Famulus are Large size category and have superior health calculations.
Famulus get plus one to their STR cap at character creation.
Famulus get plus one to their CON cap at character creation.
The Famulus gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and failures in Strength and Constitution.
The Famulus are a race bred originally to be the servants and workhorses of the Ponderan. This is a capacity they served for quite some time, convinced by the Ponderan that this was their birth-right. In the beginning they were treated kindly, their name "Famulus," meaning "family." However, as time went forth, it became the norm that Famulus were subjugated to do mostly a slave's work with little or no payment. The Famulus, despite this, were given education and did serve in the Ponderan military as it stood.
But revolution stirred among the Famulus slaves, educated with knowledge of history, and some returning from bloody battles. This instinct to rebel and to strike down their oppressors became heavy within their peoples. Before the Ponderan could quell it, the Famulus rose up with a mighty swiftness and killed thousands of Ponderans in one bloody night called 'Ferucia,' or 'Massacre.' In the following months, the Ponderans were thrown from their home island and the Famulus ran free.
However, as the years wore on, the Famulus realized that they had not been educated fully and that the society the Ponderan had built was one they were not equipped to usurp. Famulus, being large in size and having just learned the apparent lesson that might wins, began to brew a culture that was more about violence and action. About getting what one wants contrary to opponents. This meant that piracy and raiding of various societies on Nyra became commonplace by the Famulus about one hundred years ago.
Today the Famulus have a society that is plunged into a sort of Dark Ages. Their power structure is predicated on fear and brutal control. They have taken to the sea by mimicking the boats they recovered after the war with the Ponderans. The physical laborers such as blacksmiths, fletchers, shipmakers, etc are called Fruhg and they are seen as inherently inferior to those who reave and raid. However, they are treated with a sort of accepting disdain, as being necessary to perpetuate the war machine.
They do not fear mages, they just see them as physically frail. There are two main religious sects in the Famulus society; those who worship fire and those who worship chaos. To those who worship fire, the Infernai are seen as a weapon of war and mass destruction, they are revered. To those who worship chaos, the Noxai are seen more as priests who bring the word of their god THE to the world, fueling their raiding parties as they pillage the coastlines of Nyra.
However, thousands of Fruhg have abandoned the society of Famulus who live on Onus and have settled in the southern lands of Faydorn. This new society of Famulus value solitude and self-determination and just wish to till their land and pioneer the open wilderness. The Faydornian Fruhg have embraced solid and liquid mages and have begun stable trade relations with the Utwesh to their north. The Fruhgish society is organized into homesteads with some small settlements made upon the coastline. They are generally simple people who dislike conflict, unless forced into it.
Lifespan: 30-215 years
Height: 7'5"-10'1"
Language: Pondera-Gara
Statistic Minimums:
STR: 6
AGI: 6
CON: 6
INT: 3
WIS: 1
CHA: 2
MAG: 1
Health Calculations:
Head: CON + 2 for slight. (CON * 2) + 4 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.
Chest: (CON + STR) * 2 + 5 for slight. (CON + STR) * 4 + 10 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.
Limbs: CON + STR + 5 for slight. (CON + STR) * 2 + 10 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.