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The cooks of the world are valued in every culture and every rung of society; especially in places where the foods to be had are not quite as pleasing to the palate.  There is no society where cooks are not valued, and in some, such as the Ethakkra, they are considered artists of the highest caliber.

Rank 2: 



Effect: Can process raw material into grain.

To craft: 2 Arba Stalk/Fali Grass and 30 minutes for each 1 Fali Grain/Arba Grain produced.

Bread Roll


Effect: May now cook Bread Roll. See General Items section of the guide.

To craft: 1 Fali Grain/Arba Grain and use of a Stove. 10 minutes.

Trail Mix


Effect: May now cook Trail Mix. See General Items section of the guide.

To craft: 1 Nuts and 1 Fruit/Berries. 10 minutes.

Rank 4:

Loaf of Bread



To craft: 3 Fali Grain or 3 Arba Grain and Stove.


with: 1 Bread and 1 Meat

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under CON or STR.

Cook Porridge

with: 1 Milk and 1 Bread

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under CON or CHA.

Rank 6: 

Cook Bread and Tubers

with: 1 Bread and 1 Neathroot

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under CON or INT.

Cook Fish Roll

with: 1 Sea Grass/Asrani Petal and 1 Fish

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under STR or INT.

Rank 8:

Cook Meat and Tubers

with: 1 Meat and 1 Neathroot

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under STR or INT.

Cook Meat and Sauteed Mushrooms

with: 1 Meat/Fish and 1 Leegis Mushroom/Mixal Mushroom/Digo Truffle

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under STR or WIS.

Cook Mushroom Soup

with: 1 Milk and 1 Leegis Mushroom/Mixal Mushroom/Digo Truffle

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under CHA or WIS.

Rank 10:

Great Cook

Your food items now give one more re-roll per each category listed.

Rank 12:

Cook Stew

with: 1 Meat, 1 Leegis Mushroom/Mixal Mushroom/Digo Truffle/Asrani Petal , and 1 Neathroot

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under STR, INT, or WIS.

Make Hoagie

with: 1 Bread, 1 Meat, and 1 Cheese

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under CON, STR, or CHA.

Bake Magicite Muffins 

with: 6 Grain, 6 Magicite shard, and 6 Fruits/Berries/Nuts, Stove

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under CON, AGI, or MAG. Makes 6 muffins

Rank 14:  

Make Salad

with: 1 Sea Grass/Asrani Petal , 1 Cheese, and 1 Meat/Fish

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under INT, CHA, and STR.

Cook Fancy Steak Dinner

with: 1 Meat, 1 Berries, and 1 Bread

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under STR, AGI, or CON.

Cook Tubers with Mushroom Gravy

with: 1 Leegis Mushroom/Mixal Mushroom/Digo Truffle, 1 Milk, and 1 Neathroot

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under INT, WIS, or CHA.

Rank 16:  

Cook Hunter’s Pot

with: 1 Meat/Fish, 1 Neathroot/Sea Grass/Asrani Petal, 1 Milk/Cheese, 1 Leegis Mushroom/Mixal Mushroom/Digo Truffle, and 1 Bread/Nuts

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under STR, CON, CHA, WIS, or INT.

Rank 18:

Cook Stir Fry

with: 1 Meat/Fish, 1 Neathroot/Sea Grass/Asrani Petal, 1 Milk/Cheese, 1 Fruit/Berries, 1 Leegis Mushroom/Mixal Mushroom/Digo Truffle, and 1 Nuts/Bread

Use: When consumed, the character gets one re-roll per day on a failed check for any skill under STR, CON, AGI, INT, CHA, and WIS.

Rank 20

Amazing Cook

Your food items now give two extra re-rolls per each category listed.