Life of Warfare
+1 to Sequence at character creation, not to exceed the maximum.
Combat Reflexes
-1 difficulty on all rolls while in combat.
Power Strike
The warrior may specify that hethey wisheswish to add delay to any given melee strike. For every delay that hethey adds,add, hethey addsadd one more damage dice of the type that defines histheir weapon’s damage. HeThey also increasesincrease histheir critical strike chance by one.
A warrior is one who has devoted their life to battle. There are many people of many walks of life who may fit under the title of "Warrior", from the humble soldier who wanders the countryside in order to keep the cities safe from bandits, to the bloodthirsty marauder who finds joy in massacring those villages. The warrior is a sort of multi-instrumentalist, able to attain mastery with a wide array of weapons and able to, therefore, approach combat from many unique angles. Those who are warriors must not necessarily be brutes, but it is doubtless that they solve their problems through physical violence.