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General Items

The following section is meant to record a list of items that are likely to occur in Nyra. This list should be utilized when creating the inventory for a new character as well as determining prices for buying and selling items for already created characters. For this reason, the list cannot be comprehensive, but is meant to generalize these items as a baseline for the GM and the players.
Weapons, armors, and crafting components will all be double listed here, but without their extra information, instead as an economic guide. If one wants to find more information on these items, they should reference 81a. Weapons and Shields, 81b. Armor, and 62b. Crafting Components. Prices will not be listed here for items modified beyond the standard schematics and the value of these items will be left to GM and player discretion.


[Notes: These two documents have been referenced extensively

I have created a general conversion metric that every 3 pence is a Nyran denar.

1 pound = 20 shillings
1 pound = 240 pence
1 pound = 4 crowns
1 crown = 5 shillings
1 crown = 60 pence
1 shilling = 12 pence
1 pence = 4 farthings
1 mark = 13 shillings and 4 pence
1 mark = 160 pence
3 pence = 1 Nyran denar]