The Savant may make a roll to create a contact at GM discretion. In order to determine whether they succeed in having this contact, they roll against their CHA primary statistic added to their Fame. If they do not roll under this combined score, they do not have the contact described. Depending on how far under they roll, the GM can determine the degree of their success. The contact should be considered more difficult based on how advantageous it is to the player.
A Savant may have followers equivalent to their CHA modifier.
Think Tank
The Savant gains double skill points from everything except being instructed. The skill points that a Savant and their followers gain, go into one pool to be spent among any of the people they control.
A Savant is a person who knows people, things, or places...and in some cases, all three. Savants range from politicians, to scribes, to bards, to any person in society who gets their jobs done and achieves their means through interaction, manipulation, or social skills. They are the thinkers, the controllers, the bosses, the assistants, and every type of person who does not pick up a sword to defeat his enemy.