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Famulus History

-The Famulus spend many millennia as slaves to the Ponderan.

-The Famulus become too numerous and the Ponderan begin herding them into concentration camps overnight. This allows the Famulus time to plot.

-The First Famulus Revolt takes place, but is brutally suppressed.

-Tens of thousands of Famulus flee to Lazvar.

-The Massacre takes place. Across the massive city of Onus, Famulus slaves of all kinds kill their masters in their sleep. The campaign was managed and overseen by Ki’ek the Bloody. 

-A massive wave of Ponderan refugees leave the continent and sail to southern Lazvar. Ki’ek creates a tribal government on Onus, with himself as the brutal dictator.

-Ruck is born on the continent of Onus.

-The Famulus heretic Ruck, overthrows the previous leadership Ki’ek the Bloody. Ki’ek was having Ruck burned to death because Ruck was known to have a liking for fire. However, instead of dying from this punishment, Ruck breaks free, set ablaze, and tackles Ki’ek to the ground. Ruck strangles Ki’ek to death, all while he burns alive. Ruck lives through this, putting himself out, now horrifically disfigured. He is considered to be the new king of the Famulus.

-Famulus raids on the coastlines become much more common as Ruck has stratified the class structure of his society. Builders and thinkers are allowed to do their work without being abused by society at large, such that they work in highly controlled camps that Ruck oversees.