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105 total results found


Nyra: The Dark Age Months, Seasons, and Celebrations

90. Months, Seasons, and Celebrations Below are the months that are used among most conscious species of Nyra. First created by the Kaze, it has been disseminated so widely that it has been integrated into diverse societies without even knowing its originat...


Nyra: The Dark Age Appendix

A Aerabune - Aerabune is both the name of an island and the name of the people who inhabit it.  The island is home to both the least fertile and the most fertile land on the face of Nyra.  Its bottom half, as of an event preceeding 0 AT is infested with pan...


Nyra: The Dark Age Cities

Continent Region #: Name of Region City Name Description. Populace: The number of people who are permanent or temporary residents at any given time. Composition: The species composition of those residents. Wealth: The type of wealth distribution in...

Regions, Encounters, and Ecosystems

Nyra: The Dark Age Regions, Encounters, and Ecosystems

Introduction This document should be used in conjunction with 98b. Creatures and 100b. Nyra Map (Region Labels). What are listed here are the biomes, flora, and fauna of each region, as well as what sorts of materials occur naturally there, and a listed o...

Lores and Languages

Nyra: The Dark Age Skills

Lore Lore represents one's knowledge in an area of Nyra, usually gained from experience or intense study and sometimes provide useful insight into situations or events. Economics The lore of economics is the knowledge of the flow of money, amenities, trad...