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World History at a Glance
13,000 Ponderan society
3000 Kaze society
2500 Sarkin society
Utwesh society
Ethakkra-Kaze War begins
Ethakkra society
Famulus are bred
Humans are interbred between Ponderan and Famulus
Humans are neither Ponderan nor Famulus. The law cannot determine their deserved treatment. They choose to conduct an experiment by exiling the Humans to a colony on the Lazvarian continent, to determine their mettle when pitted against nature.
Sarkin-Human War
The Utwesh ways are overtaken by the Ethakkra
Sarkin are driven underground
Human society
Ethakkra suppress Utwesh as ethnic and cultural minority
Sarkin discover blackpowder
The first Famulus revolt
Famulus are defeated and some flee Onus to Lazvar
Sarkin discover steam technology
Kalniss are interbred between Humans and Famulus
Sarkin Cultural Revolution
Famulus-Human War
Kalniss flee to northern Faydorn
Kalnis society
Humans win Famulus-Human War
Ethakkra-Kaze War ends in stalemate
Utwesh uprising
Utwesh suppressed and flee to the Torrid Expanses
Utwesh society
Famulus genocide The Ponderans
Famulus society