Lores and Languages
Lore represents one's knowledge in an area of Nyra, usually gained from experience or intense study and sometimes provide useful insight into situations or events.
The lore of economics is the knowledge of the flow of money, amenities, trade-goods, routes, and their values. At expert knowledge, the character may have knowledge or have skimmed information of unknown or little known concepts and values such as spikes and falls in currency values, and upcoming economic events.
This lore comprises general knowledge about the creatures of Nyra. The skill could be used to find a creature's given name, it's style of attack, and even weaknesses.
- The lore of politics is a cumulative knowledge of how power structures work and how the people that are part of them and interact with them must act in order to operate. This includes the finer points of unspoken tradition in various cultures such as style, manners of addressing others, and even such things as the proper way to commence and behave in a formal duel. But it also encompasses the way that internal negotiations inside of houses of lords and monarchic states work, expectations for power holders in society, and their various relations. Lastly, It comprises the knowledge of various gangs, underworld groups, and poor traditions, including the knowledge of how the streets work, who their denizens are, and what type of actions they expect.
This is a general knowledge of many events in Nyra. It is a sort of miscellaneous knowledge.
The lore of history is a knowledge of the various histories of the world of Nyra, as well as the histories of races, towns, and even groups of people. The smaller the group or the less-known that the history is desired to be known, the higher one's lore must be in history.
The lore of magic is the knowledge and understanding of magic's flow and effects on the world in its numerous incarnations. Lore magic also allows one to read and understand magic, the rituals therein, as well as translate and identify magical items for what they truly are.
The study of ecosystems, farming, agriculture, etc...
The various languages of Nyra, belong most simply to the races; but also there are some other languages that are less common.
Kalnis is the language of the Highlanders, not having been named by them. In the Highlander society language is a given, and requires no naming. Outsiders have called their tongue Highlander. It is a rough and awkward tongue that few learn for any personal interest, but instead by necessity or academia.
Lazvarian (Common)
Lazvarian is the most common language, spoken by the humans. As the humans have disseminated their culture, they have also given their language in some small way to the rest of the world. Even though it is not spoken in most of the other cities outside of Lazvar, upon that continent and upon any Lazvar based settlements it is the dominant trade language.
Ethakkran is the language of the Ethakkra; it is a billowy, but to the point, almost contractual language. The way they speak would be considered unusual to most outsiders, most statements are made as a sort of agreement between two people. For example, what would be "I went down to the watering hole" in Lazvarian would be something similar to "When I say I went down to the watering hole, you understand?" in Malanthan. It is said in such a way not to see if the other party understands, but that they take note of the statement. When the Ethakkra are making deals they much prefer to speak in Malanthan as it continually takes note of what is important to a contract.
The Sarkin language is one that utilizes the deep sinus cavity and throat. Although it can be spoken and understood to non-Sarkins, neither are easy by any means.
Kazein is the tongue of the Kaze and is spoken slowly enough that others may find it excruciating if coming from other languages. To those fluent in Kazein they understand that this slow pace is necessary to convey all of the thought that goes into a word by the Kaze. In between each word an understanding can most often be found that helps find use in the story or sentence of the Orc. The correct pace would be only a small pause of just less than a second, as opposed to the rapid fire delivery of words from most other races on Nyra. Each word in Kazein has multiple uses, instead of words like "You", they would instead have a word that means "Brother whose presence I appreciate", and another word for "Enemy, it is unfortunate that we have to speak" (These words are "Kit" and "Fawl" respectively). But that is not to say that they would not continue the sentence by saying that it is unfortunate or fortunate to meet the person. Each word has a history to the Kaze, and they fill their sentences with this history in order to land an impacted emotional stanza.
Sign-language is a surprisingly diverse language, thought to have originally been developed by the Kaze and then spread abroad through early contact with the continent of Lazvar. This language has a full lexicon and syntax and can speak in fully coherent sentences.