History of Nyra
World History at a Glance
50,000 Ponderan society 20,000 Famulus are bred 15,000 Above-ground Sarkin society 5000 ...
Ponderan History
50,000 - The earliest primitive Ponderan societies, although they favored different elements base...
Kaze History
-The Kaze arise in the Dead Flats and flee the horror by living in the mountains -Over many gene...
Sarkin History
15,000 -The Sarkin arise in what is now called the Zerus Treescape as a highly communal and soci...
Ethakkra History
-Ethak Melius, angered that foolish Utwesh society has allowed the Temple of Twilodon to be taken...
Human History
3500 Humans are settled through the Great Project. Only the very first generation have any memor...
Kalnis History
-The Kalniss begin being interbred by the exiled Famulus and the Humans on the Lazvarian continen...
Utwesh History
4500 The early Utwesh society was based on worship of nature and life, although clans formed, th...
Famulus History
-The Famulus spend many millennia as slaves to the Ponderan. -The Famulus become too numerous an...