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Favored Weapon [Weapon] (100/450)

A character with this feat receives +1 damage when using the specified type of weapon. This may be bought five times in a row, or as one package at the cost of 450.

Sadism (150)

On a successful Surestrike the enemy also loses 1 delay.

Required: Rogue class

Deadly Shell (150)

Those with this feat may gain a free attack if the weapon is upon their armor somehow. Armors with the trait Spiked especially apply, but this also counts toward wrist-crossbows or wrist-razors.

Dash (150)

A character may sprint their maximum distance allowed by Agility without test.

Merciful Strike (150)

A character with this feat may declare that all their strikes or any singular number of them, are Merciful Strikes that can only take an enemy to their last hit point, incapacitating them instead.

Brawn (200)

You may use your STR rating in order to calculate your available physical delay instead of AGI.

Crippling Strike (200)

With this feat, the character may specify a Crippling Strike, which is aimed at the legs (1d2 hit location). The attack makes all AGI checks to move by the enemy at difficult check. Normal movement speed is slowed by half.

Arching Projectiles (300)

With this feat a character no longer has to have a straight line of sight to hit a target. They may now arc their shot over obstacles to hit their target at one layer of increased difficulty. Every 1 foot you remove from your maximum range you can fire over an obstacle one foot higher. The character must have clearance in an arc above the target for this to be usable. 

Required: Archery, Thrown Weapons

Solid Footing (200)

When a character takes this feat, they must only make a CON check to resist Knockdown. This does not affect their resistance to grapples however.

Mentor (200+[X])

A savant who purchases this feat may pay 200 skill points plus the cost of another feat and give that feat to one of their followers.

Find Weakness (300)

When striking a target, reduce 2 armor in Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning, and Cleaving as per the target's size category:

Tiny: -2

Small: -4

Medium: -6

Large: -8

Giant: -10

Titanic: -12

Required: Brawler, Hunter, Warrior, or Rogue

Polymath (300)

With this feat, a character may now learn as many professions as they desire. However, the new professions are not favored.

Required: Intelligence: 10, Wisdom: 7

Polymath II (1000)

All professions this character has are now favored.

Required: Polymath I

Polyglot (300)

With this feat, a character may now learn as many languages as they desire.

Required: Intelligence: 10, Wisdom: 7

Loremaster (300)

With this feat, a character may now learn as many lores as they desire.

Required: Intelligence: 10, Wisdom: 7

Etymologist (300)

Every time you hear a language spoken, add a number of skill points equal to your WIS modifier to spend into learning that language.

Youngblood (300)

At the beginning of their turn, a caster may choose to convert any amount of their base physical delay into magical delay at half value.

Sleight of Hand (300)

With this feat, a character may save on any failed Pickpocket with another difficult Pickpocket roll.

Required: Pickpocket: 7

Able Learner (350)

A character with this feat now gains double the amount of points regularly accrued from your INT modifier on Instruction rolls.

Required: Intelligence: 9

Quickdraw (350)

A character with this feat may draw a sheathed weapon at 1 delay instead of 2.

Staggering Blows (375)

A character with this feat leaves their enemies reeling on critical successes in melee, deplete 5 delay from the enemy's turn.

Required: Weapon Skill: 10

Weaponcatch (375)

A brawler with this feat may now block weapons while unarmed, affecting the opponent as if the weapon was blocked with an actual shield. This test is done against your Defense skill.

Opportunist (400)

When the player with this feat rolls a critical success in combat, they may choose to activate an ability from the following list in addition to all the other effects of that success.

1: Heal 2 health to any body part.

2: If dealing damage, roll another dice of the type that defines the damage you are dealing.

3: Gain 1 physical delay for the duration of this turn.

Dispatch (400)

The character who has the feat Dispatch may now roll an Impossible check against their weapon skill in order to force a Critical Strike on one of his or her strikes per turn.

Required: Weapon Skill: 15

Guard (450)

Declare a target within five feet or less and, when they are attacked, you may roll Defense at a +4 difficulty and block incoming attacks on them.

Eminence (450)

A character with this feat, receives a -1 difficulty to all CHA rolls for every follower they have that is visible and under their direct control.

Required: Savant class, Leadership: 7

Tenacity (500)

A character with Tenacity may reroll a single failed dodge roll per turn.

Favored Enemy [Enemy] (500)

A character with this feat also lands criticals on 2’s against their chosen type of enemy.

Required: >Five separate encounters with intended enemy, at least four kills.

Iron Will (500)

All attempts to read or control the mind of a character or subject the character to Charisma checks are at one difficulty threshold greater.

Iron Will II (1000)

All attempts to read or control the mind of a character or subject the character to Charisma checks are at two difficulty thresholds greater.

Required: Iron Will I.

Renowned (500)

Can now use fame as a saving roll for Contact rolls, even on critical failures.

Required: Savant class

Uncanny [Attribute] (500)

A character with this feat may exceed their primary statistic cap for the specified statistic by 1. Can only be bought twice.

Shrewd Caster (500)

Any time one of your spells fizzle, add half the magical delay that was used to your following turn.

Patience (600)

The character receives a -1 for all attack rolls on their turn; for every successful melee or ranged attack on their character since their previous turn. This includes attacks that were dodged or defended by the character.  

Assault (600)

A character with this feat receives a –1 difficulty to all actions for each character that is attacking the same target.

Dual-Wielder (600)

Once per turn, roll a wild strike with your offhand weapon for zero delay.

Vigilance (600)

Can increase total sequence one above cap. Can be bought a maximum of two times.

Deathblow (750)

On critical strikes, the attack is a killing blow when landed on head or chest. Can only be used on targets that are the same size category or less than the player’s.

Required: Any class aside from Mage or Savant

Magical Duelist (750)

On all competitive checks between casters, you receive a +1.

Advantage (800)

Every time you critically succeed on a check, stack a counter on yourself. Spend that counter to -1 difficulty from any other check. Can stack up to three times.

Vicious (800)

A character with this feat rolls an extra dice of the type that defines their damage every time they roll the maximum value their dice is able. This rule carries over even for the extra rolled dice. This takes place before damage is calculated.

Lucky (1000)

May now buy up to 2 Luck.

Alignment (1000)

When calculating damage after you have finished rolling damage dice on a strike, you may choose the highest or lowest of these that you have rolled and instead set all of the rolled dice to that value.

Pre-casting (1000)

A character with this feat, may designate magical delay from their current turn to count towards the magical delay cost of a spell on their next turn.

Devotion (1000)

Tag an unfavored skill that is already at rank 10 as favored. Cannot be bought more than once.

Primal (1000)

After all damage is rolled, add half of the flat damage dealt to the final damage of the strike.

Lunging Strike (1000)

A melee character with this feat may designate a lunging strike, which allows them to strike and move towards a target at the same time. The character moves 1 foot per delay spent on the strike.

Lucky II (1200)

May now buy up to 3 Luck. Can only purchase if you have already purchased Lucky I.

Coordinate (1200)

With this feat the character may transfer their unused base delay to another character. This delay may exceed the cap of the receiver.

Peerless (1200)

A character with this feat, may nullify the extra effects of a critical failure by rolling a second roll at one level of increased difficulty. If they fail this check, the critical failure stands. It is now judged to see if it is under or even to the difficulty of the check.

Flurry of Blows (1200)

A character with Flurry of Blows may choose to calculate his delay separately for each hand in melee. However, he may not use the modifiers on his blows and may not aim the strikes.

Required: Agility: 9, Weapon Skill: 10

Fierce (1250)

Every time you critically fail in combat, stack a counter on yourself. Spend that counter any time you fail a check to reroll that check for zero delay. The counter only lasts for the duration of combat. Can stack up to three times.

Refocusing (1250)

If the caster only cast one spell this turn, the first spell they cast next turn will be an automatic crit.

Death-March (1500)

The physical delay used in any killing melee blow is refunded.

Innervate (1500)

If the caster used four or more spells during their turn, add 3 magical delay before their turn is over.

Aggregator (2000)

All upkeep costs on channeling spells are reduced by 1 per turn, not to drop below 1.

Ruthless (3000)

Any successful melee strike upon a location with half health or less becomes a critical strike.

Divine Will (3000)

At the end of every turn, you may make an impossible check and cast one of the spells you have learned at zero magical delay.