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105 total results found

Understanding Nyra

Nyra: The Dark Age Understanding Nyra

Nyra is a realm in constant struggle. The natural environment is a brutish and nasty place, dominated by creatures of immense strength, size, and deviousness. Sentient species are only able to survive on the condition that they fortify their cities from the be...

Difficulty Thresholds

Nyra: The Dark Age How Nyra Is Played

One of the fundamental mechanics of Nyra is the concept of difficulty thresholds. Depending on the challenge of the task at hand, a skill may call for more challenging tests than others. This is represented through Easy, Normal, Difficult, Impossible, and Crit...


Nyra: The Dark Age How Nyra Is Played

When a character fails a check (so long as it was not a critical failure), they will often have some form of recourse. This is because, for most skills and abilities in the game, there is some form of saving roll, wherein a player may succeed at a failed attem...

Hard Caps and Soft Caps

Nyra: The Dark Age How Nyra Is Played

In Nyra there are hard caps and soft caps on skills. For example, there is a soft cap on every skill and primary statistic preventing them from getting above 10. However, this is a “soft” cap, because favored skills can go all the way to 20 after they have rea...

World History at a Glance

Nyra: The Dark Age History of Nyra

50,000 Ponderan society 20,000 Famulus are bred 15,000 Above-ground Sarkin society 5000 Kaze society 4500 Utwesh society 4000 A significant population of Humans has resulted from the interbreeding of Ponderan and Famulus 3500 Humans are neither ...

Ponderan History

Nyra: The Dark Age History of Nyra

50,000 - The earliest primitive Ponderan societies, although they favored different elements based upon their location, had generally permissive attitudes toward a variety of worldviews, viewing mages as equal members of society with duties to the tribe. -In ...

Kaze History

Nyra: The Dark Age History of Nyra

-The Kaze arise in the Dead Flats and flee the horror by living in the mountains -Over many generations, the Kaze build cities on stilted platforms, mostly separated from natural dangers. -The Kaze slowly begin to worship the gods in magical cults. They call...

Sarkin History

Nyra: The Dark Age History of Nyra

15,000 -The Sarkin arise in what is now called the Zerus Treescape as a highly communal and social species. -These early Sarkin societies are highly cooperative and overcome nature through fair distribution of labor and product. -The Sarkin tend to dwell in...

Ethakkra History

Nyra: The Dark Age History of Nyra

-Ethak Melius, angered that foolish Utwesh society has allowed the Temple of Twilodon to be taken by the Kaze, leads his clan through a new ideology that is hyper-utilitarian and rejects ethical considerations. This new ideology is called “Ethakkran.” Its foll...

Human History

Nyra: The Dark Age History of Nyra

3500 Humans are settled through the Great Project. Only the very first generation have any memory of the Ponderans. Early human cities develop without robust walls. Deaths to creatures are rampant. Slayer guilds develop within Human society, specialists at ...

Kalnis History

Nyra: The Dark Age History of Nyra

-The Kalniss begin being interbred by the exiled Famulus and the Humans on the Lazvarian continent. -The Kalniss are the target of intense bigotry during the Famulus-Human War that ensues. -This causes the Kalniss to band together and they begin forming a di...

Utwesh History

Nyra: The Dark Age History of Nyra

4500 The early Utwesh society was based on worship of nature and life, although clans formed, they did not war too often. -The Kaze take the Temple of Twilodon -The Kaze begin excursions into the Malanthan Forest and the Utwesh respond through violence. -T...

Famulus History

Nyra: The Dark Age History of Nyra

-The Famulus spend many millennia as slaves to the Ponderan. -The Famulus become too numerous and the Ponderan begin herding them into concentration camps overnight. This allows the Famulus time to plot. -The First Famulus Revolt takes place, but is brutally...

Combat Phases

Nyra: The Dark Age Combat Mechanics

In general, there are two distinct parts of battle in Nyra: Stealth Initiation and Combat. Stealth Initiation is what comes before Combat if a stealthed character chooses to initiate and only lasts for the duration of the first strike made by that character. C...


Nyra: The Dark Age Combat Mechanics

Each character in combat has a statistic called Sequence. Sequence is how quickly a character realizes that danger is imminent and acts in response. Those with the highest sequence act in the first phase. If a character is in plain sight and initiates combat...


Nyra: The Dark Age Combat Mechanics

Your physical delay pool is a quantity of points which you may spend in order to carry out actions. This quantity is equal to your AGI and resets at the beginning of every turn. Different actions within the game require different amounts of delay, where slow a...

Basic Combat

Nyra: The Dark Age Combat Mechanics

The combat of Nyra can vary in complexity by a large degree. All of the classes have different approaches to combat, and even within each class are the possibilities for unique tactics. However, in order to understand how a basic combat interaction plays out...

Wounding and Death

Nyra: The Dark Age Damage, Wounding, and Death

For every species damage calculations will vary, however some things remain constant. Entering Serious on any damage location causes a bleed effect that does 1 damage per player turn. Entering Critical stacks another bleed that does 2 damage per player turn. T...

54c. Skill Cost Tables

Nyra: The Dark Age Skills

The following table shows the skill point cost for each individual skill rank: Skill Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Favored  1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 ...


Nyra: The Dark Age Feats

Favored Weapon [Weapon] (100/450) A character with this feat receives +1 damage when using the specified type of weapon. This may be bought five times in a row, or as one package at the cost of 450. Sadism (150) On a successful Surestrike the enemy ...