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Status Effects

Some attacks, spells, and skills may affect dangerous status changes.  The base physical status effects are as follows:


The target may not make Observation checks using hearing and receives - 1 delay from the next turn.


Target may not use Observation for vision checks. All combat rolls are at difficult check.


The target is knocked to the ground. All attacks made on the target may aim strikes at Normal difficulty instead of Difficult. Target must spend 2 delay on the following turn to rise.


Characters receive +3 difficulty on all rolls.


When a character is in Grapple they may still make strikes in response, but cannot escape unless they roll a Strength check on their turn. 


All Focus rolls are made at Impossible check.


Stun depletes delay and has variable effect.  They typically number between 1 - 5 delay taken from the target. The target takes one less delay damage on each strike for each size category it exceeds the attacker.


Dodge and AGI checks are at a decrement, varying in intensity upon the source.


This is only listed as one status effect insofar that some spells and skill effects remove the status poison completely.  However, when curing any Poison status otherwise, one must have Profession (Doctor) and the antivenin. Different poisons will have different effects.


Bleeds are mostly accrued from melee attacks wherein a target enters Serious or Critical damage threshold on a limb. They are variable based upon whether they are accrued from damage threshold calculations or from unique sources. Damage threshold bleed damage is outlined above in Wounding and Death.


Turn 1

1d2 Fire damage to the affected body part. 

Turn 2

Roll a d6 to decide an additional location to set on fire, and both locations take 1d4 Fire damage. 

Turn 3

Roll a d6 to decide an additional location to set on fire, and both locations take 1d6 Fire damage. 

Turn 4

Roll a d6 to decide an additional location to set on fire, and both locations take 1d8 Fire damage. 

Turn 5

Roll a d6 to decide an additional location to set on fire, and both locations take 1d10 Fire damage. 

Turn 6

Roll a d6 to decide an additional location to set on fire, and both locations take 1d12 Fire damage. If all body parts are set ablaze deal 1d20 Fire damage to all affected body parts instead.

Turn 7

Roll a d6 to decide an additional location to set on fire, and both locations take 1d20 Fire damage. If all body parts are set ablaze, deal 2d20 Fire damage to all affected body parts instead.


At the beginning of the first turn, Chest damage goes to Slight, lose 1 delay. At the beginning of the second turn, Chest damage goes to Serious, lose 2 delay. At the beginning of the third turn, Chest damage goes to Critical, lose 3 delay.


However many doses of the substance that the target consumed to become Addicted is how many they must consume on the following day or they receive a detriment. If, after 24 hours,that amount is not consumed, all checks are +X difficulty for the duration of the next 24 hours, where X is the number of doses they failed to consume.