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Magic in Nyra can be understood as almost a scientific phenomena. Although it is true that it defies the physics of our world, it should be understood as a consistent and coherent system. Each being that is able to cast magic in the world of Nyra, is able to do so because there is a part of their brain called the Eye of Arkhan. This component develops at birth by some very trace concentration of the mineral manifestation of magic called magicite, is present in the embryo. That embryo, as it grows and develops in the womb, then builds an Eye of Arkhan around that small fleck of material. That this organ should be active is not a common feature among most species on the planet, occurring in less than one out of a thousand people and growing into full manifestation of magical powers in less than one out of ten thousand. The Ponderan, however, having bread this trait in, birth mages at a much higher rate, as many as one in two in certain eras.

Nonetheless, this Eye of Akrhan, functions like an antenna. It vibrates at a particular frequency such that, if that frequency attunes to one of the elements, it allows that individual to open a rift between this reality and one of the infinite other universes where their element dominates. This rift, however, is a temporary thing. That which they summon forth can only sustain itself in Nyra for a short period and after that, it returns to where it came. Thus the mage is a being whose Eye of Arkhan, attuned to a specific dimensional frequency, may open rifts to elemental planes, which bring forth their element into the world around them, sustaining that element for a short period before it returns to its original source.

Other times, the philosophy of their element may be what determines the nature of the spell they cast. In these occasions, it should be understood that the god of that element has made a pact with the mage, that if the mage calls upon them for a specific purpose, their wish will be granted at a whim. Such spells dominate in the Orderist and the Noxai, for example.

Magic does not come without a cost, however. As has been said, magic has a physical concentration in the real world which is called magicite. As the mage uses magic more and more, magicite will begin to concentrate in their body. Although this magicite becomes a magnifier for the attunement they have with their magical realm, making them more powerful, it is also a potent toxin. Thus, the more powerful a mage becomes, the more their body will deteriorate, poisoned by the increased magicite that mineralizes in their organs. The mage makes a sacrifice to become closer to their element, but in return, they are given great power.