When the Kalnis is rolling a test against a target, the Kalnis wins all tie rolls. Does not apply against other Kalni.
Battle Reflexes
+1 Sequence, able to exceed maximum
Feral Scent
Kalni have an uncannily good sense of smell, able to track the scent of a thing over very long expanses. Observation may now be used in tandem with this heightened sense.
Magic Sensitive
Kalni can roll Observation at Difficult check to sense magic in their presence.
Combat Adapted
The Kalni gain triple their modifier when calculating skill point gain from success and failures in Strength and Agility.
Kalni are the large, brawny people of the northern icy climate of the Faydorn area. They are, on average, around one to two feet taller than the average human, and are also much wider, hairier, more muscular, and with a much stronger disposition towards the crafts of war, and cultural rites and traditions than the other species.
There are three distinct nations of Kalni: the nation of G’ok, the Braggos, and the Peridar Kingdom. The Braggos are the most brutal of the three, worshipping pain and dominance. They are typically cannibalistic and run their economy on slave labor. Their hierarchy is decided purely by will-to-power. The nation of G’ok is a tribunal-run-collective of previously warring nation-states between the McPherson, ‘Nak, and ‘Min tribes, which maintains a strong economy and an enduring warrior tradition. Lastly, the Peridar, lying to the east, have built a massive wall between them and the rest of the Kalni. Although their warrior’s tradition is strong, their time behind the wall has allowed them to pursue cultural and economic pursuits, without concerns for the bloodlust of the Braggos to their west. They have established some trade with the Ethakkra to the south.
Lifespan: 15-155 years
Height: 6'1-8'1
Homeland: G'ok, Braggoslands, Peridar
Language: Kalnis
Statistic Minimums:
STR: 6
AGI: 5
CON: 6
INT: 4
WIS: 1
CHA: 4
MAG: 0
Health Calculation:
Head: CON for slight. CON * 2 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.
Chest: (CON + STR) * 2 for slight. (CON + STR) * 4 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.
Limbs: CON + STR for slight. (CON + STR) * 2 for serious. Add CON mod for critical.