points of wounds from two target body parts of anyone within 10 feet.
20: The caster may heal 10 points of wounds from two target body parts of anyone within 10 feet.
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 1(1 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
When this spell is cast on the target, they must make a willpower check to see if they can move. If they fail, they are unable to overcome the caster’s spell. Every turn the target is allowed to re-roll willpower to see if they can escape.
4: One target may be specified.
6: Two targets may be specified.
8: Three targets may be specified.
10: Four targets may be specified. Delay: 2(2 per turn)
12: Five targets may be specified. Delay: 2(2 per turn)
14: Caster may now choose to either target seven targets at normal willpower check, Delay 2(2 per turn) or two targets at difficult willpower check, Delay 2(2 per turn).
16: Caster may now choose to either target nine targets at normal willpower check, Delay 2(2 per turn) or four targets at difficult willpower check, Delay 2(2 per turn).
18: Caster may now choose to either target eleven targets at normal willpower check, Delay 2(3 per turn), six targets at difficult willpower check, Delay 2(3 per turn), or two targets at impossible willpower check, Delay 3(3 per turn).
20: Caster may now choose to either target fifteen targets at normal willpower check, Delay 3(3 per turn), eight targets at difficult willpower check, Delay 3(3 per turn), or four targets at impossible willpower check, Delay 4(3 per turn).
Spell type: Channeling
Delay: 3(1 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
The caster melds into the ground, protecting them from harm. For every thirty minutes he stays in this state, he reduces the damage on all body parts by one damage threshold. The caster does not become immune to damage, however, allowing them to still be harmed underground if enemies can discern a manner to reach them.
4: 10 feet below ground.
6: 15 feet below ground.
8: 20 feet below ground.
10: 40 feet below ground.
Pass Without Trace
Spell type: Sustained
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 100
The caster is now at one with nature, allowing him to pass through it and remove all proof of his passing there. Broken branches are fixed, his tracks are covered as though he never disturbed the life around him. This spell may be cast on others, but can only be sustained within perception of the caster.
4: All attempts to roll tracking against the caster are now at difficult check.
6: All attempts to roll tracking against the caster are now at impossible check.
8: The delay for this spell is now 1.
10: This spell is now innate.
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 4
Casting Range: 100
With this spell now understood, the caster may now touch an object in the Wood category and become a golem of its form. While the caster is in this form and outdoors, they get a +5 to stealth checks. Attacks made while in this form, use physical delay, not magical delay. Damage taken in this form will be sustained upon your character when you change forms. If that damage exceeds critical threshold of the next transformation, your character will die.
STR - 6
CON - 8
AGI - 8
Bludgeoning: 0
Piercing: -4
Cleaving: +8
Slashing: +4
New health calculations:
Head: 40
Chest: 70
Left Arm: 42
Right Arm: 42
Left Leg: 42
Right Leg: 42
Damage done unarmed in this form is: Bludgeoning
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 5
Casting Range: 100
With this spell now understood, the caster may now touch an object in the Rock or Granite category and become a golem of its form. While the caster is in this form, the spell Hibernate (at whatever rank they have attained) now becomes innate. Attacks made while in this form, use physical delay, not magical delay. Damage taken in this form will be sustained upon your character when you change forms. If that damage exceeds critical threshold of the next transformation, your character will die.
STR- 15
CON - 15
AGI - 3
Bludgeoning: +5
Piercing: N/A
Cleaving: -9
Slashing: -13
New health calculations:
Head: 75
Chest: 150
Left Arm: 90
Right Arm: 90
Left Leg: 90
Right Leg: 90
Damage done unarmed in this form is: Bludgeoning
Tier 5
Density Shifting
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 1(1 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
When the caster uses this spell on an object, it changes its density, making it weigh more or less. In order to determine whether a character can move after they have been densified, reference the weight limits for strength in the primary statistics section of the guide.
5: Reduces or increases the weight of an object by up to 10 lbs.
7: Reduces or increases the weight of an object by up to 20 lbs.
9: Reduces or increases the weight of an object by up to 40 lbs.
11: Reduces or increases the weight of an object by up to 80 lbs.
13: Reduces or increases the weight of an object by up to 160 lbs.
15: Reduces or increases the weight of an object by up to 320 lbs.
17: Reduces or increases the weight of an object by up to 640 lbs.
19: Reduces or increases the weight of an object by up to 1280 lbs.
20: Reduces or increases the weight of an object by up to 2560 lbs.
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 100
The caster causes the ground to split open at a chosen location within perception. Those affected by the spell may roll Athletics to avoid the fall and remain above ground. Those who are trapped in the chasm, may roll Climbing to escape. The caster may also specify that they wish to close a chasm at a rate of 10 feet per turn and at a cost of 3 delay per turn. Any target caught in the chasm when it closes, receives 4d20 to every body part and then must make a strength check to escape every ten feet they are submerged in the ground.
5: The caster may open a chasm of up to 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep.
7: The caster may open a chasm of up to 10 feet wide and 10 feet deep.
9: The caster may open a chasm of up to 15 feet wide and 15 feet deep.
11: The caster may open a chasm of up to 30 feet wide and 20 feet deep. Strength check to escape from a closed chasm is now at difficult.
13: The caster may open a chasm of up to 60 feet wide and 25 feet deep. Acrobatics and climbing saves are now at a difficult check. Strength check to escape from a closed chasm is now at difficult.
15: The caster may open a chasm of up to 120 feet wide and 40 feet deep. Acrobatics and climbing saves are now at a difficult check. Strength check to escape from a closed chasm is now at impossible.
17: The caster may open a chasm of up to 240 feet wide and 80 feet deep. Acrobatics and climbing saves are now at an impossible check. Strength check to escape from a closed chasm is now at impossible.
20: The caster may open a chasm of up to 380 feet wide and 100 feet deep. Acrobatics and climbing saves are now at an impossible check. Strength check to escape from a closed chasm is now at impossible.
Spiked Skin
Spell type: Channeling
Delay: 1(1 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
With this spell, the caster grows a coat of spikes that covers all of his or her skin.
5: 1d4 Piercing Damage to those that make physical contact with the caster.
7: 2d4 Piercing Damage to those that make physical contact with the caster.
9: 3d4 Piercing Damage to those that make physical contact with the caster.
11: 3d8 Piercing Damage to those that make physical contact with the caster.
13: 4d8 Piercing Damage to those that make physical contact with the caster. Delay: 2(1 per turn)
15: 5d8 Piercing Damage to those that make physical contact with the caster. Delay: 2(1 per turn)
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 5
Casting Range: 100
With this spell now understood, the caster may now touch an object in the Obsidian category and become a golem of its form. When the caster does a melee attack in this form, their fist weapon is now a 3d8 Slashing attack, Delay: 3, with the trait Followthrough. Attacks made while in this form, use physical delay, not magical delay. Damage taken in this form will be sustained upon your character when you change forms. If that damage exceeds critical threshold of the next transformation, your character will die.
STR- 7
CON - 7
AGI - 12
Bludgeoning: +9
Piercing: +3
Cleaving: +5
Slashing: -6
New health calculations:
Head: 35
Chest: 70
Left Arm: 42
Right Arm: 42
Left Leg: 42
Right Leg: 42
Damage done unarmed in this form is: Slashing
Spell Type: Sustained
Casting Range: 100
With this spell, the caster imbues the target with an increase in their CON statistic and all skills underneath it for the duration that the spell is sustained on them. May exceed cap.
5: +1 to CON and all skills under it.
7: +2 to CON and all skills under it.
9: +3 to CON and all skills under it.
11: +4 to CON and all skills under it.
13: +5 to CON and all skills under it.
Tier 6
Rain of Shards
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 3(2 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
Dangerous shards of metal begin raining from the sky. Those within the effect of the spell, may roll defense in order to block the shards.
6: 1d4 Piercing Damage to one location to all targets within 5 feet
8: 1d6 Piercing Damage to two locations to all targets within 10 feet
10: 1d8 Piercing Damage to three locations to all targets within 15 feet
12: 1d10 Piercing Damage to four locations to all targets within 30 feet
14: 1d12 Piercing Damage to five locations to all targets within 50 feet
16: 1d20+2 Piercing Damage to six locations to all targets within 60 feet
18: 1d20+4 Piercing Damage to six locations to all targets within 70 feet
20: 1d20+6 Piercing Damage to six locations to all targets within 100 feet
Spell type: Sustained
Delay: 3
Casting Range: 100
The caster may change their appearance in order to mimic the faces and forms of humanoid species they have come in contact with.
Fauna Assumption
Spell type: Channeling
Delay: 2(1 per turn)
Casting Range: 100
The caster can shape change into various wildlife, assuming the form of creatures at his whim. Various drawbacks to this magic are learned quickly as the casters form may become as frail or as powerful as the creature he mimics is. Damage taken in this form will be sustained upon your character when you change forms. If that damage exceeds critical threshold of the next transformation, your character will die. If this form is taken in conjunction with another formshift that also changes the caster’s health pool, use the higher of the two health pools.
1: The forms available at this level are: Shale Beetle, Dormel Bird
3: The forms available at this level are: Potokkan Wasp, Croguk
5: The forms available at this level are: Kiokaut, Rackler, Ruuthogr, Weylaran
7: The forms available at this level are: Hundsl, Mook, Walking Tree, Nagadine
9: The forms available at this level are: Utris, Asagura Ita, Gortaun
11: The forms available at this level are: Ka’Etsu, Iri’Taga
13: The forms available at this level are: Matakka, Osho, Hekka Serpent
15: The forms available at this level are:
17:The forms available at this level are:
20: The forms available at this level are:
-Maybe make it to where it costs less but only includes creatures you have seen?
-Maybe make it to where it gives you categories of creatures instead of specific ones? (small insectoids, medium reptiles, etc…)
-Maybe make it able to be bought at tier one and keep it the same?
Tier 7
Erupting Pillar
Spell Type: Instant
Delay: 3
Casting Range: 100
A pillar of solid material emerges from the chosen surface and thrusts itself in the direction of the caster’s choosing. This ability can be dodged at normal check. The caster can specify whether or not they wish the spell to do damage to the target. If target is hit from the side, they are also affected by a knockback. If the target is hit from above, they are also affected by a knockdown. If they are affected from the bottom, they may be affected by appropriate fall damage.
7: The caster can specify up to a 5 foot width and ten foot tall pillar and does no damage.
9: The caster can specify up to a 7 foot width and twelve foot tall pillar and does up to 1d8 damage.
11: The caster can specify up to a 9 foot width and twelve foot tall pillar that does up to 2d8 damage.
13: The caster can specify up to a 11 foot width and twelve foot tall pillar that does up to 3d8 damage.
15: The caster can specify up to a 13 foot width and twelve foot tall pillar that does up to 3d10 damage.
17: The caster can specify up to a 20 foot width and twelve foot tall pillar that does up to 2d20 damage.
19: The caster can specify up to a 40 foot width and twelve foot tall pillar that does up to 3d20 damage.
20: The caster can specify up to a 80 foot width and twelve foot tall pillar that does up to 4d20 damage.
Shapeshifting (Metal)
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 100
With this spell now understood, the caster may now touch an object in the Metal category and become a golem of its form. Attacks made while in this form, use physical delay, not magical delay. Damage taken in this form will be sustained upon your character when you change forms. If that damage exceeds critical threshold of the next transformation, your character will die.
STR - 18
CON - 18
AGI - 3
Piercing: -12
Cleaving: -14
Slashing: -18
Bludgeoning: -12
New health calculations:
Head: 90
Chest: 180
Left Arm: 108
Right Arm: 108
Left Leg: 108
Right Leg: 108
Damage done unarmed in this form is: Slashing
Banishes solids. Does all kinds’a shit. Targets make easy willpower checks at first, then normal ones at higher ranks. Armor and weapons take durability damage.
Tier 8
Spell Type: Instant
Casting Range: 100
The caster may now restore any limb that did not lead to death.
Tier 9
Shapeshifting (Diamond)
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 2
Casting Range: 100
With this spell now understood, the caster may now touch an object in the Diamond category and become a golem of its form. Attacks made while in this form, use physical delay, not magical delay. Damage taken in this form will be sustained upon your character when you change forms. If that damage exceeds critical threshold of the next transformation, your character will die.
The statistics of the caster in this form are as follows:
STR - 15
CON - 40
AGI - 10
Bludgeoning: -6
Piercing: -6
Cleaving: -6
Slashing: -6
Energy penalties do not apply while in this golem form. Energy is also not recalculated while in this form.
Constitution is not recalculated towards health while in this form.
Damage done unarmed in this form is: Piercing
Tier 10
Null Solid
Spell Type: Channeling
Delay: 2(1 per turn)
Casting Range: Self
The caster receives less damage from any source of damage that originates from solids.
10: -5 to all damage taken from gases.
12: -10 to all damage taken from gases.
14: -20 to all damage taken from gases.
16: -40 to all damage taken from gases. Delay: 2(2 per turn)
18: -80 to all damage taken from gases. Delay: 3(2 per turn)
20: -160 to all damage taken from gases. Delay: 4(2 per turn)
Spell Type: Sustained
Casting Range: 100
The caster's anger, although rare, is now manifested. And it is manifested as the most savage response the Earth has to offer, the Earthquake. The ground begins to split open, the earth quakes, and a horrific roar of grinding rock overwhelms the entirety of its span. The seismic activity alone, buckles the knees and wrecks the feet, throwing most to the ground. Items fall from shelves, house begin to fall, and animals flee for their lives out of their very nature.
10: 4d10 Vibration Damage for one mile.
12: 5d10 Vibration Damage for two miles.
14: 6d10 Vibration Damage for three miles.
16: 7d10 Vibration Damage for four miles.
18: 8d10 Vibration Damage for five miles.
20: 9d10 Vibration Damage for six miles.
Ascension (Solid)
Spell Type: Sustained
Delay: 4
The caster ascends into a pure manifestation of their element, able to wield their phase with a newly found power. Their element cannot affect them in any harmful way. Every turn the caster must roll a check against their Magic skill to see if their mortal mind is destroyed by their ascended form and their character dies. The caster is impervious to physical damage while Ascended.
While ascended, the Transfigurist’s spells cost 2 less delay, not below 1.
10: The character must roll a Normal check for the first turn, a Difficult check for the second turn, an Impossible check for the third turn, and 1 on all turns after.
12: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third turn, an Impossible check for the fourth turn, and 1 on all turns after.
14: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth turn, and 1 on all turns after.
16: The character must roll a Normal check for the first two turns, a Difficult check for the third and fourth turns, an Impossible check for the fifth and sixth turns, and 1 on all turns after.
18: The character must roll a Normal check for the first three turns, a Difficult check for the fourth and fifth turns, an Impossible check for the sixth and and seventh turns, and 1 on all turns after.
20: The character must roll a Normal check for the first four turns, a Difficult check for the fifth and sixth turns, an Impossible check for the seventh and and eighth turns, and 1 on all turns after.