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Charismatic Peoples: The Ethakkra gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and failures in Charisma. They also get +1 to all Charisma skills at character creation.

Well-Connected: Ethakkran Savants get -2 difficulty to all Contact checks.

Talented: At character creation, the Ethakkra may choose to make an extra skill favored.

The race of merchants who populate the cities of Quein'Malanthas and Korrid'Malanthas. They are well-known in current times for being the subject of a staggering amount of racism. They appear to be humanoids with the features of goats. They tend upon two sects in two classes of the Ethakkran community:

The two sects inside the normal Ethakkra are the Giordi and the Malthuse. The Giordi generally tend towards peaceful interaction and large sales with other large groups of Ethakkra and various species. They are the main sect that are responsible for the first trade agreements with the city-state of Garth of the humans in 531 BT, and uphold most of the trade on the valuable and monopolized Goda Spore. They are what sociologists would likely consider, the foremost progenitors of the stereotypes and archetypes of the Ethakkran merchant.

The Malthuse are actually the suppliers, harvesters, and workers of the lower Ethakkran community. They harvest the Goda spore, they build houses, they function as the hands and feet of the Ethakkran community, and as is naturally assumed, are the largest body of the Ethakkra of Malanthas. Few Malthuse ever leave the city of Quein'Malanthas, nor the Ethakkran community, opting for a simpler life among their brethren.

Of the high Ethakkra, there are two more sects, the highborn and the lowborn. The highborn are those that are considered to have been born into the high Ethakkran community to a high Ethakkran family. It is difficult to understand what the high Ethakkra judge this criteria on, as it is heavily pejorative to the way the Ethakkran society and its various interactions function. The closest approximation of how an Ethakkra is judged highborn or not is whether they are highly connected, are proud, and have large amounts of money, preferably made from trade that facilitated large loss on the opposite side of said trade. Lowborn by contrast, are those that have committed, likely through the Giordi sect, deeds which bring them to light in the elitist high Ethakkran community. As such, by most highborn, (And it should be noted, a view that is not to be held among the Giordi), the Giordi are a sort of proving grounds to becoming lowborn.

These practices are quite recent however. Shorter than 50 years previous, the sect of high Ethakkra were merely those who were directly associated with nobility or strongly related to high traders. However, an event took place, called Rastranal, or more commonly, the Heightbringing, which alienated part of their society.

The Ethakkra as a whole, with a noticeable exception to the high Ethakkra in the noble community of the humans, are considered; swindlers, thieves, liars, cheats, backstabbers, murderers, and many other lower forms of violent society. The racism could stem from a great many things, but when the common person in society is asked why, they will almost inevitably cite the Ethakkran mercantile ways. However, among Human merchants, the Ethakkra have proven to be stable and reliable traders with which the huge spore trade takes place.

Lifespan: 45-210 years

Height: 4'3"-6'1"

Homeland: Korrid'Malanthas, Quein'Malanthas

Language: Ethakkran

Statistic Minimums:

STR: 4

AGI: 6

CON: 3

INT: 3

WIS: 1

CHA: 6

MAG: 1

Health Calculation:

Head - CON * 2 for slight. CON * 3 for serious. Add 1 for critical.

Chest - CON * 2 + STR for slight. CON * 4 + STR for serious. Add 1 for critical..

Arms - CON + STR for slight. (CON+STR) * 2 for serious. Add 1 for critical.

Legs - (CON + STR) - 2 for slight. (CON + STR) * 2 - 2 for serious. Add 1 for critical.