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Alcohol Effect: Each dose the target consumes progresses one further through the following l...
Traits and Flaws
Traits Traits represent useful abilities that a weapon, armor, or item has. There are two di...
Known as: Transfigurist, Geomancer, Shapeshifter, Druid Tier 1 Sense Transfigurist Spel...
Flying The Kaze can fly of their own volition. They make flight checks just as if they were mo...
Hard Caps and Soft Caps
In Nyra there are hard caps and soft caps on skills. For example, there is a soft cap on every sk...
When a character fails a check (so long as it was not a critical failure), they will often have s...
Difficulty Thresholds
One of the fundamental mechanics of Nyra is the concept of difficulty thresholds. Depending on th...
Skill Checks
Nyra is a d10 system in which a player is required to roll under their skill in order to achieve ...
Life of Warfare +1 to Sequence at character creation, not to exceed the maximum. Combat Refle...
THE THE is the most powerful and ancient embodiment of chaos, having arisen in the early catacly...
The Uru
Before time came to be and all things lay in oblivion, formless and without distinction, all was ...
54c. Skill Cost Tables
The following table shows the skill point cost for each individual skill rank: Skill R...
Basic Weapons and Shields
Introduction The following document is a record of all of the basic, unmodified versions of ...
Each character in combat has a statistic called Sequence. Sequence is how quickly a character r...
Name Type: Reptile, Cephalopod, Crustacean, Avian, Mammal, Fish, Insect, Plant, Amphibian, Human...
The engineer is not a common profession to those of Nyra. To most races the only engineers tha...
A Arba Grain Type: Grain Size: Medium Region: 27 The Arba Grain is a parasitic organism wh...
Assassin: Small Blades, Stealth Poisoner: Profession (Alchemy), Small Blades Thief: Pickpocke...
Utwesh History
4500 The early Utwesh society was based on worship of nature and life, although clans formed, th...