Utwesh History
The early Utwesh society was based on worship of nature and life, although clans formed, they did not war too often.
-The Kaze take the Temple of Twilodon
-The Kaze begin excursions into the Malanthan Forest and the Utwesh respond through violence.
-The Utwesh attempt to make agreements with the Kaze. The contract they sign says that the “Kaze will only take what is in the mountains and leave the Utwesh be.” However, the Kaze include the Temple of Twilodon in this affair, claiming it is in the mountains.
-The Utwesh society takes this as a dire insult, although they do not to restart the conflict. Nonetheless it is an event which represents humiliation to the Utwesh people.
-Ethak Melius, angered at what his people have allowed to happen, leads his clan through a new ideology that is hyper-utilitarian and rejects ethical considerations. This new ideology is called “Ethakkran.” Its followers spread quickly.
-The Ethakkrans begin to agitate to claim the Temple of Twilodon through assault while the Utwesh think it is stooping to the level of the Kaze tricksters. The Utwesh advocate that diplomacy is used.
-The Ethakkran within their clans begin vying for power through underhanded means, gaining more and more control in Utwesh society.
-The Utwesh make another deal with the Kaze, which says that they will be given “what is rightfully theirs.” The Kaze, however, do not leave the Temple of Twilodon.
-The Utwesh, confused by what has transpired, decide to send emissaries to the temple to understand why power is not changing hands. However, Ethak Melius is worried that this may resolve itself peacefully and that his power will wane, thus he sends his followers to execute the Utwesh emissaries when they come to retake control of the holy site, then frames the Kaze for the act.
-The Ethakkra boom after the execution of the emissaries.
-After the Ethakkra gain a large enough number, they call for a meeting of the clans, where Ethak Melius convinces the convocation that they should reclaim the Temple of Twilodon. A slim majority agrees.
-The Ethakkra-Kaze War begins with the reclamation of the Temple of Twilodon.
-The Ethakkra, now having control of the most important holy site of the Utwesh people, decide to make this the formation of the first Ethakkran city, Talisdeem.
-Slowly, the Ethakkra grow to more and more of the population, now bolstered by a claim that the followers of Ethak are actually genetically different from the rest of the population and must claim their rightful place as the leaders of society.
-This mythology provides a narrative that all those who do not follow Ethak are actually doing so because they are expressing an inferior ideology only held by the lower Utwesh. -The Ethakkrans slowly vie for every position of delegated power, killing the Utwesh holders in order to solidify this control.
-Many Utwesh begin to escape into the countrysides and forests, maintaining communities under siege away from the sight of the Ethakkrans.
-There were, broadly, two populations of Utwesh who fled into these areas; those who stayed closeby, intent on continuing conflict with the Ethakkrans and those who fled far to the east into the desertlands to build permanent communities.
-The former become the nomadic tribes of the Utweshlands today.
-The latter form the settlements at the edge of the eastern deserts and the earliest coastal communities.