The Phases and Domain Changes
Since phase changes are not only common, but descriptive of the world of Nyra, it is important to note how the phases work and the interaction of changes between phases.
First is the continuum:
As heat increases, objects change their phase as per the above illustration. When a solid is heated up, it melts into a liquid. As the liquid is heated, gas is liberated from it. And as a gas is further ionized, it becomes a fire and then a plasma.
What is important to note is that every mage has a Domain over his or her Phase of matter. So while a Liquid Mage may control a body of water; the moment that his water is placed in a fire and becomes steam or otherwise changes phase, this means he no longer has control over it. The mage that governs the new phase would now have control over the matter. So if the water was frozen, it would now only be under the Domain of the Solid User. If it turned to steam, it is under the Domain of the Gas User. However, there are often spells which allow a mage of some phase to change matter of his choosing to a different phase in order to achieve a task of some kind. But once this is done, it is out of their hands.
However, slightly different rules apply if the phase conversion is done upon "magical" liquids, gases, solids, or plasmas. As they change phase, they actually dissipate out of reality. This is, in effect, due to the magical matter no longer residing in its home plane. As it has changed to a new phase plane, it must be immediately summoned to it.
There are several spells that even summon composite phenomena which have aspects of two elements, but only arise from one, such as Liquid Nitrogen for the Liquid user. He has full control over the Liquid Nitrogen, but for the gases that sublime from its surface, he cannot manipulate at all. In fact, in the Liquid Plane, Liquid Nitrogen only exists as a standalone liquid. All gas that evaporates from its surface goes directly into the Gas Plane. As a thought experiment, we can observe both what what Liquid Nitrogen (Real) and Liquid Nitrogen (Magical) would do when they entered reality. The Liquid Nitrogen (Real) would enter reality and the gases would emit from its surface. Liquid Nitrogen (Magical) would enter reality, but the gases emitting from its surface would constitute phase change, and therefore the gases would disappear from reality.