The different professions have a unique role in crafting character progress in Nyra. From learning a profession they may gain insights which reach not only to making them better at their art, but also have advantages otherwise in life.
In this section of the guide, there are broadly four different kinds of rank-up rewards: Abilities, Recipes, Traits, and Ability Improvements.
Alchemy is the understanding of how to mix various chemicals and plants in order to make workable...
Blacksmithing is the governing skill of Armor and Weapon smithing, is the general knowledge of th...
The cooks of the world are valued in every culture and every rung of society; especially in pla...
The engineer is not a common profession to those of Nyra. To most races the only engineers tha...
Those who practice this profession have a collection of skills that are all suited to the task of...
The outdoorsman is the master of the wild, able to fashion shelter and make various implements, b...
Upon every battle field and in every city there are those who are repairing either their own woun...
A creator is one whose life is devoted to the arts of theater and music, as well as the creation ...