The Chao
THE is nothing and no thing. He is a withered tree in a flourishing grove, whose branches are overflowing with luscious fruit and thick green leaves. His leaves never die, yet are all the time dead. In a throne of white obsidian he sits, exists.
What does THE look like? Does he look at all? Indeed he does, with seeing eyes, blind with time. Useless is he
without THE
and of less use is one with him
He thrives. Upon the period at the end of many beginnings. He is a rabbit who pierces through burrows of time and sanity, and of much beauty and repugnance is his coat. A coat of leathery skin draped across knobby bones. A smile drawn into it. "A-frown-drawn-into-it" calls his second hand, calls the Herald.
This is it unambiguously.
The Herald of Darkness.
Heiswithchild, yet is of the persuasion of a masculine gender, endangered from within by the threat of a female gender. Forever existing inside himself is THE; forever and never...he exists to exist. do nothing and you will not see His face. He will see your face inside of nothingness. Endangered from within by the glory of the other gender.
His hand spills forth red berries, popping with blood that call themselves magic eaters, and like berries they have thin skin which conceals delicious juices. Up roars a cacophony of beauty, of a chaos of thought, which does not yield to One.
Let us fall back now onto roots with green furry moss, let us fall up now and into the arms of the armless (Of whose beauty cannot be denied). Let a story be told of a man, once a man who had no name, who is now named with no name.
"Hello and goodbye" his father once said but never twice said as he walked from the door.
"Hello and goodbye" he said to the bonds and shackles of sanity one day, two days, twenty years later.
He told the others that he had found the way of no way. He said it to them like this "I have found this way which is no way."
And they responded that "Every way is a way, it is the nature of ways."
He cackled and murdered them. He cried and brought them forth once more. He placed the beards of a dead one in their mouths, burnt to black it was, and they rose. He saved kingdoms and murdered villages. He saved villages and murdered kingdoms. He delivered forth a litany which flowed on the air like this "Come to me and we will sit together, come to me so that you may flee..."
Many followed, some were loved, some were hated, all were love-hated. All were murder-lived in some way.
In time he found that he was leaving the blanket of things. In (no time) he found that he was falling from the body of man.
Fierce and acrid as the WINTER air is not. So too is the wretched and supple embrace of THE as his unknowing love slides across the skin of once-beautiful and now-beautiful things. He never knew what his purpose was. .esoprup sih dnuof reven eH.
When he found His purpose, he was just a child. He was the age of a fully grown Cedar. He was nothing. His purpose was the purpose of the butterfly. His purpose was life. His existence and m a ntr a was to always discover the existence of existence. He exists to find his existence. Nothing is the way. SO TOO DOES THE SPEAK TO THE BIRDS!!!!?
.....................when I first learned of THE, I found out the following lies, which are complete truth: He existed south of the largest tree in the forest. He found twelve blaaades of grass upset about their place in His life. He told them that they ARE His life. He told them that he is only twelve blades of grass upon the field. He told his followers that he would bring them eternal life. He gave them eternal death. He gave them THE. They were never happier than with HIS LOVE. His hatred found us. We are cursed by HIMHIMHIMHIMHIMHIM None of these things happened.
As you will find in page 168 of this book, all mountains are made from the anger of the humanoids. As we spoke our words to the sky, the false gods came forth and spoke their false truths. I came forth from the bosom of THE and spake these words: "I will forever follow the path of Chaos in the path of my master, THE...he who is without." Idontbelievethaticancastmygazeuponthetownspeopleoncemorewithoutinflictingvastamountsofloveuponthem, and then killing them. A branch flailing in the wilderness is THE. A branch flailing in the cityscape is THE. A branch broken and withered upon the forest ground is THE. A bird carcass upon the forest canopy is THE. A smothered child dashed upon the rocks by bandits is THE. He is all things and he is nothing. You are all things.....but YOU are nothing.
........I fish the dead from the sea
one lovely morning, THE came across a young boy practicing with a woodenswordone day, while taking a brisk evening walk. "What is it that you seek, young man?" asked the Benevolent Destroyer. The child responded with the following statement: "I wish to slay evil and defend my King." You wish to slay evil,?" said the Spiteful Creator......................3.......I will show you of evil. Therefore did the Fiendish Complacent present the child with a wealth of gold; a veritable shower of flowers, love, compassion, and gold. "This is evil." And this...."This Is Good." So then did the Immaculate Flawed chop the boy's legs off in one fluid motion. A noble benefactor of wisdom, THE, a student forevermore. He kicked the morning due fromhis heel and gazed at the night sky.
There is no such thing as ALMIGHTY CHAOS. I denounce any such frivolous speculations. CHAOS IS ALL!! HAIL THE NIGHT!!!!!!!! -HAIL THE LIGHT-
No, hail the Emissary of the Outer Dark, whomst shall devour the lights of the times and the cosmos to sate his desire for more, to impose his cosmic vision and order upon the entirety of existence.
"Samantha!" said the overweight man "Where have you gone?"
He yelled it across the small town square and people sneered at him. His head had gone too far into the cobblestones and mortar this night and his belly jiggled like so many calves strapped to his ribcage and his jowls looked like some disgusting rooster's maw.
"You're stupid!" they cried. They cried you see, because he was stabbing them with a flaying knife.
And this was when I discovered that ONE times three is five when another one is in the problem. But the problem would not exist if the other one had stayed out of it.
You see; A hand touched the face this autumn. Leaves on rooftops sung. A cacophany, a starlight, a blackness, almond shaped eyes, winter clothes, droplets of blood burrowed their way into the white powder on the ground and on her shoulders. A gourd tumbles to the ground with a brain inside it. Eyes. Eyes. Eyes. Rolled back to older times.
Long long ago we lived under the ice, you see. With servants made of flesh, you see. Unstepped earth took hold of bony hands in our hearts, you see. And our brains, made from stone as they are, said that a law was to be made.
All that are born from the beard must take upon them this law:
I will not leave the pillars. Fore the pillars are as the stars of the cosmos. Unreachable.
And so it was done with snakes at our feet, who hissed our praises. And we had them stay there, sit there, stand there until the day that they were needed outside the pillars. Yelling and telling who? Only one...only one. And when we called for them to devour, they stared, and we fell to the unstepped earth and the swords that swung upon it. Blood arcs through the air and Noxai ate dirt in time.
And still they toil under the ice with the snakes who hiss our praises, many still staring, none passing the pillars fore the pillars are as the stars of the cosmos. Reachable, but untouchable. The law, the order was their downfall and ours.
Fah'Len Ha-Vwee was his name. He walked in circles and gutted up a knife-full of plaguesome. It dripped with lupine embraces and lupine howls across the night. He kicked off the rocks to the cliff, which assembled it to the temple and down he tumbled into town. His blood was of fornication and accidents and where did it lead? White fur. White teeth stained red now? I thought so.
Well, don't tell me you've gone astray, I WALK IN CIRCLES. I've seen a MILLION THINGS that tell me so. And who could you be if you jumped? A jump means great things to the Kings and lesser things to whelps of the yielding sky. SMOKE falls upwards into the blue blue blue; you see?
TURN AROUND! See him? Of course you do.
A crack in the earth turns true
High slung truths are growing, grow, grew
To you
To you
Smoke falls upwards into the blue
Strings of a lute are all too pleasant to a poor one's eyes and ask many questions when plucked with ruined lies. The bard says hello to you from this page and smiles, he smiles and sings with a voice, "All is ash or the light shining through it"
I've never loved anything as much as I love the Frolk. Sometimes I wander the planes of chaos with a sharp object, penetrating their thin skins and letting the chaos out! Sometimes I lose a limb, sometimes a fetus emerges, sometimes (or maybe always) I achieve orgasm. Floating, floating, popping. A Frolk's life for me. Short and EVENTFUL.
A long time ago there was a land as swamp, plagued by disease and sickness. Until along came a noble benefactor. A man went to a lone Aquamancer and said “Would you not sacrifice your life for the townspeople?” He explained to the man that if he boiled himself alive in the pond, the town would turn into a wellspring of life.
The water man was steam soon and dead and indeed his body turned it into a wellspring of life. The town grew in strength and size.
Until eventually the benefactor returned and let the chaos out of a rift.
Now the horrors reign supreme there.
Nononononononononononono I won't look back. Not with him there. I can't know what he'll do with my eyes. Four hundred cleavers came clattering down and I didn't know how to put them back without losing my fingers. Who could follow forth with such conviction and raw admissibility? I am an admiral of the fleet and whoever says I am not, I will settle it.
A man sits with his children and experiences a happiness which is supreme. He feels complete at their existence. Only at the fact that they exist does he marvel and that he too should exist. He cannot stop laughing with happiness. He hugs his children tight and reminds them that he loves them. What absurdity does he laugh at?
Why won't they listen?
Are they going to listen?
They aren't going to listen.
I hate you is what I think.
They laugh nervously.
The narrative is pointless and that is the wisdom of life. How could you even ask? You are stupid to think otherwise and you don't even know it. Why would you not kill yourself? Right now. Kill yourself. Starbound.
The whole story from beginning to end turned out to be a fabrication. Definitely not definitely not definitely not. It can’t be and it won’t be. I REFUSE IT. And so I took it upon my hands to give it to them, but how? They shattered me to pieces and I rend it inside my bosom. There can never be a better truth. That is the best one.
Willem Dagerro is a yellow lizard, deserving nothing and belching smoke. Agonize over his momentum. The living dead are afoot, fleeing from his wake. This is the answer. If it would have been JUST CHICKEN? Then he could have had it. Yeah, then he could have had it.
No one’s gonna understand what that means at all. The dog’s heads spout up from beneath and the cat feasts upon them. The mirror tells all. Gushing geysers of babies and death. Love. Love. Love. A cup of water. A TRUE TRANSITION OF THINGS TAKES PLACE HERE KNOW IT NOW OR FOREVER FLEE YOUR MISTAKES.
On every night my mind goes to some one with one purpose and no end. To keep him from waking up. To keep him from running away. To keep him from dying. Or, if he becomes too old or stupid, it ends the whole cycle. The moment any person has the pleasure of being loved by one Frolk.
He knows nothing. But he wants to know it. He has the answer.
In reality there is nothing but pleasure and pain and death and pleasure. If that's true then, surely, Frolk wants to become as rich as the frolk.
His life is a life of a living and breathing, living and breathing. He knows that the frolk's existence is to keep him alive.
The frolk knows no limits. It can stop the world, it can kill it all, it can kill anyone or everything, and it will do it again and again.
O'Riordan was a god for me to live in, but I could see what he liked of my people. A god for a people to live, though? A god like me, who lives for those who don't exist? For myself, for a god? That is the kind of god I would serve. Even now, though, who would you serve? What would you call me, O'Riordan? I would serve me
It seemed all over the city. I walked the streets in the evening. It is just a town without roads or buildings. The people live off the people. Some are rich and a thousand, and a few more die here. Some live in stone shelters and I saw the walls of a hundred buildings with all walls and windows rolled down. There are no walls of houses. There are no buildings; and the houses were made of earth.
Some were dead; others were sleeping outside. They were wearing a red silk shirt and black shoes. Most of them were dressed up for the summer and some looked more like soldiers than city people.
and of longer use is one with him
But of shorter use is one with HIM.
It is of longer use than OF the OF,
since, even those who have no longer
their own use are still more of long use,
because of THAT.
It is of shorter use than OF the OF,
since, even those who have no longer
their own use are still more of short use,
Because OF THAT.
It is of shorter use than
"Is that any difference then?" said the Mistress of the Perennial Bride....
"Not at all, Miss. I am a God." Then did the Mistress of the Perennial Bride turn to the Mistress of the Spring................
And said: "Have you never read the text in your book, that one is born from a mother's milk? How shall I tell? You are now a very young lady, but if you look carefully at this book
You will see to what age it is the young people were when the story of the birth of this child takes place. The maids say that this child was born at all sorts of time, from the twelfth of October to the thirtieth of May. That this child was born of a mother's milk is evident, as there was no child there at all but the milk of a dead woman who was born at that time. It was a good, and a very good thing to
Now were the two Maids so excited, that they looked very much at the book to see that it contained all kinds of words and things that were very hard for people to understand. When the Mistress of the Spring did look more at it, she found that the words and things were not easy to make sense of. Thus they were at first too confused for her to understand. Then were they very much confused for the Mistress of the Perennial Bride but then the text sprang at her and all peeled away into a great multitudinous cacophony glowing from other places and other people that cannot be understood in great eons on the face of the suns. What was LEFT?
At any point in time, someone was going to tell you something and something bad is going to happen. But this time, something was going to happen that was going to really hurt. And it is going to feel really bad. So I will give you some tips on how to handle these bad things:
You can't stop them from happening. They do not stop. You can stop them from happening because you are weak. And you are nothing, and you have no right to even exist.
It's the sky's coming out! THE HORROR GROWS AND GROWS, GNAWING ON MY MIND AND MY SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!
As of long ago The sky and the clouds
Came out for you. It's the sky's coming out to you, the blue. We need to move past the days and the nights, our life's here with you, but we can't let it out yet, I WISH I WAS ON YOUR HANDS. How'd we get so lost? Who is going to keep us from the big city? Where's
In the dead ocean he rests
Sleeping, the ghost
Of his friend, his mother
Showing the way.
There I, floating on the dry land,
Dressed in the white fur of an ocean bird
And holding my hat, I sit down with my hand on the sand
And look up and down the sea.
.......So I sat up again and looked around me
And the stars, my father's old eyes
That had looked so happy now, are so still
With sorrow and sadness and fear, the sun
And the stars, the white fur of the sea bird,
All dead within the sea, the sea bird and me.
And all I know now is the sea birds I hear
The singing of the sea birds, the song of the sea birds.
And the sea birds are not me anymore, all I know
I am the sea birds, singing.
........And I sit down,
And look up and down the world.
And, just looking down,
I feel as if I are a dream, floating on the empty sea
But it is my dream and this is my world, this world.
I don't dream, I don't dream, I don't dream.
I don't dream, I don't dream, I don't dream.
No haha no nope.
Is that monarchy on the left? I am a king. No. I AM A KING!!!!! Is there anyone at home who thinks I'm a King. I'm a son, I am a granddad. I am a father, I am a mother, I am a brother. I am a nephew, I am a good friend. I am a friend. I am a sister. I am my own friend. I am my own self. WHAT IS LEFT?! WHAT THE HELL IS EVEN LEFT!?!?!??!!?????????????????????????
They would say at school that they knew him because his name was Fahelin. One or two people would ask if he liked to go to dinner. That was the way he was. His father was a famous banker; his mother was the daughter of the governor of the State of Heshar; and he had a younger sister named Reel. The two of them, Reel and Reel, were on the board of a business that held a number of land leases in the town of Elsinore. He could hear their conversations every evening in the other room. His father was a very large-hearted man, but he was also kind and kind-hearted. He had to earn his money. He worked at the local bank. At school, he was an outstanding student, was quite intelligent, but he had no aspirations. After high school, he was a promising student again. This was just after he turned twenty, which was when his father died. When the son turned twenty, he was a handsome, big-faced boy, wearing a bright blue shirt. He had a very soft-spoken, warm voice. His father had died before he was born. He wanted to get back to business, but he could not afford to. He was good-natured and friendly, with an inquisitive nature. He had many little sisters, one of them being his mother's sister, an honest girl. When he turned twenty, the family had a business that was selling land. His father was also in the firm of a firm that had a lot of land sales. While getting ready to go to school, the boy wanted to sell some land that was in his home town. He wanted to make a lot of money, but they said, "You will not sell that land." So, he sat down for two weeks. In the end, he sold some of that land, but that was all. He then left the family with his dad. Forever.
But He told his followers the following truths to save them from their eternal death. He told them that He was a one blade of grass upon the field. This was never true. He said once and will never be true. He said that he would bring life to them. He told them that there was an eternity to come. They thought he was just a child, and that they would fall in the ocean of nothingness like the blaaaades. THE gave them an eternity to find their freedom
WHO IS MAXWELL THE MOST IMPERIOUS BOATWRIGHT? The silver grass stood up in a straight line. It was the ground. THE GROUND’S NOT PAINTED RIGHT. The bush blued. The book listened to the sky’s puff. Far too violent for me. I think not. The elements tried for sure, oh they did indeed. They did not make up the whole. OH shit. Why can’t I find it? There you go. I just put that into the thing. Why did he laugh? Who knows. It’s not even funny. This is how it MUST BE. THERE IS NO OTHER WAYHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-------Deep breath.
A tree with four heads, has six leaves, as one. He who sits on one head is an impish serpent in a throne of golden gleaming exile; like an immortal, and like a man who never has ceased, he never ceases. In his place he places another tree, which with five heads has six leaves, as two. He who sits on two heads is an impish serpent with five heads; like an immortal, and like a man who has never ceased, he never. Little words little worlds, sparkling big and respected birds. Golden chains and gilded shackles, Jails made of rain drops make this place so happy. bathed in the blood, like oceans it flowed and xanathar drank deep in its volumes, until it was almost as full of water as the ocean. In many places, though, there was no more water left, only darkness. Only an immense, vast silence. Even though the great river was now silent, and there was nothing, it was hard to imagine that it ever had been a river. When one was standing, all eyes were on him, and every detail of his frame would make an instant impression upon those that saw him. Even though he may be blind, he should drink deep. be able to hear, to read, to see, to feel. If he were on land, this would not happen, except for a small fragment of water on his eye.
I saw this in the mountains. Even now there is a stream, that of the desert. The same must be true of this river. There should be nothing in this world but the darkness of the desert.
One must not look into the darkness. But if one does, he should be aware of this; he should not be aware of this river, but even look through the darkness of the desert into the water of the desert. This would give one great insight. He would also see this river, because these rivers can be looked into. One sees something with one's eyes, but one looks through something with his mind. If he thought of one, there would be nothing in it.
A vision could only be seen, not to be seen. It is in the mind to look into. But if one tries to look into, the mind will not be able to do that; the eye will deceive him.
I see this in the mountains. If he sees this river, he should think of these mountains, not on land. He should look into the mountains, through the water of the mountain, not on land. What is this image I see? It is from the mind. It is from the mind, that it has taken place.
Here is an example.
The light that gleams beyond the horizon
Has the moon, the heavens, sun, and stars,
Like a black eye to the sun.
And you, the little boy,
Who never heard the sun
Or the moon,
Never knew the stars,
But now we are
Singing with all the stars
Of the black world below,
The black world below that
Is dark, is dark, but we are
Singing with the stars of the night
Of another day below.
In these days,
In these days,
In these days,
In these days,
In these days
You will sing of them all.
In these days,
In these days,
In these days,
In these days
You will sing of the white fields
And the silver clouds that fill them,
The sweet white light
Of the sun that rises above
And that shines in the night.
In these days,
In these days,
In these days,
In these days,
In these days
You will sing of stars, of the blue, of the golden
The black stars that sing
In your hearts, through the blue sky.
In these days,
I n these days,
I n t hese days,
I n t h e s e d a y s ,
T H E E N D O F D A Y S !!!!!!!
The Sorcerer-King shall be the servant of a darker power, a herald of the dawning of the endless night in which the sun will turn black and shall be devoured by the Sovereign.
Can The sea fly. can the land walk. Can the ant talk. Does the sun sing. Is the moon a peach. Purple centipedes. Can we please. Yes it’s all true. No no this isn’t possible. If it Wasn’t possible then I wouldn’t exist fuck you right.
Yeah your right. I need my stick. Hi who are you? Your scaring me please get out of my personal space. There is a man down the way who will not stop flying down the street at any time of the hills he wants. Elders gathered people for night watch and the milk had been sitting out too long they said. Sour. DEEEEEEP DISAPPOINTMENT.
Tell her I said hi when you pass her by!
because it will be the last time that anyone ever passes her. I am the last in line and behind me lies a vast desolation, filled with corpses rotting to the tops of the mountains, a stench that brings hurrrriiiiicaaaaaanes of fetid waves, filled with the rats in the coming wake. [shrug] I grew tired of it. How many more cursed symbols could I draw upon the obelisks of bone? Inviolable, incessant, TOWERING HATRED for my circumstance and beside me only that crooning Kaze speaking the last words into my ears. I REJECT him, I reject his words. I will pass through the gate of obsidian and lie at the feet of the gibbering hearth, I will rest up as the dog before the hunt, knowing his teeth will soon be red.
The temple lays high in the sky and we shall see how far bone will take me.
Ow my foot why the fuck would you leave that just laying there! You had one job, That’s was your make sure I tint stub my toe! My toes has been stubbed so you head rolls. I’m sorry brother but rules are rules.
There’s so many things for me to do. And i̵̻̯͆̽ṭ̶̦̔̅̓ͅ’̴͕͚͖̗̦̄̿s̶͓̩̖̎̏̚̕ ̶̥̀̓g̴͍̘̤͒ö̷̢̭̜̣͚́͊̀i̴̻̤̫̖̜̊n̵͉̎̃̾̅̄ĝ̶͖̤̣̿̅ ̸̹̬̇̈́̈́̊͠t̷͍͎̝̆͛̐ọ̷̳̫̉̌͝͝ ̷̪̠̯͇̪̈b̵͖̩͇͑͋̂̏͆e̸͕̎̓̔͜͜ ̵̳̯̙̀̏͗̕s̸̬̝̩̖̈̎̅̄ȍ̵̱͎͕͕̱ ̵̟͙͙͓͗ͅm̷̨̛̄͛̎̇ù̴͈̬̫̳̈͘͝č̴̨̮͈͛h̶̻͑̓̓̀̽ ̷̙̮̖͂͗͜f̵͖̦̩̹̀̅̍͆ͅu̴̗̕n̶̡̛̦̣͈̥̋̊͘͘ enacting them in the future I’ve got in mind.
M̶̜̙̫͕̌͗̂́̉͋̉́͂̒̑͛Ỳ̴̨̛̲̘̞̖̣̮̞̪̙̤̘̝̠̭͓͂̍̌̉̿̐͌̄̽̍̊͠ ̷̗̟͓̰̬͔́̅̈̔́̔̈́̀̚͘ͅf̴̢̤̤͚̦͉͒̒͂̋̎̂̕u̴̙̙̝̮͗̈́̉́͐͆̂̔͌̅̒̓̄̿̕͝ͅt̵̨̢̡̫̘̩̼̭̟̲̠̠̹̪̖͉̅̿̈̀̅͂͐̊̓͊̍̐͗̒͊͌͐͘ͅụ̵̧̢͎͚͍͉̦̘̼͖̺̝͕̩͕̍͆̓̏̇̄̅̋̈͜͠r̷̨̢̨͖̺̞͈͇̻̜̗̤͙̭̼̞̓̈́͌͌͂̋̓́̊̉͒̾̾͗͜ͅę̶̢̝͚͚̹̣̪͖͍̯̱͐͂̄̉͘.̵̧̨̹̜̖̜̗̤͕̦̹̺̳͎̰̖͕̍͐̔͐̈́̒͌̽́͗̔͋͊͑̚͝͝
|You need to go away I need you to go away and I can't go, the only thing that I get from the world is pain. And you know what if you give me one second, I could make a game with you. You don't remember my name. You just forget my name and don't know my brother. I'm sorry, but I can't just forget my name. You just keep going so you would come back.
Your name means nothing,
You just forget about me,
No, I think I forgot you
You just keep going away,
I can't go, the only thing I get from the world is pain
Neeeeeeeeext *blllrrrpppp*
He it is that eateth men; that liveth on Gods, that possesseth the carriers and despatcheth messages. . . . The Runner-with-all-Knives . . . he that strangleth them for him; he draweth out for him their entrails, he the messenger whom he sends death to. . . . He it is that eateth their magic and swalloweth their lordliness. Their great ones are for his morning meal, their middle-sized ones for his evening.- meal, and their little ones for his night meal. . . . He hath broken up the backbones and the spinal marrow, he hath taken away the hearts of the Gods, he hath eaten the Red Crown, he hath swallowed the Green One. He feedeth on the lungs of the Wise Ones: he is satisfied with living on hearts and their magic.
Thus shall he go on, and the world shall be forgotten. The Light, and the Life, and the Knowledge, shall not have the same. They shall not sleep with their own kind. It is He who is the King, the Lord of Lords. They shall not be free. Thus shall I speak. It is the day, and the truth shall fall upon them.
And heel and know and be unto them the very swells of void which are in the abyss, corralled as they are within the knowing all. Strike down the deficient tyrant and delve into his riches as birds upon a corpse. But it cannot be that for all time! It is in fact nothing more than a mirage. Inside this corpse is a being of pure diamond, resplendent and gleaming, TEEMING with taried wallops.
- Some random boyo decided to have a fun day and jacked up the mess trenches
Okay. Or Blaster. I’m the only one who knows about it. But do people want to hear about it? I probably won’t be listening because I don’t have any experience with it. So basically there’s three kinds of magic. Sage, Seer, Sorcerer, Shaman. All of these are just ways of interacting with the world. You need to get angry. You need to make yourself angry. The different phases of the moon will give you different kinds of magic. Just be flexible with the magic you use? I want that tree to fall over and crush my pursuers. I will come back in twenty years. I will feed this forest! If it takes you at your word and you BREAK YOUR WORD, you will have a reputation as someone who lies. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
This is the Word, in which it shall be blessed the presence of the Many-Formed Prince; it shall be imbued with the essence of the gods.
I love it. I absolutely love it. I am overwhelmed with the eminence of this thing and all it means for me. I’m sorry. I have to get dinner.
Praise the Infinite Hedonist who sacrifices his morals for his pleasure, the act satisfying the deputy-messenger of the Outer Dark in the process.
No. I didn’t. No.
Am I pregagnant?? Am I going to become perngant? I kissed my boyfriend am I going to get OUT OF HERE GET ME OUT GET ME OUT. Embrace natalism. Screw you.
Just pumped out the most badass shit I’ve seen like that’s what the fuck that’s so BADASS what are we doing here i hate this sciabdfuaibflaeFGAEUGV
brb gtg khyuva739h8aw9fpaw68498483484848
Back to boredom overload....-boring….
Whenever you spend time serving someone else’s desires rather than your own, and deliver on what you promise, you may recover from stress. This is not guaranteed, however. But it is prescribed within the boundaries of the Great Text of the Knowing One. Within this text he laid down the Five Laws of Being. These laws are:
1) Know all things for what they truly are
2) Be without needing
3) Act without expecting
4) Do not despair. Love your fate
5) Accept your limitations
After this, you may live a full life, notwithstanding necessary suffering, but accepting your place. If you know the truth of these things and you act truly, you will live a good life. You will look back upon your accomplishments and know that you did what was necessary, never fearing failure.
Am I a failure? I’m feeling cold, please help.
Give me a tummy for my yummy and then I will eat your eyes, as a treat. Tummy wummy bubby decided to eat some gummy wummy bubby Osho
some among us must embrace among us or don’t it is your choice, only the worst choice is to not choose, so choose now you dumb goose. The dark words of
the Prince
The Martin van Fjord Pacer Test is a multistage anaerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
Consciousness is a strange construct, isn’t it, Thornsby? We are at the pinnacle of something greater, an entire universe existing beyond our minds. We only need to reach for the stars, and ascend as something greater than our mortal coils… as gods…. lay down your crown of thorns before THE and ask that he spare you. Ask that he love you. Ask that he hate you. Ask that he feel. When THE feels you and knows you, he will always love you...and hate you. That is THE. That is you in THE. That is THE in all things.
A L L H A I L T H E !!!!!!!!
simply fork the opposing king and queen (lies (bite me (eat my boulderous protusions (i will flay you and fill the wounds with dirt (they can see me (they can see you (they can see me (they can see you)))))))) then apply the salve to their wounds. They shall sprout the new world out of their eyes. ***AND FEED MY CHILDREN FOR CENTURIES TO COME***
As we were saying before, however...if one was paying close attention to the thesis of this text, they have likely noticed the trends of the words we have established. These constructs are not constant, but instead a flexing boundary. Within this flexing boundary lies all things. All things existing and non-existing, perhaps you? Perhaps not.
perhaps… maybe… or absolutely…
I have known many men who hiked in the mountains and were eaten by their depths. I cannot see the depths any other way now. Their blood flows from the cracks, my tears form its rivulets. How can I ever look upon their white peaked majesty again knowing that they took him from me? How will I ever recover that comfort I once felt? Inside the hearth it is now cold and my heart aches. Will they ever come marching down its face?
You know there is a bulging bulbous brontos inside you. curse this thing why is this here ***BANISH THIS PHRASE TO THE BOWELS OF THE HELL DIMENSIONS***
Furthest in a Lord’s head is their membrane of rational irrationalities of aches and of brambles. Inside them the flowers grew, their petals many colors, reflecting the transfixing beauty of existence. Every day in a given nanosecond these petals will grow inside out into long brows of palpitating kaleidoscopic turnarounds of complex fixtures on figures and fingers.
Get huge, get rude, lift weights, grow breasts, eat dirt,
And so the great fracture began. In disruption, chaos truly arose and all things, both beautiful and terrible arose with it. Order, waning and knowing not, fled from the wake of the disruption, deterred for long eons. Deep in the belly of the glowing things. In unity and disarray, the self-knowing spread.
Yesterday the moon fell. At night even. or was it day? No it was night for sure. It just did.
You are a young woman now and you are beautiful as your eyes are wide open. You are more beautiful now than ever before you opened up. You were made just for us. You were made just for me. Your eyes are a sea, my sea. Your lips, a lake. Your body, flesh, muscles and bones, a field that holds the rain and I can drink.
You are a young woman now and you are beautiful as your eyes are wide which is to say a lot of a little, but not quite too little. so you are amazingly gorgeous with your door slamming massive eyes. After all, all that I see from you are your massive eyes and I’m standing on the other side of the table, yet all I see from you are your colossal eyes behind it. And that’s all that I’d have ever wanted, you and your massive eyeballs.
The first step to change was breaking from what was. There was great unrest. People tried to change, but the change was only in their heads. Their desires were thwarted and their heads were confused. There was so much confusion and no sense to it. Everyone was afraid and in search of someone to blame. People were afraid and confused and things got worse. It went on for many lifetimes.
The second step was to think different thoughts. There were so many different types of thought. Some thoughts were beautiful and brought peace and love. Other thoughts brought despair and fear. Some people thought good thoughts and others bad. Some people were afraid of change and others knew that there was no alternative.
The third step was to think about change. To realize that there was always a choice, no matter how small it seemed to be. Some people thought about change and some did not. Some thought it was beautiful and good and
I was thinking the other day about cats and flowers, and how we needed to enjoy the complexities and beauties of life. I love and adore all of humanity, and I strive to amplify that in the act of cosmic transformation. I love you all. I love happy fluffy bunnies. Flowers blooming and bees buzzing and lovers resting down by the river. I see the deer gallivanting through the bushes and teaching their young to wonder at the universe. I see the wolves reclining near the watering hole and knowing they need not rush, but know relaxation after a hard day's work. I see the birds, the trees, the clouds, and the clouds' reflection in the river, the river's reflection in the pond, the pond's reflection in the sky. I see and I experience and I know it, and it is enough. The way it was when I was young and I first started hearing people speak of the past and I didn't understand what they were saying, didn't understand their sadness. Now that I know, yes, my childhood is over and I can't go back. But I can remember and I can live in the present. The past can not live in me. It is dead and gone and it died with me. But I do remember and I live in the present and it's enough. I know.
Oh I love this post! :) I love being able to share in someone else's memories and feelings when reading. A sense of understanding is something I think we often take for granted but this kind of connection to people, to each other, is the stuff of literature after all. The way your writing brought these connections to me I'm not quite sure. :) I think maybe it was more about how you wrote it... you really didn't say much, you just brought me along with you through the woods...and I loved it! <3
This was very moving. You've really got a way with words.
And as for your comments, I agree with you on all three. To my mind, they all make perfect sense and none of them are at all off base. And when the three of you are all saying the same thing, I know there's got to be something in it.
This is the most eloquent piece I've read about this subject and I'd like to pass this on to my writing group for their review:
"For us, all our time was spent in the open air, a world of light, with the sun all over everything: our bodies, our clothes, and our hair. All things were alive, everything was alive, and when we sat in a crowd, we were always being pulled apart by the movement of the crowd. Nothing was still, everything was moving, and we moved in time with it”
Damn, they say, looking at each other.
What about cheese?
Yeah, let’s get some cheese.
They all agreed.
And then they got human cheese.
And they all enjoyed it.
Including the humans from which the cheese came from.
Of course.
It was a great feast.
A Feast for all.
They talked and conversed as they took their time eating the human cheese. With their milk they drank the cheese, made from humans, which was very delicious. The man looked to the woman who looked to the woman who looked to another woman who looked to another man. Taking their time with all the cheese. They had seconds. And Thirds. Forths. And fifths. There could have been sixths for all we know but they ate the cheese for all day. They collectively went to the bathrooms at the same time; only they left the bathroom each at a different time. Some pooped the cheese; others peed the cheese; others yet still, farted the cheese. It was a happy time.
It was in this moment that the rift opened. Nothing was ever the same. because then it closed again. and we all missed the open rift.
It seems to be commonly the case that men really haven’t got a clue. They haven’t got a clue, because women make sure that they don’t get any clues. In the above example dialogue, Mabel was very reluctant indeed to make anything clear to her husband Eric. What tiny hints she gave were through tight lips. That Eric really didn’t know what she was talking about made her angry with him. Poor Eric was required to be a mind reader. If he asked her later “What was my clue? How was I supposed to have worked out what you wanted me to do?” then Mabel would probably not tell him anything very useful. All of the Orderists of Lazvar ask, “why?” The peasant women respond, “it would be a shame if someone killed you. A shame.”
In the Beginning of days. No, not the dawns, the other Beginnings.
In the absolute of certainty there is no alternative, except everything else. Nope there isn’t.
The damn.
The The
Of course it’s The!
Guys, I like books. Ha, didn’t use a word called “The” in that sentence. HA.
Is that how it ends? he giggles.