If an enemy is unaware of the Rogue, the player may do an aimed strike on that target at Normal check.
A rogue may choose a target and, for each delay spent, add +1 to crit chance on that target for the duration of battle. Also for every extra delay spent, instead of doubling damage on a crit, roll on a dice to see the damage multiplier. Use the below table to determine which dice:
1: d4
2: d6
3: d8
4: d10
5: d12
6: d20
City Foot
Enemies do not get to make checks to detect the player if they are in the city
Rogues are the various scoundrels, thugs, and pickpockets of the city-scape. Those that set themselves apart not by poverty, but by their ability to get things done through manipulation, subtlety, and pure visceral enforcement. Problem solvers of the highest degree, they are set upon when one needs to disappear, when one needs to acquire assets, or when one may need anything done which may put them on the wrong side of the law.