Human History
Humans are settled through the Great Project. Only the very first generation have any memory of the Ponderans.
Early human cities develop without robust walls. Deaths to creatures are rampant.
Slayer guilds develop within Human society, specialists at killing creatures.
Slayer guilds see Sarkin as dangers to Human society and treat them as they would creatures. They violently settle domesticated areas of nature previously made by the Sarkin.
Leadership of the slayer guilds become a ruling class in these early unwalled cities.
Three types of cities begin to form:
-Cities that develop robust walls by communal development become the free cities, not controlled by the slayer guilds or by the aristocracy. These cities maintain horizontal structures of control and maintain communal living. (The Free Cities)
-Cities that do not develop robust walls come under control of the slayer guilds. Even though power remained within the village community technically, the slayer guilds were able to appoint elders by way of refusing protection. (The Signum)
-Cities that develop robust walls by way of some rich land-owners become the early precursors to modern human feudalism. These cities become highly stratified very quickly, with all power being centralized into a lordly bureaucracy. (The Lordships)
-The Free Cities begin developing the fertile soil in the Tridoslands and recognize the brutality and violence of the Lordships and the Signums and come together to build a wall around the entire triangular region of the Tridoslands.
-The Lordships begin to develop power gradually in their regions and sabotage the Signums first, by using the wealth they gained from their stratified communities to buy mercenary slayers from the Signums.
-The Orderists make their first pact with the humans, choosing to first negotiate and establish temples within the Lordships. This is called The New Pact.
-Burilo Carthest is born to the Lordship called Garth, the son of a wealthy construction and architecture businessman named Yakev Carthest.
-The Lordships, recognizing the Signums may defy them, join together and call themselves the Empire of Marn.
-Burilo Carthest begins the building of the city of Farhaven as a place to settle the Lordships. It is a multilateral project carried out by the surrounding Lordships.
-The Signums, recognizing the threat of the Lordships, begin to confederate together and name their new nation Leep.
-The Signums sabotage the construction of Farhaven, sending in saboteurs to poison the water in populated areas.
-Burilo Carthest leads the rebuilt city of Farhaven, now comprised of many townships in the area and workers on the reconstruction, to war with Leep.
-After a two year war between Farhaven and Marn, Farhaven is victorious. Carthest leads an effort to consolidate the leadership of all of the associated townships to create a new kingdom. He calls this the Kingdom of Farhaven. Burilo is crowned King Burilo Carthest of Farhaven.
-King Creel, age 30, takes the throne of Farhaven through a noble coup with enormous popular support. King Burilo Carthest III concedes the throne without violence, having borne no children. King Creel I relinquishes his previous title as captain of the guard and gives this position to Derifel Teris, the creator of the Gatrah. Burilo Carthest becomes advisor to King Creel until his death.
-Taking over for Carthest is Amadeus Doran. Doran is a very savvy politician who is always aware of what both his enemies and his allies are doing. Though he is an excellent advisor to Creel, he secretly desires all power for himself.
-Creel dies of a plague and the throne is inherited by his son, Zechus Creel.
-Zechus only reigns for five years, before Doran kills him in his sleep unknown to anyone else. Because of the rules of succession, Doran, as the head of parliament assumes the throne until a closer successor to the bloodline can be found. However, no such successor is ever found.
-Doran, desiring more land, begins sailing boats to the west coast of Faydorn. There he encounters the Ethakkra, with whom there are early skirmishes, which quickly turn into negotiations.
-In time, the Ethakkra and the human empire come to trade agreements, helping one another suppress their rebel populations. The Ethakkra help funnel
-Doran becomes more and more interested in the Chao and begins communing with THE. This leads to a rapid increase in corruption in the urban centers and deep degradation of the already poor regions that were once the Signum.
-Doran now reigns as a tyrant over the lands, imposing steep taxation in the form of corvee labor