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The Soul

In Nyra, every being has a soul. This is not to say that every soul is created equal. Indeed, the more intimately connected to the stream of magic that any being is, the more powerful their soul. But every being has an Eye of Arkhan, whether it is attuned or not. Those who are not mages and thus are not attuned, are free to act as they please. Their philosophy is not determined by their attunement and they are at liberty to choose their future and to change the world as they see fit.

The attunement of a mage, however, is a thing which is decided at birth; their element forming their destiny as they proceed through the world. Not everyone ever knows they are a mage. Indeed, a large portion of them go through life having never realized what powers they have. But every mage is forged by their connection to their element. That attunement locks them to that elemental philosophy, whether it matches the conception of their god or whether it is one of their own creation.