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Sarkin History


-The Sarkin arise in what is now called the Zerus Treescape as a highly communal and social species.

-These early Sarkin societies are highly cooperative and overcome nature through fair distribution of labor and product.

-The Sarkin tend to dwell in the trees to avoid the deadly creatures in nature around them, only descending to hunt vulnerable targets.


-The Sarkin begin developing rudimentary platform cities, starting small and developing larger and larger over time.


-The Sarkin have now established several very large platform cities with rope-cart systems.

-There are now complex hunting parties developed to hunt creatures, along with extensive foraging from surrounding arboreal flora.


-The Sarkin begin to install rock driven pulley systems to move larger loads on their rope-carts. This allows an even more complex movement between Sarkin settlements.


-The Sarkin unite several of the large platform cities to carry out their first mega-project: a massive aqueduct system which powers a complex of water-wheels, feeding in from rivers below. This provides power to move the pulley-system


-After the Great Project, Humans begin expanding north. 

-The Human Free Cities cooperate, however the Lordships are ruthless in their accumulation of land and the Signums view the Sarkin as creatures to be slayed. The Sarkin-Human War begins.


-The Sarkin-Human War, between the Sarkin fight withand the Human Lordships and SignumsSignums, rages for decades,over struggling100 years, wherein the Sarkin struggle bitterly to maintain their territory through knowledge of the land. However, themany Sarkin communities become weary of the long-standing conflict. ManyThere beginis a movement to settle in the cave networks. This new cave community calls itself The Brak and wishes to withdraw from the war and re-settle.


-More and more, Sarkin go to the Brak, finding that it is more like the community that they once were before the war.

-The Sarkin that are above ground can no longer hold the front and give up their lands to the Human Lordships and Signums.


-The Brak, however,Brak flourishes. A new ecosystem of goods and creatures is discovered. And although treacherous, it offers many new opportunities and freedoms they had not expected.

-A great scientist named Zoga’Du begins studying the rock eaters in the caves and discovers the concoction that they consume that allows them to produce their potent explosive. This discovery brings about the Age of Blackpowder for the Sarkin.

-This discovery sets off a chain of scientific advancements. Their society, able to devote itself to discovery, is able to progress in an incredibly rapid fashion. Within less than fifty years, the Sarkin have discovered steam technology.

-The rapid advancement of society has rapidly changed outlooks and culture. Far from their station as village communities above ground, they now the ability to bring a complete new way of life. This eventuates what is called the Cultural Revolution. The Sarkin abolish currency and social station, labor and wage, and replace it with a system which is predicated upon distribution to those who need an amenity and production by those who are most able to produce it.

-The Sarkin society booms, quadrupling in size in the next two centuries.