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The many habitats of Nyra are filled with a gamut of different plant life, fungi, and other flora. Although the flora are ever-present, however, this part of the guide is likely going to be of the most use for Alchemists and Outdoorsmen. The following rubric should be used:

Type: The kind of flora it is.
Size: The size category of the flora, representing both each occurence’s physical size, but also the likely proliferation of that flora in each occurrence. This entry determines how many harvests Profession (Outdoorsman) can get from each flora of this type before they must find another source. Tiny can be harvested once. Small can be harvested twice. Medium can be harvested four times. Large can be harvested eight times. Giant can be harvested sixteen times. Titanic can be harvested thirty two times.
Description: A brief description of the flora.
Region: Which regions this flora occurs in.
Uses: Common usages for this flora.
Harvest: A list of the items that can be harvested from this flora.