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148 total results found
Weapons and Armor
Life in Nyra has adapted to the brutal conditions of the universe, developing bizarre coping mechanisms and devastating tools for predation. Magic, the eternal lifeblood of the world, runs through everything, coaxing the creatures on the planet toward even mor...
The many habitats of Nyra are filled with a gamut of different plant life, fungi, and other flora. Although the flora are ever-present, however, this part of the guide is likely going to be of the most use for Alchemists and Outdoorsmen. The following rubric s...
Gods and Daemons
Name Element: Order, Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma, Chaos Attracted By: Background: A general description of the daemon’s background. Appearance: A general description of the daemon’s appearance. Focus: Willpower: Sequence: Qualities: Skill: Descriptio...
Months, Seasons, and Celebrations
Below are the months that are used among most conscious species of Nyra. First created by the Kaze, it has been disseminated so widely that it has been integrated into diverse societies without even knowing its origination. The seasons and their associated ele...
In this document, a comprehensive list of settlements has been created, including their culture, leadership structure, and economic structure. The rubric for this section of the guide is as follows:
Regions, Encounters, and Ecosystems
This document should be used in conjunction with 98b. Creatures and 100b. Nyra Map (Region Labels). What are listed here are the biomes, flora, and fauna of each region, as well as what sorts of materials occur naturally there, and a listed of pre-generated en...
This section is meant to catalogue the various legendary figures who have lived in Nyra, both heroes and villains.
54a. Skills and Skill Perks
Below, for those who may be curious to the specific description of each skill is a brief coverage of its overview. Also, listed below are the perks that one gets from attaining certain ranks of the listed skill. These perks are not minor and add a great deal o...
Status Effects
Some attacks, spells, and skills may affect dangerous status changes. The base physical status effects are as follows: Deafened The target may not make Observation checks using hearing and receives - 1 delay from the next turn. Blinded Target may not us...
Lycanthropy Type: Virus Duration: Lifetime Once contracted, the infected will progress through four stages if they do not satisfy the requirements of the disease. Every time the target misses a meal, keep a tally. When that tally reaches the number listed ...
Game Philosophy
The first of these game philosophies, is that Nyra is built to be quite brutal in its nature. When the health calculations of player characters are considered in relation to even the damage of a weapon like a short sword, it can be seen that a fluke high-damag...
The Uru
Before time came to be and all things lay in oblivion, formless and without distinction, all was one and the Knowing Nothing reigned supreme, content in equilibrium. Order, paramount, was default and no new thoughts could emerge. For thoughts to emerge, they m...
The Chao
THE is nothing and no thing. He is a withered tree in a flourishing grove, whose branches are overflowing with luscious fruit and thick green leaves. His leaves never die, yet are all the time dead. In a throne of white obsidian he sits, exists. What does ...
The Gods and Their Games
The gods of Nyra, although worshipped, are nothing to be admired to any neutral observer. Each God, a manifestation of some phase of physical matter, exists as per the presence of that phase. Where their form of matter or the philosophy associated with it, are...
Magic in Nyra can be understood as almost a scientific phenomena. Although it is true that it defies the physics of our world, it should be understood as a consistent and coherent system. Each being that is able to cast magic in the world of Nyra, is able to d...
The Soul
In Nyra, every being has a soul. This is not to say that every soul is created equal. Indeed, the more intimately connected to the stream of magic that any being is, the more powerful their soul. But every being has an Eye of Arkhan, whether it is attuned or n...
Ascension and Godhead
But if there is a soul, what is death? And what happens after one dies? The answer is quite grisly for most. The gods and the lower daemons, all lie in wait for the death of conscious beings, to consume their souls and thus expand their own power. The more sou...
Magical Philosophy
Between the different magical phases, the worldviews of their adherents can change drastically. Influenced both by the constraints and nature of each phase and their own personal experiences, mages tend to be quite ideological. They are involved in an elaborat...
Name: Ygthak Demonym: Noxai Holy text: The Chao Tenets: Those who profess Ygthak are those who agree with THE’s philosophy of chaos; which is to say, the precept that chaos is unpredictability. In order to free themselves from predictability, the followers ...
Name: Orderism Demonym: Orderist Holy text: The Book of Alignment Tenets: The Orderists are a worldwide policing force. Their religious philosophy is the dogmatic belief that order must be held paramount to all other things. In many ways this puts the Order...
Name: Ruckism Demonym: Ruckite Holy text: Chants of the Burnt Remains Tenets: Ruck the Burned has come to incinerate the previous ways of life. Whereas before The Massacre the Famulus were slaves, they are now slave masters to a world that is physically les...
Name: Oriaca Demonym: Orionists Holy text: The Uru Tenets: Oriaca is a religion which believes that acquisition of knowledge is the highest good and that destruction of knowledge is the lowest sin. This principle, although worrying at first, is actually joi...
Name: Druidism Demonym: Holy text: Tenets: Central Figure(s): Name: Conservatives Demonym: Holy text: Tenets: Central Figure(s): Name: Stasis Demonym: Holy text: Tenets: Central Figure(s):
Name: Onwei Demonym: Onwa Holy text: Convergence of Vulin Tenets: The worshippers of Onwei believe that there is extraordinary power in the blood. This life-bearing liquid fuels living bodies and, in their belief, is the medium in which the soul is stored. ...
Name: Solism Demonym: Solist Holy text: The Uru Tenets: Solism is a religion which centers itself upon the path to achieving daemonhood. It is the oldest religion of Nyra, having been discovered through a true divine revelation in ancient Ponderan society, ...
Step 1. Choose a Class The character should first determine his or her class. To see the classes available, see 51. Classes. After the player has decided, the GM should print the appropriate character sheet. In Nyra, all classes have premade character sh...
Life of Warfare +1 to Sequence at character creation, not to exceed the maximum. Combat Reflexes -1 from all rolls while in combat. Power Strike The warrior may specify that they wish to add delay to any given melee strike. For every delay that they ad...