Ethakkra History
-Ethak Melius, angered that foolish Utwesh society has allowed the Temple of Twilodon to be taken by the Kaze, leads his clan through a new ideology that is hyper-utilitarian and rejects ethical considerations. This new ideology is called “Ethakkran.” Its followers spread quickly.
-The Ethakkrans begin to agitate to claim the Temple of Twilodon through assault.
-The Ethakkran within their clans begin gaining more and more control in Utwesh society.
-The Utwesh make another deal with the Kaze, which says that they will be given “what is rightfully theirs.” The Kaze, however, do not leave the Temple of Twilodon. Ethak Meluis Is infuriated by this “cowardly behavior”.
-The Utwesh, confused by what has transpired, decide to send emissaries to the temple to understand why power is not changing hands. However, Ethak Melius is worried that this may resolve itself peacefully and that his power will wane, thus he sends his followers to execute the Utwesh emissaries when they come to retake control of the holy site, then frames the Kaze for the act.
-The Ethakkra boom after the execution of the emissaries.
-After the Ethakkra gain a large enough number, they call for a meeting of the clans, where Ethak Melius convinces the convocation that they should reclaim the Temple of Twilodon. A slim majority agrees.
-The Ethakkra-Kaze War begins with the reclamation of the Temple of Twilodon. It has now been significantly rebuilt by the Kaze, giving the Ethakkra a significant holding.
-The Ethakkra, now having control of the most important holy site of the Utwesh people, decide to make this the formation of the first Ethakkran city, Talisdeem, meaning “Conquered Bird.”