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The Kaze can fly of their own volition. They make flight checks just as if they were moving, with all the same penalties in battle. Saving rolls for flight are made with the AGI primary statistic. If the character is wearing armor of Medium category or above, they cannot fly, they can only glide.


The Kaze has a -3 to Flee rolls so long as they can incorporate flight as a rapid escape. This also gives -1 difficulty to Dodge checks. This passive does not have any effect on Flee or Dodge checks indoors.


-2 difficulty to all Focus checks.


Make an extra Lore slot favored.


Kaze have very good sight and have a +2 to Observation checks that involve vision

A species of tall and imposing birdlike humanoids. They are varied between many different subspecies with various colors of feathers and beak shapes. Their wings are functional, a set of fingers with opposable thumbs extending at the joint. 

As a culture they revere discipline, foresight, and humility. Follow-through is about a fluid and efficient movement. Combat is about the killing blow. They are obsessed with amassing knowledge and are compulsive about verification and authenticity. Because of this they are the most respected spies and information traders, but also expert marksman and record keepers. Their social structure is formed through a sort of feedback cycle: to seek knowledge, they must empower their species and engender an internally consistent culture. To make a strong culture and to decide who is fit to lead, they must eternally seek knowledge. There is always, therefore, a sort of balance between boldness in experimentation and uncovering new ideas with accountability if one’s boldness does not pay off. 

Although the Kaze often travel in flocks, they are individualistic upon arriving. They view the flourishing of the individual as worthwhile, not because it is of benefit to the individual, but because the individual is a useful part of society. They do not share their information openly outside their species, amassing knowledge in tomes, scrolls, envisioned in the songs they sing at taverns and the stories they tell around the campfires. They delight in discovery, exploration, and travel. 

Those who are most knowledgeable and most academically astute are revered as the ideal specimen. Philosophers are kings, scientists build laws, and the researchers of all fields are given their time to speak before all others when their specialty is needed. Their governmental structure and social contract is rapidly evolving with information and exterior pressures. At present time, their government is composed of the academic elite, with no size limit specified. Their economy is mostly mercantile, with individuals and small groups owning enterprises, which are then bolstered by national leadership. These enterprises are allowed autonomy if their interests do not conflict with the technocratic leadership.

Lifespan: 50-230 years

Height: 6'6"-8'6"

Homeland: Kaem

Language: Kazein

Statistic Minimums:

STR: 3

AGI: 6

CON: 4

INT: 5

WIS: 5

CHA: 4

MAG: 1

Health Calculations:

Head: CON for slight. (CON * 2) for serious. Add CON mod for critical.

Chest: CON * 2 + STR for slight. CON * 4 + STR for serious. Add CON mod for critical.

Arms: (CON + STR) - 3 for slight. (CON + STR) * 2 - 6 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.

Legs: CON + STR for slight. (CON+STR) * 2 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.