THE is the most powerful and ancient embodiment of chaos, having arisen in the early cataclysms of the universe. His conception of chaos is that chaos is unpredictability, but is also associated with darkness, magical empowerment, souls, the concept of change, entropy, and death. THE is notably non-aggressive to chaos daemons, allowing as many to be born as are possible and consuming only very few. However, this conception of chaos is so all-consuming that nearly all daemons swear fealty to THE and serve in its image.
Xeret is the highest embodiment of plasma, empowered through a universe of suns. However, Xeret also represents impulsiveness, action, aggression, freedom, rage, and the passions more generally. Xeret is also, however, associated with birth. Xeret is about swift, decisive action and aggressive orientation, eschewing slow, strategic approaches and instead choosing all-out destruction. Xeret does not take a plotting approach to the consumption of plasma daemons, but instead consumes opportunistically. Some plasma dameons have survived for hundreds or even thousands of years before being consumed, so long as they did not present themselves as targets in Xeret's immediate interventions. For this reason, plasma daemons tend to stay out of Xeret's way when he intervenes consciously.
Telimure is the pure embodiment of the gas phase, permeating everything. Telimure is also associated with knowledge, expansionism, sociality, persistence, guile, and intelligence.