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Philosophy of Magic

The world of Nyra and the motivations of the larger machinations can be hard to fully internalize. Yet the GM should have some understanding of the underlying conceptions of the larger schema if they wish to tell a story in such a world. In the following section we will lay out some broader, overarching philosophical concepts in the world of Nyra, such that GMs and players may get an overview of what the driving forces of this world are. It one wishes to read more about these concepts, they should be directed to The Uru and The Chao, which are religious documents presented in the guide for those who wish to better understand the mythos of Nyra. But understand, the knowledge contained in those documents and this one are not knowledge known by the vast majority of inhabitants of Nyra, even those with a deep arcane education. The information provided is for the benefit of the GM and the players as an out-of-character guide, not as an instruction as to what their characters should be aware of.