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Type: Virus

Duration: Lifetime

Once contracted, the infected will progress through four stages if they do not satisfy the requirements of the disease.  Every time the target misses a meal, keep a tally. When that tally reaches the number listed in the next stage, progress the target into that stage. The infected now infects others if their blood is transmitted into another’s wound, particularly if they scratch or bite them. The description for Stage 3 is outlined in 98b. Creatures as Lycanthrope.

Stage 1 (0-3 missed meals) 

The infected now has to eat two meals a day. 

Stage 2 (4-10 missed meals) 

Target is now identifiable as a lycanthrope upon impossible Observation check. Their eyes have acquired a very subtle yellow tinge and their canines are very slightly extended.

The infected now has to eat three meals a day. 

The infected now employ exceptional hearing and smell at difficult check when rolling Observation checks.

STR +1. CHA -1.

Stage 3 (10-20 missed meals) 

Target is now identifiable as a lycanthrope upon difficult Observation check. Their nose has begun to grow into a short snout, fur has begun to grow in a short coat across the skin and canines have begun elongating. The ears of the infected have begun to migrate upwards on the head.

The infected now has to eat four meals a day. Only meat now qualifies towards this requirement.

The infected now employ exceptional hearing and smell, reducing the difficulty threshold by one when rolling Observation checks.

STR, CON, and AGI +1 (able to exceed hard cap). 

INT, WIS, and CHA -1. If INT or WIS go to zero, the character is comatose.

If the infected target is struck, they must roll a normal check against their Focus. If they fail, they go Berzerk. They cannot end combat until they have killed every living target in sight, although they may prioritize those targets as they like. At the beginning of every successive turn, the infected gains +1 Sequence, +1 available Delay. At the beginning of each turn, the infected may roll a difficult Focus check in order to snap out of the Berzerk. 

Stage 4 (20 missed meals onwards) 

If the player reaches this stage, their character is no longer under their control. If they are unable to be cured, this character is permanently out of control of the player. Other Lycanthropes become the ally of the character.

Target is now identifiable as a lycanthrope upon easy Observation check. They are a large, hulking muscular lupine figure, their snouth having grown long and their teeth sharp. Their eyes are yellowed and feral and their nails have grown long and sharp. Their knees have become backward jointed and their toes have grown short and paw-like.

The infected now has to eat seven meals a day.  Only raw meat now qualifies towards this requirement.

The infected now employ exceptional hearing and smell at normal check when rolling Observation checks. 

STR, CON, and AGI +3 (able to exceed hard cap). 

INT, WIS, and CHA -3. If INT or WIS go to zero, the character is comatose.

Every time you leave combat, heal all locations on the character's body to the minimum values listed for their current damage category.

If the infected target is struck, they must roll a difficult check against their Focus. If they fail, they go Berzerk. They cannot end combat until they have killed every living target in sight, although they may prioritize those targets as they like. At the beginning of every successive turn, the infected gains +1 Sequence, +1 available Delay. At the beginning of each turn, the infected may roll a difficult Focus check in order to snap out of the Berzerk. 


Type: Parasite

Duration: Lifetime

The infected now craves blood for every meal. Each time they consume blood for their daily meal, add a Blood counter. For each Blood counter, the infected receives +1 STR, AGI, CON, INT, CHA, and WIS, able to exceed cap. If the Blood counter gets to five, deal thirty damage to the infected chest, purge vampirism, and spawn the creature Vampire Spawn, it has grown to fruition and bursts from their stomach. Every time they skip a daily meal or eat something other than blood for their daily meal, deal two times the number of Blood counters as damage to their entire body, deduct one Blood counter. 


Saeva Fever

Type: Bacteria

Duration: Five days

Those who are affected by this infection slowly become more and more depraved, their bodies growing more and more powerful, but their minds being replaced by a ravenous, bloodthirst. If their blood or bodily fluids come into contact with any orifice of another Small size creature or above, it is infected as well.

Day 1 

Slight fever.

Sequence +1

Day 2 

Increased fever. Sweating.

Sequence +2



Day 3 

High fever. Sweating.

Sequence +3

INT, WIS and all skills under these primary statistics, -2.

STR, CON, AGI and all skills under these primary statistics, +2, able to exceed soft cap.

Every time the infected is struck, they roll against Focus. If they fail, they are forced to attack the nearest target.

Day 4 

High fever. Sweating profusely. Red eyes.

Sequence +4

INT, WIS and all skills under these primary statistics, -3.

STR, CON, AGI and all skills under these primary statistics, +4, able to exceed soft cap.

Every time the infected is struck, they roll against Focus. If they fail, they are forced to attack the nearest target.

Day 5

At the beginning of day 5, the infected must roll a d4. If they roll a 1, they are cured. If they roll a 2, they become symptomless, but are still transmitters. If they roll a 3, repeat day 5 on the next day. If they roll a 4, they are constantly stuck in day 5 until they are cured or they die.

The infected attacks anything living in sight, fighting until they die or every living thing in sight is dead. After that, they go hunting for more living things.

High fever. Sweating profusely. Red eyes and slobbering.

Sequence +5

INT, WIS and all skills under these primary statistics, -5.

STR, CON, AGI and all skills under these primary statistics, +5, able to exceed soft cap.