Name: Onwei
Demonym: Onwa
Holy text: Convergence of Vulin
Tenets: The worshippers of Onwei believe that there is extraordinary power in the blood. This life-bearing liquid fuels living bodies and, in their belief, is the medium in which the soul is stored. For this reason, they think that blood sacrifice and blood worship are paramount to attaining power. Although deep in the deserts the Utwesh have made the Pact of the Oases, most Onwa that live in the steppe do not have such mystical assistance, although they still follow the Convergence of Vulin.
Members of the cult of Onwa enter into a pact with Vilbekt. In order to enter into the pact, the members of must sacrifice victims in the oases in order to gain counters which reflect half the damage dealt to the cultist back to the attacker. Each time they are struck, one of these counters are exhausted. These counters regenerate each day. The number of counters that any cultist has is determined by how many victims they have sacrificed. They must do progressively larger rituals of sacrifice each time gain an additional counter.
To get the first counter, they must undergo a ritual wherein they sacrifice one victim in the oasis. Then to get the second counter, they must undergo a ritual wherein they sacrifice two victims at once in the oasis. This trend continues indefinitely: to get the X counter, they must undergo a ritual wherein they sacrifice X victims in the oasis.
Central Figure(s): Vilbekt