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Miscellaneous Items


Bestel Poison

Effects: Every turn that Bestel poison is not purged from the body of the target, they receive a -1 to STR, CON, and AGI. Once any of those statistics reaches zero, the target dies.

Price: 20 denar

Dilute Acid

Uses: Can be used to make Acid for Profession (Alchemy).

Price: 2 denar


Effect: When the target consumes this tincture they gain X health to all body parts and then they lose X delay for X turns, where X is the number of doses of Elixir. If their delay reaches zero, the target overdoses and dies. When a dose of Elixir is taken, apply the status effect Dependence.

Price: 10 denar

Goda Spore

Effect: The target adds X delay for X turns, able to exceed cap, where X is the number of doses inhaled. However, every turn the target is under the effects of Refined Goda Spore, they must roll a d10. If they roll a 10, they have a heart-attack and immediately go to Serious damage on their chest. When a dose of Goda Spore is taken, apply the status effect Dependence.

Price: 2 denar

Golia Poison

Effect: The target receives Xd4 of damage to their whole body for X turns, where X is the number of doses applied.

Price: 10 denar

Heartreaver Poison

Effect: When the target consumes this poison, each turn afterwards (or every five seconds), they make an impossible CON check. If they succeed, they receive one damage to every body part for each failure beforehand and the poison is purged from their body. Multiply the final damage done for each dose of Heartreaver consumed.

Price: 40 denar

Itching Powder

Effect: On skin contact, adds +X difficulty to rolls, where X is the number of body parts that have made contact with the powder.

Price: 5 denar

Lyca's Remedy

Effect: When the target consumes this tincture, they are regressed through one stage of Lycanthropy. All checks are at +8 difficulty for the duration of the day due to the horrific pain.

Price: 50 denar


Effect: Inflicts Inflamed on all body parts for Medium creatures and below, four body parts for Large creatures, two body parts for Giant creatures, and one body part for Titanic creatures. Napalm cannot be patted out. Water can still douse Napalm. A vacuum will put out Napalm.

Price: 20 denar

Raw Goda Spore

Uses: Can be used to make Goda Spore for Profession (Alchemy).

Price: 1 denar

Sleeping Tincture

Effect: When Sleeping Tincture is consumed, the target loses two times as much CON as doses consumed. When they reach zero CON, they fall asleep harmlessly for ten minutes and can only wake up beforehand with two Impossible CON checks.

Price: 3 denar


Effect: Terrin causes paralysis in the target, disabling them from acting until it is purged from their system or twelve hours pass. In order for the target to be effected, they must receive a dose based on their size category. Tiny category must receive one dose, Small category must receive two doses, Medium category must receive three doses, Large category must receive four doses, and Giant category must receive five doses.

Price: 10 denar