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149 total results found


Nyra: The Dark Age Classes

  Contact The Savant may make a roll to create a contact at GM discretion. In order to determine whether they succeed in having this contact, they roll against their CHA primary statistic added to their Fame. If they do not roll under this combined score, th...


Nyra: The Dark Age Classes

Pugilism Has access to new unarmed skills. These can be used as if they were Combat Skills for the purposes of counter-attacks. Ironfist Does 2d4 damage on punches, in stead of 1d8. Pivot Gets an extra Dodge roll on ever Dodge check.   Brawlers are th...


Nyra: The Dark Age Classes

  Sureshot If an enemy is unaware of the Hunter and are in long range, the player may do an aimed strike on that target at Normal check. Nature Step Enemies do not get to make checks to detect the player if they are in the wilderness. Quickshooting The h...


Nyra: The Dark Age Classes

Surestrike If an enemy is unaware of the Rogue, the player may do an aimed strike on that target at Normal check. Premeditation A rogue may choose a target and, for each delay spent, add +1 to crit chance on that target for the duration of battle. Also fo...


Nyra: The Dark Age Classes

  Arkhan's Gift  +1 to MAG without accruing any penalties at character creation.  Magic Magic is available to character at creation. Mages are those that have accumulated magic in their blood. They have learned to manipulate a part of their brain that a...


Nyra: The Dark Age Sub-Classes

Assassin: Small Blades, Stealth Poisoner: Profession (Alchemy), Small Blades Thief: Pickpocket, Stealth Burglar: Lockpick, Pickpocket Vagrant: Navigation, Lore (Streetwise) Acrobat: Acrobatics, Dodge Knife Fighter: Small Blades, Dodge Spy: Observation...


Nyra: The Dark Age Sub-Classes

Stonewall: Defense, Willpower  Smith: Profession (Blacksmith), Bargain Soldier: Profession (Surgeon), Weapon Skill (Choose) Body Guard: Lore (Etiquette), Defense Mercenary: Weapon Skill (Choose), Bargain Duelist: Weapon Skill (Choose), Defense Tyrant: ...


Nyra: The Dark Age Sub-Classes

Ranger: Archery, Swords Survivalist: Navigation, Tracking Bowman: Profession (Fletchery), Archery Dragoon: Polearms, Riding Medic: Biology, Medical Rifleman: Firearms, Profession (Engineer) Sniper: Stealth,  Ranged Weapon Skill Hawk: Marksmanship, Cli...


Nyra: The Dark Age Sub-Classes

  Diplomat: Persuasion, Leadership Dictator: Leadership, Intimidation Teacher: Instruction, Lore (Choose) Actor: Act/Bluff, Disguise Professional: Profession (Choose), Profession (Choose) Lorekeeper: Lore (Choose), Lore (Choose) Historian: Literacy, Lor...


Nyra: The Dark Age Sub-Classes

Transfigurist: Attunement (Solid), Magic (Solid) Fluxus: Attunement (Liquid), Magic (Liquid) Ventusari: Attunement (Gas), Magic (Gas) Infernai: Attunement (Plasma-Fire), Magic (Plasma-Fire) Orderist: Attunement (Order), Magic (Order) Noxai: Attunement (...


Nyra: The Dark Age Sub-Classes

  Martial Artist: Unarmed (Strikes), Unarmed (Grapples) Monk: Clubs, Unarmed (Strikes) Grappler: Unarmed (Grapples), Gouge Street Fighter: Unarmed (Strikes), Observation Show Fighter: Act/Bluff, Unarmed (Strikes) Striker: Unarmed (Strikes), Dodge Wrestl...


Nyra: The Dark Age Species

Tenacity  For purposes of calculating skill point gain from critical success and critical failure, the character triples their modifier. Iron Will -2 difficulty to all Willpower and Focus checks. Gumption All skill points generated from critical success...


Nyra: The Dark Age Species

Sonar When Sarkin make Observation checks, they may factor in their sonar. This means they can sense in the dark, around corners, and through walls. Sark Wisdom The Sarkin gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and failu...


Nyra: The Dark Age Species

Mageblood Ponderans have an innate communion with the magic stream. They get + 1 MAG at character creation. Brilliance The Ponderan gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and failures in Intelligence. Arkhan's Meditatio...


Nyra: The Dark Age Species

Charismatic Peoples The Ethakkra gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and failures in Charisma. They also get +1 to all Charisma skills at character creation. Well-Connected Ethakkran Savants get -2 difficulty to all ...


Nyra: The Dark Age Species

Agile The Utwesh gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and failures in Agility. Lurking -2 difficulty to all Stealth checks. Nimble Retreat -2 difficulty to all Flee checks. Alacrity Utwesh get plus one to their AGI...


Nyra: The Dark Age Species

Flying The Kaze can fly of their own volition. They make flight checks just as if they were moving, with all the same penalties in battle. Saving rolls for flight are made with the AGI primary statistic. If the character is wearing armor of Medium category ...


Nyra: The Dark Age Species

Grit When the Kalnis is rolling a test against a target, the Kalnis wins all tie rolls. Does not apply against other Kalni. Battle Reflexes +1 Sequence, able to exceed maximum Feral Scent Kalni have an uncannily good sense of smell, able to track the sc...


Nyra: The Dark Age Species

Massive Famulus are Large size category and have superior health calculations. Mighty Famulus get plus one to their STR cap at character creation. Brawny Famulus get plus one to their CON cap at character creation. Avalanche The Famulus gain triple t...


Nyra: The Dark Age Primary Statistics

Strength is the rating which measures your character's strength in conventional physical applications, such as lifting a heavy rock, or even wielding a certain weapon. The weights listed below are the maximum weights that a character with the given strength ca...