In order to make every character a unique experience, classes have been created which encapsulate lifestyles, and have various feats that are awarded to them listed in their description. The choosing of different classes not only gives special unique abilities, but also decides whether the skill will improve at the normal rate or the rate of a favored skill. To see charts explaining the skill cost progressions see the Skill Cost Table section.
Note: All combat classes (Rogue, Ranger, Warrior, Brawler), when rolling sequence, re-roll on any result that is below half of the damage dice used.
The classes are as follows:
Life of Warfare +1 to Sequence at character creation, not to exceed the maximum. Combat Refle...
Contact The Savant may make a roll to create a contact at GM discretion. In order to determin...
Pugilism Has access to new unarmed skills. These can be used as if they were Combat Skills for...
Sureshot If an enemy is unaware of the Hunter and are in long range, the player may do an aim...
Surestrike If an enemy is unaware of the Rogue, the player may do an aimed strike on that targ...
Arkhan's Gift +1 to MAG without accruing any penalties at character creation. Magic Magic...