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World History at a Glance

13,000 Ponderan society

-3000 Kaze society

-2500 Sarkin society

-Utwesh society

-Ethakkra-Kaze War begins

-Ethakkra society

-Famulus are bred

-Humans are interbred between Ponderan and Famulus

-Humans are neither Ponderan nor Famulus. The law cannot determine their deserved treatment. They choose to conduct an experiment by exiling the Humans to a colony on the Lazvarian continent, to determine their mettle when pitted against nature.

-Sarkin-Human War

-The Utwesh ways are overtaken by the Ethakkra

-Sarkin are driven underground

-Human society

-Ethakkra suppress Utwesh as ethnic and cultural minority

-Sarkin discover blackpowder

-The first Famulus revolt

-Famulus are defeated and some flee Onus to Lazvar

-Sarkin discover steam technology

-Kalniss are interbred between Humans and Famulus

-Sarkin Cultural Revolution

-Famulus-Human War

-Kalniss flee to northern Faydorn

-Kalnis society

-Humans win Famulus-Human War

-Ethakkra-Kaze War ends in stalemate

-Utwesh uprising

-Utwesh suppressed and flee to the Torrid Expanses

-Utwesh society

-Famulus genocide The Ponderans

-Famulus society