Aleworm Eggs
Effect: When a target ingests Aleworm Eggs, after X turns they receive X times ten damage to their chest, where X is the number of doses ingested.
Use: Can be used to make Aleworm Eggs for Profession (Alchemy).
Price: 20 denar
Effect: When the target consumes this tincture they gain X health to all body parts and then they lose X delay for X turns, where X is the number of doses of Elixir. If their delay reaches zero, the target overdoses and dies. When a dose of Elixir is taken, apply the status effect Dependence.
Price: 10 denar
Dillute Acid
Use: Can be used to make Acid for Profession (Alchemy).
Price: 2 denar
Effect: When the acid makes contact with the target’s skin, it deals X damage per turn until it is purged, where X is the number of doses applied. Acid can be purged not only with its Antidote, but also with Base.
Price: 7 denar
Use: Protects from one level of environmental cold damage.
Price: 10 denar
Use: For sleeping in rough terrain. Protects from one level of environmental cold damage.
Price: 20 denar
Use: For sleeping in rough terrain. Protects from wind and encroachment by small animals.
Price: 35 denar
Use: Creates light within a 10 foot radius.
Price: 1 denar
Use: Creates light within a 20 foot radius.
Price: 5 denar
Use: User can see two times further than normal.
Price: 20 denar
Use: User can see twenty times further than normal.
Price: 400 denar
Raw Goda Spore
Use: Can be used to make Goda Spore for Profession (Alchemy).
Price: 1 denar
Goda Spore
Use: The target adds X delay for X turns, able to exceed cap, where X is the number of doses inhaled. However, every turn the target is under the effects of Refined Goda Spore, they must roll a d10. If they roll a 10, they have a heart-attack and immediately go to Serious damage on their chest. When a dose of Goda Spore is taken, apply the status effect Dependence.
Price: 2 denar
Use: A container that holds one dose for Profession (Alchemy).
Price: 1 denar
Use: A container that holds three doses for Profession (Alchemy).
Price: 3 denar
Use: A container that holds five doses for Profession (Alchemy).
Price: 5 denar
Use: A piece of clothing used to conceal ones identity (Creator).
Price: 5 denar
Use: Can be used to make Adhesive for Profession (Alchemy).
Effect: The body part hit by Adhesive is disabled unless the target makes an Impossible STR check. If the target is affected by a Knockdown, they are stuck to the ground until they remove the Adhesive.
Price: 3 denar
Effect: Can be used to write on five paper along with a writing implement.
Price: 7 denar
Effect: Can be used with other materials to make writing, drawings, or paintings.
Price: 1 denar
Itching Powder
Effect: On skin contact, adds +X difficulty to rolls, where X is the number of body parts that have made contact with the powder.
Price: 5 denar
Sleeping Tincture
Effect: When Sleeping Tincture is consumed, the target loses two times as much CON as doses consumed. When they reach zero CON, they fall asleep harmlessly for ten minutes and can only wake up beforehand with two Impossible CON checks.
Price: 3 denar