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The Gods and Their Games

The gods of Nyra, although worshipped, are nothing to be admired to any neutral observer. Each God, a manifestation of some phase of physical matter, exists as per the presence of that phase. Where their form of matter or the philosophy associated with it, are found to proliferate, they are present. Indeed, they are their phase. And wherever their phase is present, they are present within it. Thus, the gods of Nyra are in a constant bid to proliferate their form of matter and their philosophy. 

And it must be said; Nyra, although it is the stage for our struggle, is far from the only universe that exists. Indeed, there are an infinite number of other universes. In such a vast and unknowable expanse, there will thus be infinite universes comprised of every variation of physical matter. Some will be nothing more than an infinite expanse of rock, others will be nothing but fire, others will be a boundless ocean. In the bounds of infinity, all things are possible. 

An ancient game exists among the gods, to claim as many universes for themselves as possible. The more universes they may claim, the more powerful they will become in turn. And every universe that they cede to another god, another battleground has been lost. However, what is quite rare, is consciousness. This rarity presents a unique opportunity. Where only physical matter exists, the game is decided automatically; if the universe is predominated by solid, solid reigns, if liquid, liquid reigns. But in consciousness they may proliferate themselves by their philosophy of being as it is practiced in the minds of conscious things.

There are, indeed, countless universes where creatures of all form and function have arisen. Yet scarcely any of them contain the proliferation of conscious life that is found in Nyra. Thus, Nyra is an eternal battleground. No element has been decided to reign supreme. They have, instead, all chosen this realm as their playground, to discover which of their philosophies may reign supreme in the minds of neutral arbiters. A vast game now plays out for their entertainment and for the ultimate say as to which philosophy is the True Philosophy. If sapient beings are tread underfoot in such a game, it is of no concern to these deities.

There are also lower beings, called the daemons. These beings, like the gods, are also a manifestation of their element. However, they are limited. Being distinct from the gods, they are more free to pursue their own ideologies and to interact with the world upon their own ends. But, in time, most daemons are consumed by the gods. Indeed, though some are quite ancient, none deny that this is the end fate for all daemons in time.