Strength is the rating which measures your character's strength in conventional physical applications, such as lifting a heavy rock, or even wielding a certain weapon. The weights listed below are the maximum weights that a character with the given strength can lift from the ground and hold.
1: Immobile
2: 10 lbs.
3: 25 lbs.
4: 40 lbs.
5: 100 lbs.
6: 200 lbs.
7: 400 lbs.
8: 500 lbs.
9: 750 lbs.
10: 1250 lbs.
11: 2500 lbs.
12: 6000 lbs.
13: 10,000 lbs.
Creatures Only
14: 20,000 lbs.
15: 40,000 lbs.
16: 80,000 lbs.
17: 160,000 lbs.
18: 320,000 lbs.
19: 640,000 lbs.
20: 1,280,000 lbs.